Spatial analyses suffer from modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP). This occurs while operating on aggregated data determined for high-level territorial units, e.g. official statistics for countries. Generalization process deprives the data of variation. Carrying out research excluding territorial distribution of a phenomenon affects the analysis results and reduces their reliability. The paper proposes to use symbolic data analysis (SDA) to reduce MAUP. SDA proposes an alternative form of individual data aggregation and deals with multivariate analysis of interval-valued, multi-valued and histogram data. The paper discusses the scale effect of MAUP which occurs in a gravity model of population migrations and shows how SDA can deal with this problem. Symbolic interval-valued data was used to determine the economic distance between regions which served as a separation function in the model. The proposed approach revealed that economic disparities in Poland are lower than official statistics show but they are still one of the most important factors of domestic migration flows.
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Głównym celem pracy była analiza zużycia wody wodociągowej w Rzeszowie w czasie kryzysu uchodźczego z Ukrainy po rozpoczęciu działań wojennych 24.02.2022 roku przez Rosję. Różne dane medialne podawały, że liczba mieszkańców Rzeszowa zwiększyła się nawet o 100 000. Tego rodzaju fakt powinien znaleźć odzwierciedlenie w zużyciu wody wodociągowej. Z przyjętego jednostkowego zużycia wody wynoszącego 0,15 m3/Mk/d wynika, że przybyło od 13 do 15 tys. mieszkańców. Dane te korelują z liczbą nadanych numerów PESEL, która w Rzeszowie wynosi 12 000.
The main aim of the work is to analyze the tap water consumption in Rzeszów during the refugee crisis from Ukraine after the start of the hostilities on February 24, 2022 by Russia. Various media data reported that the population of Rzeszów increased by as much as 100,000. This fact should be reflected in the consumption of tap water. The adopted unit water consumption of 0.15 m3/(Mk.d) shows that it increased from 13,000 to 15,000 new inhabitants. These data correlate with the number of assigned PESEL numbers, which in Rzeszów is 12,000.
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