W polskim systemie prawnym funkcjonują trzy ustawy o organizacjach pozarządowych, na ich podstawie działają także organizacje proobronne. Organizacje te, pomimo ich szczególnej roli, nie zostały do tej pory objęte osobnymi regulacjami prawnymi. W niniejszej pracy Autor pokrótce definiuje organizacje proobronne, następnie opisuje istniejące akty prawne, które regulują działalność tych organizacji oraz dokonuje analizy politologicznej i prawnej, celem przedstawienia koniecznych w tym zakresie rozwiązań.
The Polish legal system contains three NGO acts. They are legal basic also for pro-defence organizations. However, despite their specific role, the pro-defence NGO’s, so far have never been covered by separate regulations. In this paper Author briefly defines pro-defence organizations, and then describes the existing legal acts, which regulate the activities of these organizations and analyze the political science and law aspects of existing and further regulations.
The Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland (PSRP) is a representative institution of the higher education community. It brings together representatives of student self-governments of all universities – regardless of their profile and level of education. It is an association type organization with legal personality. The scope of activity of the PSSP and the competences of its bodies result from the Act on Higher Education and Science and its statute, which becomes effective after approval by the Minister of Science and Higher Education. This body finances the activities of the PSRP in the form of an entity grant, and at the same time is a supervisory body over the activities of the Parliament. By referring to the Law on Associations, the supervisory body shall use the means of supervisory intervention appropriate for associations. The type of the applied supervisory measure is determined by the degree of violation of the law or the statute by the PSRP or its bodies. If the violation is gross or persistent, without positive prognosis, Parliament is subject to judicial interference. The aim of this work is to present the functioning of the PSRP, with particular emphasis on the competences of its various bodies and the supervision of their activities, as well as the judicial control of these activities, with reference to the provisions of the Law on Associations.
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