Praca prezentuje walory przyrodnicze projektowanego użytku ekologicznego „Warciańskie Ługi”, zlokalizowanego w holoceńskiej pradolinie rzeki Warty na wysokości zbiornika retencyjnego „Jeziorsko”. Badania szaty roślinnej prowadzono w latach 2007–2008. Na pięciohektarowym obszarze wyróżniono 13 zbiorowisk roślinnych: zbiorowiska rzęs Lemnetum trisulcae, okrężnicy bagiennej Hottonietum palustris i żabiścieku pływającego Hydrocharitetum morsus-ranae, szuwary trzcinowe Phragmitetum australis i zachylnikowo-trzcinowe Thelypteridi-Phragmitetum, zbiorowisko torfowiskowe Eriophorum vaginatum-Sphagnum fallax, łozowiska Salicetum pentandro- -cinereae, cztery zbiorowiska leśne naturalne (bór sosnowy bagienny Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetum i bór wilgotny Molinio-Pinetum, zbiorowiska: Betula-Phragmites i Betula-Salix) oraz dwa zbiorowiska antropogeniczne – Pinus-Phragmites i Alnus glutinosa-Carex acutiformis. Odnotowano występowanie 19 gatunków roślin zagrożonych i chronionych
The work presents the results of the research on biodiversity of the vegetation cover in the peat bog area “Ługi” near the River Warta valley (Central Poland). The floristic and phytosociological data were collected in 2007–2008. The spatial mosaic of vegetation in this area is composed of 13 plant communities (Fig. 1): the unattached floating aquatic community with duckweeds Lemnetum trisulcae and with frogbit Hydrocharitetum morsus-ranae, the community of rooted aquatic plants with floating leaves Hottonietum palustris, the rush community with common reed Phragmitetum australis, also with ferns Thelypteridi-Phragmitetum, the peat bog community Eriophorum vaginatum-Sphagnum fallax, brushwoods with willows Salicetum pentandrocinereae (Fig. 2), natural forest communities: bog pine forest Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetum (Fig. 3), wet pine forest Molinio-Pinetum, Betula-Phragmites and Betula-Salix communities and anthropogenic forests communities: Pinus-Phragmites, Alnus glutinosa-Carex acutiformis. The rich flora includes, among others, 19 valuable plant species: strictly protected by law: S. palustre, S. fimbriatum, S. teres, Ledum palustre and Drosera rotundifolia, and partially protected: Leucobryum glaucum, Climacium dendroides, Calliergonella cuspidata, Polytrichum commune, Aulacomnium palustre, Pleurozium schreberi, Sphagnum fallax, S. squarossum, Dicranum scoparium, Menyanthes trifoliata, Frangula alnus and Ribes nigrum. Drosera rotundifolia, Dryopteris cristata are vulnerable vascular plants in Poland. Additionally, Ledum palustre, Andromeda polifolia and Oxycoccus palustris are species threatened in Central Poland. This valuable natural site is worthy of preservation and the establishment of the nature protected area “Warciańskie Ługi” is suggested. The stable hydrological regime is the most important for the maintenance of biodiversity of this place. Furthermore, we ought to control and to reduce the spread of Phragmites australis, Carex acutiformis and Salix sp. to limit the succession of rush and brushwood vegetation into the open area of the bog pine forest.