The main aim of this project was the evaluation of Integral Sandwich Structures (ISS) for aeronautical industry applications. Flexural, shear and impact properties of Integral Sandwich materials established and compared with the properties of commonly used honeycomb-core sandwich structures. Four kinds of tests were out: - The flexural and shear modulus of the material investigated using a new draft standard proposed by the National Physics Laboratory (London). An evaluation of the test method was an additional aim of the project. - The flexural strength of the material was tested using a three-point bending test according to the ISO 178 standard. - The inter-laminar shear (ILS) strength was tested according to the ISO 14125 standard. - Dropweight impact tests were carried out to the ISO 6603 standard. Further on, the costs of production of Integral Sandwich Structures were evaluated and strength by density by cost ratios were calculated for both materials. A closer look was also taken at the properties of the new sandwich structure concerning design and repair and finally an evaluation of the material made and its possible applications in the aeronautical industry were discussed. The tested material has proved to be cheaper and easier to lay up than traditional sandwich structures, but the specific properties acquired in the flexural, shear. and impact tests were equal or inferior to honeycomb structures.
We wszystkich laboratoriach na świecie analiza próbki ma swój początek już w momencie poboru próbki, bez względu na to, czy to z wody czy ścieków. Błędy popełnione przy pobraniu próbki niweczą wysiłek analityka i koszty ponoszone w trakcie analizy. Wyniki badań mogą odnosić się wówczas tylko do badanej próbki, a nie do całego przedmiotu oceny, co może prowadzi do błędnych decyzji. Bez właściwego planu poboru i przy nieodpowiednim postępowaniu z próbką, jest duże prawdopodobieństwo, że otrzymane wyniki nie będą reprezentatywne.
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