Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco”Chanel” is a creative icon who has freed the‘new’woman from the millennium of dictated dress codes, stereotypical behaviors and clichéd sexual and status simplification. The little black dress has become synonymous of sophistication, to the femininity she gave the character flavor of relaxation and empowered women with timeless clothing pieces andequipped them with inspiring pieces of jewelry,distinctive decorative accessories and bold fragrances.Since then, with the Chanel fashion women were able to step sovereignly and freely aside of male. Coco resisted the reservation of clothing and decorative pieces and fabrics as exclusively masculine in order to help revolutionary women on their journey to a more a more useful elegance and a more noticeable fatality. Without any doubt she succeeded. She gave the new woman what she could not have before: practicality, youthfulness, timelessness and freedom, which was often scandalous at the time of her creation. But it has paid off with a revolution in the clothing industry and, more importantly,with a historic step in liberating the modern woman.
Celem artykułu jest analiza wypowiedzi projektantów z monografii „Wrocławska Szkoła Projektowania Środków Transportu. 1966-2018” z wykorzystaniem trzech poziomów przetwarzania informacji w mózgu: pierwotnego, behawioralnego i refleksyjnego. Reakcje doświadczonych projektantów ze środowiska wrocławskiego w stosunku do ocenianych pojazdów są potwierdzeniem słuszności teorii Dona Normana, a świadomość tych procesów kognitywnych może wspomóc osiągnięcie porozumienia między projektantami a przedstawicielami zawodów technicznych, którzy muszą ze sobą współpracować w trakcie tworzenia nowych produktów.
The aim of the article is analysing the designers’ statements from the monograph “Wroclaw School of Means of Transport Design. 1966-2018” by means of three levels of perception: visceral, behavioural and reflective. The reactions of the experienced designers from the Wroclaw creative environment to the evaluated products confirm the validity of Don Norman’s theory, while the awareness of these cognitive processes can facilitate understanding between designers and representatives of technical professions, who need to cooperate in the course of creating new products.
In the scientific article, the author explores the influence of Bauhaus aesthetics and ideology on the formation of contemporary artistic and design culture. It is noted that Bauhaus, which operated during the interwar period in Germany, became a key moment in world culture, promoting innovative approaches and the synthesis of art and design. The article discusses key aspects of Bauhaus, its influence, and relevance to contemporary art, architecture, and design. The progressive ideas of this school, such as the synthesis of art and design, experimental approach, functionalism, and visual communication, are considered in the context of their impact on the development of the artistic and design sphere. The school advocated for the combination of different art forms, the creation of functional and simple forms, and the use of new materials and technologies. Artists inspired by these ideas use the synthesis of art and design to create innovative works. They experiment with forms, materials, and concepts to create unique visual impressions. Contemporary artistic culture reflects the diversity of Bauhaus, adapting its principles to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. In addition to art, the author also examines the influence of Bauhaus on contemporary design. The ideas of functionalism and industrial design, emphasizing simplicity and purity of forms, have become the basis for present-day designers. Creating objects that meet the needs of modern life is an essential part of contemporary design trends. The article also investigates how Bauhaus influences architecture. Bauhaus representatives believed that architecture should be functional while embodying aesthetic principles. This concept is reflected in contemporary architectural trends, where simplicity of form and the use of new materials and technologies combine with the desire to create a functional and aesthetic environment. In the conclusions, the author emphasizes the importance of Bauhaus in shaping contemporary artistic and design culture. The influence of Bauhaus is manifested in an open, experimental approach to creativity, the use of new materials and technologies, and a focus on the functionality and simplicity of forms. Bauhaus ideas continue to inspire artists, architects, and designers, contributing to the development of contemporary art and design. All of this highlights the relevance and significance of Bauhaus in the modern world, where the traditions of the past and the innovations of the present come together to create a new dimension of art and design.
Tekst jest przyczynkiem do dyskusji nad książką prof. Wojciecha Gasparskiego Filozofia praktyczności. Traktat o filozofii Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego oraz similaria (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, 2021). Autor artykułu najpierw omawia treść książki i samą ideę praktyczności w kontekście aspiracji filozoficznych prakseologii; następnie omawia dwa możliwe kierunki współczesnej interpretacji prakseologicznej idei praktyczności: popularną w dziedzinie zarządzania tzw. teorię praktyki oraz analityczną filozofię działania. Celem tej zwięzłej dyskusji jest ukazanie potencjału rozwojowego idei prakseologicznych Kotarbińskiego.
The text is a brief contribution to the discussion on Prof. Wojciech Gasparski’s book Filozofia praktyczności (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, 2021). The author first presents the content of the book and the idea of practicality itself in the context of praxiology’s philosophical ambitions. In the second step, the author discusses two possible directions of contemporary interpretation of the praxiological idea of practicality: the so-called practice theory, popular in the field of management, and the analytical philosophy of action. The purpose of this concise discussion is to show the developmental potential of Kotarbiński’s praxiological ideas.
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