Praca stanowi studium literatury w zakresie oceny wpływu substancji pylistych na technologię tlenowego osadu granulowanego (Aerobic Granular Sludge - AGS). Zakres opracowania obejmuje analizę właściwości fizyko-chemicznych zastosowanych materiałów pylistych, ocenę wpływu substancji pylistych na właściwości sedymentacyjne tlenowego osadu granulowanego oraz na sam proces biogranulacji, jak również porównanie efektywności oczyszczania ścieków w układach z dodatkiem i bez dodatku substancji pylistej. Zwrócono również uwagę na przyjęte w pracach parametry technologiczne reaktorów i ich wpływ na proces biogranulacji. W oparciu o przegląd literatury stwierdzono, że w zakresie poszukiwania niekonwencjonalnych metod wspomagania technologii tlenowego osadu granulowanego, istotną rolę spełniają substancje pyliste.
This paper is a study of literature in the field of evaluation of impact powdered substances on aerobic granular sludge technology (Aerobic Granular Sludge - AGS). The scope of the study includes an analysis of physico-chemical properties of the used powdered materials, evaluation of powdered materials impact on among others the sedimentation properties and biogranulation process itself, as well as comparison of the wastewater treatment efficiency in systems with and without addition of powdered material. Attention was also paid to the of technological parameters of reactors adopted in the publications and their impact on the biogranulation process. Based on the literature review it has been found, that in the search for unconventional methods of supporting aerobic granular sludge technology, an important role is played by powdered substances.
The biological methods of removing the phosphorus compounds from wastewater as applied currently at treatment plants may no longer be regarded as sufficient. They can therefore be augmented with physicochemical methods, raising the efficiency of the wastewater treatment system. Indeed, almost all large urban wastewater treatment plants practice precipitation of phosphorus using salts of iron and aluminum in the form of chemical coagulants. Nevertheless, the search for new ways of assisting with the removal of the biogenic element from wastewater, e.g. by dosing bentonites, fly ash and post-technological sludge from water treatment stations, or even unconventional organic sorbents such as rice husks, is ongoing. A further unconventional material in the P-removal from wastewater may take the form of powdered mineral materials. The work presented here shows the results of laboratory scale trials on the P-removal using brick dust and powdered ceramsite (expanded clay).
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