Z dużym prawdopodobieństwem można założyć, że w najbliższych latach istniejące systemy ciepłownicze będą uzupełniane o nowe przyłącza z wykorzystaniem techniki nazywanej z reguły „wcinką na gorąco”, chociaż rurociąg główny może być też zimny. Zbyt mało zostało to opisane, aby wykształciła się stabilna terminologia w tym zakresie. Ta metoda znana jest wśród ciepłowników od wielu lat, jednakże nie stosowano jej powszechnie, chociaż w technologii ABB był to standard wykonywania odgałęzień. W artykule omówiono warianty, jakie można zastosować w sytuacji podłączania nowego odbiorcy.
It can be assumed with great probability that in the coming years existing heating systems will be supplemented with new connections using the technique usually called "hot plugging", although the main pipeline may also be cold. This has not been described enough for stable terminology to develop. This method has been known among heaters for many years, however, it was not widely used, although in ABB technology it was a standard for branching. The article discusses variants that can be used when connecting a new recipient.
Background. Changes in industries and work practices have coincided with work-related musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs). This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of MSDs and to assess postural loading in assembly workers of an Iranian telecommunication manufacturing company. Methods. Data were collected from 193 randomly selected workers in 4 units of the company. The Nordic musculoskeletal disorders questionnaire and the UBC ergonomic checklist were used as data collection tools. Loading on the upper body assessment(LUBA) was used to assess postural loading. Results. Lower back symptoms were the most prevalent problems among the workers (67.9%). LUBA showed that most assembly workers (94.3%) had experienced considerable and high postural loading (postural load index, PLI > 5). Regression analyses revealed that lighting, rotation, contact stress, repetition, gender and age were factors associated with symptoms. Conclusion. Work-related MSDs occurred at a high rate among workers. Postural loading requires consideration. Any ergonomic intervention should focus on eliminating ergonomic factors associated with symptoms.
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