Badano zmiany składu fazowego układu o składzie niezbędnym do powstawania thaumasytu w temperaturze pokojowej oraz w 7°C, w oparciu o spektroskopię w podczerwieni. Mieszaniny ciekłego krzemianu sodu [szkła wodnego], ettringitu lub gipsu i węglanu wapnia dojrzewały w wodzie przez 28 dni lub przez trzy miesiące. Śledzono wpływ Ca(OH)2 na przemiany mieszaniny zawierającej ettringit. Otrzymano thaumasyt w temperaturze pokojowej po 9 miesiącach przetrzymywania w roztworze cukrzanu wapnia, zawierającym krzemian sodu, węglan i siarczan wapnia. Otrzymano typowe widma krzemu w koordynacji oktaedrycznej tylko w obecności ettringitu, po 28 dniach przechowywania w temperaturze pokojowej. Wyniki wykazują, że wodorotlenek wapnia przyczynia się do powstawania wiązań wapnia z oktaedrami krzemo-tlenowymi w przypadku zwiększonej rozpuszczalności wapnia w niskiej temperaturze lub w roztworze sacharozy. Dojrzewanie w 7°C powoduje wyostrzenie widma w podczerwieni w zakresie liczby falowej ≤1100 cm-1, typowego dla pasma krzemianu.
Pure systems with compositions needed for thaumasite formation at room temperature and 7°C were investigated by means of FTIR. Mixes of liquid sodium silicate, ettringite/or gypsum and calcium carbonate were stored in water for 28 days and 3 months. The effect of portlandite on the behavior of the ettringite-bearing mixture was investigated. Thaumasite was obtained at room temperature after 9 months storage of a lime sucrose solution with sodium silicate, carbonate and sulfate. Characteristic spectra of the octahedral silicon were detected only in presence of ettringite after 28 days storage at room temperature. The results indicate that the role of portlandite is to bond calcium with silicon octahedral at an increased solubility of lime at low temperature or in sucrose solution. Storage at 7°C lead to the sharpening of the infrared bands at wave numbers ≤1100 cm-1 where the silicate bands were detected.
A long-term eustatic cycle (fall and subsequent rise of the global sea level) embraced the late Silurian-Middle Devonian time interval. Potentially, these sea-level changes could drive global biodiversity. The stratigraphic ranges of 204 bivalve genera and 279 gastropod genera included into the famous Sepkoski database allow reconstructing changes in the total diversity and the number of originations and extinctions of these important groups of marine benthic macro- -invertebrates during this interval. None of the recorded parameters coincided with the long-term global sea-level cycle. It cannot be not excluded, however, that the global sea-level changes did not affect the regions favourable for bivalve and gastropod radiation because of regional tectonic mechanisms; neither can it be excluded that the eustatic control persisted together with many other extrinsic and intrinsic controls. Interestingly, the generic diversity of gastropods increased together with a cooling trend, and vice versa. Additionally, the Ludlow, Eifelian, and Givetian biotic crises affected, probably, both fossil groups under study. There was also a coincidence of the relatively high bivalve generic diversity, initial radiation of gastropods and the entire biota, and the diversification of brachiopods with the Early Devonian global sea-level lowstand, and this may be interpreted as evidence of a certain eustatic control on the marine biodiversity.
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