Paradigm is defined by Kuhn as a scientific achievement which is universally recognised in a given period of time by researchers belonging to a scientific discipline and which provides them with model problems and solutions. As regards management studies there is a debate whether this discipline is still in the pre-paradigm period of its development or it can be perceived as a multi-paradigm field. Making an assumption that there are paradigms in management studies, the statement that leadership is a key factor of the success of an organisation can be recognised as a canon. Recently, along with the development of Positive Organisational Scholarship, the concept of positive leadership has been emerging. The aim of the paper is to consider whether the concept of positive leadership can become a paradigm in management studies.
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W artykule zaprezentowano pozytywny model przywództwa menedżerskiego – jego strukturę wewnętrzną, a także powiązania z dwoma innymi konstruktami na poziomie organizacyjnym. Pozytywne przywództwo oparte jest na nadziei i optymizmie, postrzeganiu zdarzeń strategicznych jako szans, zaufaniu oraz postrzeganej przez pracowników sprawiedliwości. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wskazują, że pozytywne przywództwo znajduje się pod silnym wpływem czynników wysokiej efektywności, wpływa natomiast pozytywnie na efektywność społeczną i finansową organizacji.
The paper presents the positive model of managerial leadership, its internal structure and relations to two other constructs at organizational level: high performance factors and organizational performance. Positive leadership is based on optimism and hope, perceiving strategic events as opportunities, trust and perception of fairness among employees. The results of conducted research show that positive leadership is under strong influence of high performance factors and has impact on social and financial performance of organization.
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