Przedstawiono regulacje prawne dotyczące recyklingu obowiązujące w Polsce oraz w Unii Europejskiej.
Polish and European Union legal regulations concerned with waste recycling have been presented. An attention has been also paid to legal works now in progress on the topic.
Each country in the European Union (EU) has its own legal system of environmental protection inc. rules of eco-crime fighting. The world copes environmental crime, developing better and better structures, laws and control systems. Establishing effective administrative sanction rules may help decrease environmental damage. The goal of the paper is the comparison of administrative sanctions for environmental crime in five different areas of the EU: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Poland. The mechanisms of sanctions, fines and penalties in studied areas are based on financial fines. Although the states do their best to develop the most effective tools possible to enforce environmental protection and control its quality, it is not always possible in reality. Understanding and weighing the value of environmental destruction is difficult. It takes into account the human, economic and ecological aspects (considering the quality of the environment closest to the natural state).
Każdy kraj w Unii Europejskiej (UE) ma swój własny system prawa ochrony środowiska, w tym zasady walki z eco-przestępczością. Świat walczy z przestępczością środowiskową rozwijając coraz lepsze struktury, zasady i system kontroli. Ustanowienie odpowiednich norm sankcji może pomóc w zmniejszeniu przestępczości środowiskowej. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest porównanie systemów kar za szkody w środowisku we Francji, Niemczech, Włoszech, Polsce i Hiszpanii. Mechanizmy sankcji, kar i grzywien bazują na karze finansowej. Chociaż państwa starają się stworzyć możliwie najbardziej efektywne instrumenty egzekwowania zasad ochrony środowiska i kontroli jego jakości, nie zawsze jest to zakończone sukcesem. Zrozumienie i ocena wartości szkód wyrządzo-nych w środowisku jest trudna. Uwzględnia aspekt ludzki, ekonomiczny i ekologiczny (dążący do przywrócenia środowiska najbliżej stanu naturalnego).
The author discusses the main sources of marine environment pollution and measures to prevent, reduce, and control to ensure effective protection, and cooperation on a global or regional basis. Legal measures have been included for enforcement with respect to the marine environment from harmful effects that may arise from pollution from land-based sources, pollution by dumping, pollution from vessels, and pollution from activities in the Area. Enforcement comprises proper measures by flag and port States as well as coastal States. Topical issues have been discussed rules and principles regulated by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982). i.e. uses of the seas and oceans, the conservation of their living resources" and the study, protection, and preservation of the marine environment. Also, the same selected matters of the marine environment protection and regional co-operation in Europe as well as in Asia and Pacific rims have been included.
Certainly, the renewable energy sector in Poland should be the beneficiary of the European Union enlargement. It results from both the energy policy and EU law. Poland should adopt national law to the EU requirements in the field of renewable energy sources. Polish legislators may rest on other countries' experiences in this subject. We especially should take into consideration Spanish and German measures. Spanish and German mechanisms of support for renewable energy sources at the national level are very interesting solutions. Those measures are intended to help to attain objectives such as meeting the commitments given on climate change, environmentally sustainable security of supply, and promotion of renewable energy sources. The article is an analysis of Spanish and German support systems in view of the modification of Polish law in the field of renewable energy sources.
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