Twierdza Ehrenbreitstein w Koblencji to zespół fortyfikacji pruskich wzniesiony z początkiem XIX wieku. Po deklasyfikacji twierdzy obiekty miały zostać rozebrane, jednak zauważono istotną wartość i znaczenie kulturowe. Podstawowymi celami artykułu jest poznanie prawidłowo funkcjonującego przykładu zrewitalizowanej twierdzy w Koblencji, jej wpływu na rozwój miasta na przestrzeni wieków, ale też określenie wartości przedsięwzięcia rewitalizacji w aspekcie ekonomicznym, społecznym i architektonicznym.
Ehrenbreitstein Frotress in Koblenz is a complex of Prussian fortifications erected at the begnining of the 19th century. After declassification of fortress, all buildings and elements were intended for demolition. Fortunately, value and cultural significance were noted. Main aim of article is to get acquainted with properly functioning example of the revitalized fortress in Koblenz and its influence on the development of the city over the centuries. There is also conducted an attempt to identify the value of the revitalization project in a sense of economy, social and architectural aspects.
As a result of research conducted by the author, there were 120,200 hectares of areas identified in Polish cities that require regeneration, which constitutes a little more than 21% of all invested and urbanized areas. In terms of surface area and frequency of occurrence, the main problem is the one, which concerns old downtown districts. Drab prefabricated towerblock housing estates which, according to many municipal authorities are in a crisis, occupy a much smaller surface area of 14,000 hectares, yet the number of their residents approximates that of the old downtown districts and amounts to ca. 2.1 million people. The conducted research shows that there are 4.4 million people, who live presently in degraded areas and in areas that need to be regenerated. Also 24,000 hectares of post-industrial areas were identified. Other estimates indicate that there may even be twice as much of those post-industrial areas (40,000 hectares) but due to their contained nature and limited accessibility municipal authorities are not always aware of their existence. Based on the estimates of PKP S.A. Railways authorities one can assume that already today ca. 15,000 hectares of post-railway areas might be subjected to regeneration and reuse, including 100 multi-mode railway stations, which are critical for urban development. In 140 Polish cities and towns there were ca. 11,800 hectares of post-military areas identified, the majority of which have already been developed or adapted for urban purposes. Still there remain ca. 4,000 hectares of areas that require specific actions.
Na terenach dawnych jednostek wojskowych usytuowane są bardzo często budynki, jak również inne obiekty budowlane, który uznawane są za zabytki nieruchome. Jednocześnie obiekty te występują najczęściej w sąsiedztwie zabudowy zrealizowanej znacznie później, według współczesnych rozwiązań konstrukcyjno-materiałowych. W artykule przedstawiono opis zabytkowych budynków: Koszarowego, Administracyjno-Koszarowego, Mieszkalnego Podoficerów, Mieszkalnego Cywili oraz Stajni usytuowanych na terenie dawnej jednostki wojskowej, w obszarze której prowadzona jest realizacja osiedla mieszkaniowego. Opisano wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy stanu technicznego budynków, wykonanej z uwzględnieniem opłacalności ekonomicznej prowadzenia prac remontowo-modernizacyjnych. Zaproponowano rozwiązania projektowe mające za zadanie dostosowanie budynków do nowego programu użytkowego.
In the area of the former military units they are situated very often buildings, as well as other building structures, which are considered immovable monuments. At the same time, these objects are usually in the vicinity of the building realized much later by modern construction and material solutions. The paper describes the historical building: Barracks, Barracks–Administration, Residential Non-Commissioned Officer, Residential Civilians and Barn located on a former military unit in the area which is carried out of a housing estate. Described the results of the analysis of the technical condition of the buildings, made taking into account the economic viability of works repair – and modernization. It proposed design solutions with the task of adapting the buildings to the new application.