The paper presents the construction (jakoś) mówiąc ‘speaking (in some manner)’, against the background of metatextual expressions which serve the sender to comment on the utterance as it is created. The kind of this commentary depends on the filling of the valency slot opened by the quasi- -adverbial, i.e. on the meaning of the adverbial expression represented by the forms of adverbs (e.g. krótko ‘briefly’, inaczej ‘differently’, delikatniej ‘more subtly’, ściślej ‘more precisely’, wprost ‘bluntly’, ogólnie ‘generally’, szczerze ‘honestly’, poważnie ‘gravely’), adverbial expressions (e.g. z grubsza ‘roughly’, w skrócie ‘in short’, w cudzysłowie ‘in quotes’), the po _-u construction (e.g. po polsku ‘in Polish’, po ludzku ‘humanely’, po prostacku ‘in a boorish way’, po ludowemu ‘the folk way’, po sportowemu ‘the sport way’), and quasi-instrumentals (językiem _ ‘in the _ language’, słowami _ ‘with _ words’, żargonem _ ‘in the _ jargon’). The author shows how adverbials struggle to become independent from mówiąc, and presents their semantic classification based on two clearly separated groups: adverbials which project an evaluation of the communication (e.g. szczerze ‘honestly’, skromnie ‘humbly’, serio ‘seriously’, żartobliwie ‘facetiously’), and adverbials which name operations performed on the communication, i.e. modify its content (e.g. krótko ‘briefly’, ogólnie ‘generally’, precyzyjniej ‘more precisely’) or select a system of symbols (e.g. symbolicznie ‘symbolically’, po ludzku ‘humanely’, brutalnie ‘brutally’, fachowo ‘professionally’, po heglowsku ‘in a Hegelian manner’).
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This article deals with the construction “Karla_Gotta_nemusím” [I don’t have to have Karel Gott] which has recently developed in the Czech and Slovak youth language variety and began spreading to other registers. The contribution is based on a questionnaire carried out among students in Prague, Brno and Trnava. The linguistic analysis is inspired by Construction Grammar. In this specific constructional context involving negation, the original modal verbs of necessity are used as main verbs with the new meaning ‘to dislike’, which is accompanied by a change in the complementation pattern: instead of an infinitive phrase, the modals govern a nominal phrase in the accusative. The second part of the article is dedicated to the question of whether the development of the modals muset and musieť [must, have to] into the construction “Karla_Gotta_nemusím” presents a case of a) lexicalization, b) pragmaticalization, or c) degrammaticalization. This is an instance of a change from a modal auxiliary verb to a lexical one, which could be treated as one of the very rare instances of degrammaticalization.
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