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The following paper is inspired by an undergoing debate at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland pertaining to a controversial issue presented in the documents of legislative process, namely that of the interpreter's and the legislator's interdependency. Employing the legal and factual framework of a question addressed to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland, concerning an interpretation of one of the infrequent agricultural and rural laws, the author aims to expand on the question's main concept, as well as the motifs present in the voted legislation. For this reason, the main purpose of this paper is to determine how the legislative materials can impact on the legal interpretation process. Hence, the author's commentary on The Supreme Court's argument which is directly connected to the interpretation of the debated regulations, pinpoints the functional and systematic rationale of the Supreme Courts's stance. Consequently, by utilizing the theoretical and legal constitutional arguments, the author comes to a conclusion that even though the legislative process' documents may be useful in the process of law interpretation, they ought to be considered as subsidiary models of interpretation only. For this reason, referring to them ought not to transform the unequivocal linguistic, functional and systematic interpretation.
Niniejszy artykuł - przygotowany na kanwie rozważań Sądu Najwyższego - porusza sporne zagadnienie zakresu związania interpretatora wyrażoną w materiałach procesu legislacyjnego wolą faktycznego prawodawcy. Opierając się na prawno-faktycznym tle skierowanego do SN pytania prawnego, związanego z potrzebą wykładni jednej z epizodycznych ustaw z zakresu prawa rolnego, autor zmierza do twórczego rozwinięcia myśli i motywów przedstawionych w glosowanej uchwale. Celem artykułu pozostaje bowiem ustalenie, jaką rolę mogą pełnić materiały legislacyjne w procesie wykładni prawa. Dlatego rozbudowując początkowo argumentację SN związaną bezpośrednio z egzegezą spornych regulacji, autor uwypukla funkcjonalną i systemową racjonalność zajętego przez SN stanowiska interpretacyjnego. Kolejno zaś, opierając swoje rozważania na argumentach teoretycznoprawnych i konstytucyjnych, dochodzi do konkluzji, że choć materiały legislacyjne mogą być pomocne w procesie wykładni prawa, to jednak powinny one stanowić co najwyżej subsydiarny wzorzec interpretacji. Toteż powołanie się na nie nie może przełamywać jednoznacznych wyników wykładni językowej, funkcjonalnej i systemowej.
Problematyka niniejszego artykułu dotyczy jednego z aspektów prawnych działalności muzeów na wolnym powietrzu, czyli prowadzenia przez nie działalności rolniczej. Specyfika tej grupy muzeów oraz ich charakter sprawiają, że na gruncie prawnym są one nie tylko muzeami w rozumieniu Ustawy z dnia 21 listopada 1996 r. o muzeach, lecz także gospodarstwami rolnymi, do których stosuje się przepisy szeroko rozumianego prawa rolnego. Co więcej, hodowane w muzeach zwierzęta wymagają stałej opieki weterynaryjnej, a za jej zapewnienie odpowiada dyrektor instytucji. Są to zagadnienia, które nie wynikają wprost z Ustawy o muzeach i między innymi z tego powodu stanowią liczne problemy praktyczne dla muzealników. Tekst wzbogacony został o – ujęte w tabele i diagram – wyniki przeprowadzonego przez autorkę badania ankietowego wśród polskich muzeów na wolnym powietrzu, którego celem było ukazanie problemów prawnych, z którymi borykają się muzealnicy w codziennej pracy w tych muzeach. Artykuł stanowi pionierskie opracowanie przedmiotowej problematyki, gdyż do tej pory nie była ona w polskiej literaturze analizowana.
The de minimis assistance in agriculture is a relatively new issue in the Polish agricultural law. It is connected with the introduction of EU principles of financial support for this sector of the Polish economy. The aim of these considerations was to present an attempt at a possibly comprehensive approach to problems connected with de minimis assistance in agriculture and to clarify doubts found in practice. In conclusion the author states among other things that EU regulations very generally define de minimis assistance, which sometimes causes problems with its interpretation, but creates a chance for the prompt introduction of new forms of assistance by individual member countries, taking into consideration current needs of agricultural producers. Certain legal acts expressis verbis define a given assistance as de minimis, while other disregard this issue. In practice many problems are caused by the individual premises for the granting of a specific type of this assistance. These considerations are concluded with an attempt at a classification of de minimis assistance in agriculture.
Gli aiuti de minimis in agricoltura fanno parte delle questioni relativamente nuove del diritto agrario polacco. Essi sono legati all’introduzione delle regole europee di sostegno finanziario a questo settore dell’economia nel nostro paese. Lo scopo delle considerazioni è un tentativo di proporre un inquadramento abbastanza olistico delle più importanti questioni relative agli aiuti de minimis in agricoltura e di risolvere delle questioni dubbiose verificatesi in pratica. In conclusione, l’Autrice afferma, tra l’altro, che le norme dell’Unione determinano gli aiuti de minimis in maniera molto generale, il che porta a volte a delle difficoltà di interpretazione, ma crea anche l’opportunità di una rapida introduzione di nuove forme di aiuto da parte degli Stati membri, tenendo conto delle attuali esigenze dei produttori agricoli. Alcuni atti giuridici definiscono un dato aiuto in termini di aiuto de minimis expressis verbis, mentre altre ignorano il problema. Numerose difficoltà pratiche derivano dalle condizioni dettagliate relative alla concessione del concreto tipo dell’aiuto in questione. Le considerazioni terminano con una proposta di classificazione degli aiuti de minimis in agricoltura.
