This study recruited 16 industrial workers to examine the effects of material, weight, and base area of container on reduction of grip force (ΔGF) and heart rate for a 100-m manual carrying task. This study examined 2 carrying materials (iron and water), 4 carrying weights (4.4, 8.9, 13.3, 17.8 kg), and 2 base areas of container (24 ´ 24 cm, 35 ´ 24 cm). This study showed that carrying water significantly increased ΔGF and heart rate as compared with carrying iron. Also, ΔGF and heart rate significantly increased with carrying weight and base area of container. The effects of base area of container on ΔGF and heart rate were greater in carrying water condition than in carrying iron condition. The maximum dynamic effect of water on ΔGF and heart rate occurred when water occupied ~60%–80% of full volume of the container.
Recently, in Turkey, there has been an increase in the number of violent acts against healthcare workers, towards doctors in particular. This study aimed to investigate the extent of violence, the causes of violence and to evaluate proposed solutions to violence. Out of 597 physicians, 86.4% indicated that they were exposed to at least one type of violence (physical, verbal, sexual) throughout their careers. Among the physicians participating in the study, 27.5% suffered physical threats and 68.6% suffered verbal violence in the past year. Only 40.4% reported the physical violence to their institution. Physicians indicated that the top three causes of violent behavior were excessive demands of patients, the expectation that the issue will be solved immediately and blaming physicians for their problems. To stop violence against themselves, physicians need to raise their voices, along with those of their personal or professional organizations, and should report and follow up incidents.
Wstęp. Celem pracy jest analiza i porównanie dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa pomiędzy pracownikami biurowymi oraz pracownikami fizycznymi. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto grupę 60 osób. Badanych podzielono na dwie różne grupy ze względu na charakter wykonywanej pracy. Pierwszą grupę stanowili pracownicy biurowi (30 osób), drugą pracownicy fizyczni (30 osób). Do przeprowadzenia badań wykorzystano ankietę. Ankieta była standaryzowana oraz anonimowa, zawierała 23 pytania. Próba badawcza stanowiła w sumie 60 ankiet. Zebrane za pomocą ankiety dane zostały poddane analizie statystycznej. Wyniki. U pracowników biurowych częściej występuje ból w szyjnym odcinku kręgosłupa, wśród pracowników fizycznych częściej dotyczy to kręgosłupa lędźwiowego. W obu grupach pod względem stażu pracy był podobny poziom dolegliwości bólowych. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań wykazano, że aktywności fizyczna nie ma wpływu na zmniejszenie bólu kręgosłupa. Wnioski. 1. Dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa pomiędzy pracownikami fizycznymi a biurowymi są istotnie różne. 2. W przypadku obydwu grup badanych ból pojawia się głównie w trakcie oraz po pracy. 3. Obie grupy badane uważają, że ból kręgosłupa utrudnia im wykonywanie czynności codziennych oraz obowiązków zawodowych, a największy wpływ na pojawienie się bólu miał charakter wykonywanej pracy.
Background. The aim of the study was the analysis and comparison of spinal pain symptoms between office workers and physical workers. Material and methods. The sample included 60 subjects. The participants were divided into two groups according to the type of work performed. The first group included office workers (30 people) and the second one included physical workers (30 persons). The study was carried out using a questionnaire. It was standardized and anonymous and included 23 questions. The study sample comprised the total of 60 surveys. The collected data were next subjected to statistical analysis. Results. It was found that office workers more often experienced pain in the cervical spine while the physical workers more often suffer from lumbar pain. In both groups the level of pain was similar in participants with a similar length of service. The study has found that physical activity does not contribute to back pain alleviation. Conclusions. 1. There are significant differences in back pain symptoms between the studied groups of physical and office workers. 2. In both groups the patients reported suffering from pain during and after work. 3. Both groups reported that spinal pain made it harder for them to perform everyday activities and occupational duties and that the type of job had the greatest impact on pain.
The aim of this paper is to discuss findings from an analysis of accidents in concrete construction companies in Spain and to compare the accident rates of qualified and non-qualified workers. A total of 125,021 accidents between 2003 and 2008 involving both blue-collar and white-collar workers were analysed, comparing the variables of occupation, age, company staff, length of service, location of the accident, together with the severity of the accidents. Results showed that lack of experience in the first month is more significant in non-qualified workers and experienced supervisors and that head injuries are more likely to lead to fatalities. The most remarkable similarity was that fatal accidents to and from the worksite are a problem common to both groups of workers.
Bricklaying is a physically demanding job. Bricklayers frequently flex their trunk to pick up bricks and mortar and position these in a wall. The experienced workload is highest working with bricks at 0 to 50 cm from the floor. In this study the effects of 2 devices that have proven to be feasible in practice are evaluated. The 50 cm raise due to the 2 devices is experienced as comfortable, the estimated lumbar compression force was reduced, and observations indicate likewise. It is discussed that the field experiments have many drawbacks. Nevertheless, based on this study in combination with other literature the improvements could be recommended.
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