Based on the potential flow theory and traditional boundary element method (BEM), Taylor expansion boundary element method (TEBEM) is introduced in this paper for the prediction of the flow field around ship, as a result, hull gesture and pressure distribution on hull surface are obtained. By this method, dipole strength of every field point is expanded in Taylor expansion, so that approximately continuous hull and free surface boundary condition could be achieved. To close the new equation system, the boundary condition of tangent velocity in every control point is introduced. With the simultaneous solving of hull boundary condition and free surface condition, the disturbance velocity potential could be obtained. The present method is used to predict the flow field and hull gesture of Wigley parabolic hull, Series 60 and KVLCC2 models. To validate the numerical model for full form ship, the wave profile, the computed hull gesture and hull surface pressure of KVLCC2 model are compared with experimental results.
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Autorzy zastosowali metodę panelową z powierzchniowym rozkładem wirowości do modelowania przepływu potencjalnego wokół śruby okrętowej. Powierzchnia skrzydła i piasty została zastąpiona panelami z wirowością. Ślad hydromechaniczny za skrzydłem modelowany był przy pomocy włókien wirowych o kształcie linii śrubowej. Wpływ lepkości został uwzględniony w sposób przybliżony, przez zastosowanie empirycznych współczynników oporu profilu. Model przeznaczony jest do analizy hydrodynamicznej śrub okrętowych pracujących w obwodowo niejednorodnym polu prędkości. Umożliwia obliczanie sił hydrodynamicznych działających na skrzydła i momentu na wale śrubowym, oraz rozkładu ciśnienia na powierzchni skrzydeł.
In the paper the mathematical model of hydraulic system with accumulator was presented. The model was based on electrical analogy for laminar flow in second phase hydraulic cylinder starting. Calculations were done and diagrams were prepared: flow rate, pressure in accumulator and in hydraulic cylinder and piston stroke.
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Two properties of plane, steady, creeping flow generated in the infinite domain around a given contour by a single singularity are investigated in the paper. The first property concerns velocity field. It is shown, that stream uniform at infinity must occur automatically in this case, and formulae for velocity of the stream are derived. The second property concerns similarity of streamline pattern of such flow, and the potential one, generated around the same contour by the same singularity. Investigation of the both properties concerns - in particular: a disc, an ellipse and the airfoil sections NACA 0012, RAE 2822.
The problem of sluice gate flow is analyzed using two models: a simplified one, derived according to the concept of the Potential Field (PF), and a more complex form, based on the Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. The numerical solution is compared with experimental data, including measurements performed by authors and results acquired from literature. Despite its simplicity, the PF model provides a satisfactory agreement with the measurements. The slightly worse performance of the RANS model comes from an overestimation of energy losses.
Niezatopiony wypływ wody spod zasuwy opisano dwoma modelami: uproszczonym, wyprowadzonym na podstawie teorii płaskiego przepływu potencjalnego (PF), i modelem o większym stopniu złożoności, bazującym na uśrednieniu Reynoldsa równań Naviera-Stokesa (RANS). Wyniki obliczeń przepustowości scharakteryzowano współczynnikami wydatku i porównano z wynikami własnych pomiarów hydraulicznych oraz podawanymi w literaturze. Współczynniki wydatku uzyskane z modelu PF są zbliżone do wyników badań eksperymentalnych. Nieco większe różnice wartości współczynników wydatku uzyskano z obliczeń modelem RANS. Wynika to z przeszacowania strat energii strumienia wody.
The hydrodynamic interaction effects between two vessels that are significantly different in size operating in close proximity can adversely affect the safety and handling of these vessels. Many ship handling simulator designers implement Potential Flow (PF) solvers to calculate real-time interaction effects. However, these PF solvers struggle to accurately predict the complicated flow regimes that can occur, for example as the flow passes a wet transom hull or one with a drift angle. When it comes to predicting the interaction effects on a tug during a ship assist, it is essential to consider the rapid changes of the tug’s drift angle, as the hull acts against the inflow creating a complicated flow regime. This paper investigates the ability of the commercial PF solver, Futureship®, to predict the accurate interaction effects acting on tugs operating at a drift angle during ship handling operations through a case study. This includes a comparison against Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and captive model tests to examine the suitability of the PF method for such duties. Although the PF solver can be tuned to solve streamline bodies, it needs further improvement to deal with hulls at drift angles.
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We present a fully nonlinear method for numerical simulation of the inundation of an arbitrary solid body in large waves. The method is based on potential flow and is therefore expected to break down when wave breaking sets in. The method is expected to be useful to predict the initial phase of inundation and can thus give the flow field as initial condition to some other method more appropriate for the later stages of green water. We employ an artificial tri-harmonic potential inside the solid body in order to avoid introducing singularities in the solution. Spline-based basis potentials are constructed and are used in a collocation spectral method. We illustrate the method for the special case of waves inundating a truncated cylinder.
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The purpose of this paper is the analysis of numerical approaches obtained by describing the Dirichlet boundary conditions on different connected components of the computational domain boundary for potential flow, provided that the domain is a rectangle. The considered problem is a potential flow around an airfoil profile. It is shown that in the case of a rectangular computational domain with two sides perpendicular to the speed direction, the potential function is constant on the connected components of these sides. This allows to state the Dirichlet conditions on the considered parts of the boundary instead of the potential jump on the slice connecting the trail edge with the external boundary. Furthermore, the adaptive remeshing method is applied to the solution of the considered problem.
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