In the eighteenth and nineteenth century in the vicinity of the village of Górzec was found a set of artefacts probably representing scattered treasure from the beginning of the Migration Period. Such deposits are an expression of the rapid changes in the circulation of capital and the perception of value in this period. The influx of large quantities of gold and changes in silver’s value resulted in rapid changes in the status of various groups and individuals. An unstable social hierarchy is a prerequisite for the existence of the phenomenon of the potlatch, i.e. the ostentatious consumption or removal of goods from circulation. It seems that the deposits of the Migration Period should be considered this way. In 2010-2011 in the area of Górzec, excavations were undertaken. The aim was to discover of the remains of settlements from the time of the deposition of the treasure. As a result of this work, the existence of a settlement from phase D-D2 of the Migration Period was revealed. Hence, it is most likely that it is slightly younger than the treasure, but this is still open to question.
The author reviews the main elements of Richard Münch’s academic capitalism theory. By introducing categories like “audit university” or “entrepreneurial university,” the German sociologist critically sets today’s academic management model against the earlier, modern-era conception of academic work as an “exchange of gifts.” In the sociological and psychological sense, he sees the latter’s roots in traditional social lore, for instance the potlatch ceremonies celebrated by some North-American Indian tribes and described by Marcel Mauss. Münch shows the similarities between the old, “gift exchanging” model and the contemporary one with its focus on the psycho-social fundamentals of scientific praxis, and from this gradually derives the academic capitalism conception. He concludes with the critical claim that science possesses its own, inalienable axiological autonomy and anthropological dimension, which degenerate as capitalism proceeds to “colonise” science by means of state authority and money (here Münch mentions Jürgen Habermas and his philosophical argumentation). The author also offers a somewhat broader view of Münch’s analyses in the context of his own reflections on the problem.
Three deaths of Andrey Bolkonsky(War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy) in the context of myth and ritual The article deals with Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace and the character of Andrey Bolkonsky explored in the background of self-sacrifice, potlatch and other rituals and in the aspect of certain archaic peace-making rituals (walking along the boundary-strip). Bolkonsky’s death may be regarded as the great religious feat.
Три смертi Андрiя Болконського(Вiйна i мир Льва Толстого) у контексті міфу і ритуалу Стаття присвячена Вiйнi i миру Льва Толстого, Андрiю Болконському, чия постать до-слiджується на тлi ритуалiв самопожертви, потлача та iнших i в аспектi архаїчного миротворчого ритуалу (обмiжкове ходiння). Смерть Болконського може трактоватися як визначний релiгiйний подвиг.
Paweł Petasz - was the only Polish artist of the global mail art movement, who not only participated in it, but also shaped it, shaped its artistic boundaries, as well as the meaning range of the concept of mail art itself. Although known in the world, it has not been recognized in Poland so far. The material presented in the Gallery section in issue 22 of the Sztuka i Dokumentacja magazine is the first comprehensive study on his creative work. His main contribution to the development of the global mail art network is the creation of the Commonpress magazine, but perhaps most of all the establishment of rules on which it could be published. Commonpress was a gift from Petasz - a conceptual artist devoted to other creators, transferred to them for further use. It can still function this way, because the idea has no limits. Therefore, the understanding and interpretation of his work can be based on the pattern of the idea of a potlatch.
Paweł Petasz - był jedynym Polskim artystą światowego ruchu mail art, który nie tylko w nim uczestniczył, ale i nadawał mu kształt, formował jego granice artystyczne, a także zakres znaczeniowy samego pojęcia mail art. Jakkolwiek znany w świecie, nie doczekał się dotąd uznania w Polsce. Materiał prezentowany w sekcji Gallery w numerze 22 czasopisma Sztuka i Dokumentacja jest pierwszych całościowym opracowaniem na temat jego pracy twórczej. Główny jego wkład w rozwój światowej sieci mail art stanowi utworzenie magazyny Commonpress, ale może przede wszystkim ustanowienie zasad, na jakich mógł on być publikowany. Commonpress mianowicie był darem Petasza-artysty konceptualnego oddanego innym twórcom, przekazanym im do dalszego użytkowania. Dalej tak może on funkcjonować, gdyż idea nie ma granic. Dlatego rozumienie i interpretacja jego dzieła może być prowadzona w oparciu o wzór idei potlatch.
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