The rapid development of agricultural law as a new branch in the Russian legal system is determined both by the radical transformation of the social and political system in Russia and the creation of new legal foundations for the activity of agricultural producers. This law, due to the characteristics and structure, is defined as a complex specialised branch of law, which forms a comprehensive system of related legal norms regulating agricultural social relations in the sphere of economic activity. Agricultural relations are of considerable social importance, which results in a situation when they become the subject of an independent, separate legal regulation, a special set of different integrated norms and legal institutions. At present the Russian agricultural law has its own legal foundations, which are characterised by a sufficiently broad scope and cover different aspects of activity of agricultural producers under market economy conditions. Legal institutions in agricultural law are unique in character not only due to their subject, but also the contents of objectives of legal regulations. In view of the rapid development of agrarian relations the author defines trends and prospects for further development of agricultural law in Russia as an independent branch within the Russian legal system.
Il rapido sviluppo del diritto agrario in quanto nuova branca nel sistema giuridico russo è determinato sia dalla radicale trasformazione del sistema socio-politico della Russia sia dalla creazione di nuove basi legali dell’attività dei produttori agricoli. Questo diritto, viste le caratteristiche e la struttura, viene descritto come branca specializzata e complessa della legge, la quale crea un sistema coerente di norme giuridiche interconnesse che disciplinano i rapporti agricoli sociali nella sfera di attività economica. I rapporti agricoli hanno una notevole importanza sociale, il che fa sì che essi diventino oggetto di una indipendente, separata regolazione giuridica, un insieme speciale di una serie integrata di svariate norme e istituzioni giuridiche. Il diritto agrario russo possiede ormai una sua propria base giuridica, caratterizzata da un ambito sufficientemente ampio, la quale comprende diversi aspetti dell’attività dei produttori agricoli nelle condizioni di economia di mercato. Le istituzioni giuridiche del diritto agrario hanno una loro specificità non solo in base al soggetto, ma anche al contenuto e agli obiettivi della regolazione giuridica. Dato il rapido sviluppo dei rapporti agrari, l’Autore definisce le tendenze e le prospettive di un ulteriore sviluppo del diritto agrario in Russia come ramo indipendente nel sistema giuridico russo.
In Community law, the term rural tourism is more often used than agro tourism. Neither of the terms though has been given a definition. The aim of this paper is to precise the concept and scope of rural tourism, to identify its subject and objects, and the extent to which it is related to an agricultural holding and agricultural activity. In order to do that, relevant legislation enacted in the last 28 years has been analysed. Since Agenda 2000, rural tourism has been understood much more broadly, and the recent regulation 1698/2005 placed it among projects that are being undertaken by numbers of entities functioning in rural areas. In that regulation, no attention is put to the extent or characteristics of the phenomenon which is treated as an element of rural policy the objective of which is better profitability or higher income of farmers and development of rural areas by different forms of support extended to them. Members states on the other hand have been given the task of forming definitions and criteria of hospitality in rural areas and, possibly, differentiating between rural tourism and agro tourism.
Il diritto comunitario utilizza più spesso il termine turismo rurale piuttosto che agriturismo, pur non avendo elaborato nessuna definizione in merito. Per questo motivo l’obiettivo dell’articolo è quello di individuare, sulla base dei provvedimenti legislativi adottati nell’arco degli ultimi 28 anni, gli elementi giuridici del turismo rurale e, cioé, gli elementi oggettivi e soggettivi, nonché il grado di connessione del turismo rurale con l’azienda e l’attività agricola. A partire da Agenda 2000, il turismo rurale viene inteso in senso ampio, come mezzo per la diversificazione dell’economia rurale, mentre, nell’ultimo regolamento n. 1698/2005 sullo sviluppo rurale, viene collocato nell’ambito delle azioni intraprese da una pluralità di soggetti operanti nelle zone rurali. Il legislatore non si occupa della determinazione dei limiti e delle caratteristiche del fenomeno, trattandolo come mero strumento della politica rurale che si prefigge l’obiettivo di migliorare i redditi degli agricoltori e di supportare e valorizzazare le aree rurali. Egli lascia agli ordinamenti nazionali dei Paesi Membri la competenza di stabilire la definizione e i criteri dell’ospitalità nei territori rurali e l’eventuale differenziazione tra la nozione di turismo rurale e quella di agriturismo.
Content available El Derecho Agrario y el desarrollo rural sostenible
 Agricultural law seen in the context of rural development should respond to current challenges. Prioritising the organisation of a system that integrates multiple functions and dimensions of agricultural policy and sustainable rural development has become a social necessity. It is proposed therefore that the law on sustainable rural development adopted in Spain be a reference point for the legislative work in Cuba ensuring that agricultural law relates to the environmental aspects of agriculture, food and rural development. In this way the basic tenets of rural development can be preserved, the stability of farms ensured and the quality of life in these areas improved.
Prawo rolne ujmowane w kontekście rozwoju obszarów wiejskich powinno odpowiadać aktualnym wyzwaniom. Społeczną koniecznością jest nadanie priorytetu organizacji systemu integrującego wielorakie funkcje i wymiary polityki rolnej oraz zrównoważonego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Ustawa o zrównoważonym rozwoju środowiska wiejskiego w Hiszpanii mogłaby zdaniem autorki być punktem odniesienia dla prac legislacyjnych na Kubie, które powiązałyby prawo rolne z aspektami środowiskowymi rolnictwa, żywności i rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Taka ustawa zapewniałaby ochronę podstawowym założeniom rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, służyłaby zapewnieniu stabilności gospodarstw rolnych i poprawie jakości życia na tych obszarach.
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