Artykuł jest próbą oceny roli miast w kreowaniu rozwoju lokalnego na obszarach przygranicznych. Badaniem objęto 3 przygraniczne ośrodki powiatowe: Cieszyn, Włodawę i Zgorzelec, oraz ich bezpośrednie zaplecze. Wybrane ośrodki reprezentują różnego typu pogranicza Polski. Oddziaływanie miast weryfikowano, porównując proporcje ich potencjału z zasobami gmin położonych na terenie tych powiatów. Analizę oparto na wskaźnikach rynku pracy, aktywności gospodarczej i społecznej oraz lokalnych finansach publicznych, w tym wielkości opłaty targowej. Stwierdzono znaczne różnice w poziomie rozwoju badanych miast, przy czym ich potencjał w stosunku do swego zaplecza jest zasadniczo porównywalny.
The article is an attempt to determine the role of cities and towns in shaping local development in border areas. Three border municipal centres were included in the study: Cieszyn, Włodawa and Zgorzelec, as well as their direct back-up facilities. The selected centres represent different types of border areas of Poland. The impact of towns was verified by means of a comparison of the proportions of their potential with the resources of municipalities within the limits of these provinces. The analysis was based on the indices of labour market, business and social activities, as well as local public finances, including the market fees. Major differences in the level of development of the investigated towns was concluded, whereas their potential in relation to their back-up facilities is basically comparable.
Motorway junctions are special places that, due to the crossing of transportation corridors, concentrate in their surroundings potential investment areas and may stimulate local development. The study identified key determinants of local demography related to the age structure, population growth and net migration rate, for selected communes located in the vicinity of the A2 motorway junctions between Łódź and Poznań. It also examined whether the changes in the local demographic structure may be following the development of investments. As a result, it was found that the demographic situation of communes varies depending on the type of municipality, size of settlements, location with respect to the motorway junction, location relative to major cities, as well as the development policy pursued by the local authorities.