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Content available remote Polish Towns and the Changes in Their Areas and Population Densities
This article presents the spatial and population density changes in Polish towns in the years 1960-2003. The assumed time frame allowed identifying area changes for a complete set of towns in different socio-economic conditions: the period of intense industrialisation, the economic crisis of the 1980s, the period of economic transition and finally in the years of a market economy. The investigation revealed that the trend shown by changes and the size of a town as measured by the number of its population are distinctly interrelated. It also demonstrated a much stronger dynamics of changes in the first subperiod, i.e. years 1960--1985, followed by a phase of relative stabilization (compared with the previous period) after the year 1980 (mainly of the spatial changes). Moreover, change intensity and change trends observed for the urban areas and population densities vary considerably in terms of space.
The article is dedicated to development of the methodological approach to determine the most effective ways and areas of investments use aimed at reducing the negative impacts of pollution. This takes into account the reality that the level of pollution is different for different areas (regions), and the degree of negative impact is due to two main factorsvolume of gas emissions and the number of residents living in these territories. Taking into account the lack of quantitative laws regarding the impact of pollution on human lives the expediency to limit some qualitative considerations that significantly contribute to the solution of the problem are developed in the article. The paper develops analytic approach, which is based on establishing the parameters that characterize the essence of the developed phenomenon. The state of air pollution in particular is seen as the main factor that significantly affects the residents’ life quality. At one and the same degree of negative pollution, its effect will depend on the number of residents living in the area. As our research continues with the assessment of air pollution reduction state, where two indicators were developed – harmful gas components in the air and population density in the area. Based on the hypothesis of parabolic type, the corresponding functional relation between the parameters proves, that the product of assumed parameters determines the priority of pollution reduction in some areas. The conducted proposed approach to interpretation of dust pollution on the example of regions of Poland is developed.
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie problemu interpretowania wartości dyskretnych, które w rzeczywistości mają charakter ciągły. Często można się spotkać z problemem interpretacji wartości zmierzonych. Pomiary wykonywane są w konkretnym punkcie, jednak zakłada się, że wartość jest aktualna w całym otoczeniu punktu pomiarowego. Zwykle jednak wielkość otoczenia nie jest w żaden sposób określona, podobnie jak nie jest zdefiniowana zmienność zmierzonej wartości w zależności od odległości od punktu pomiarowego. Problem ten dotyczy zjawisk fizycznych, które opisane są funkcją ciągłą, ale ze względu na skalę zjawiska nie jest możliwe przeprowadzenie pomiarów w każdym punkcie jego dziedziny. Artykuł zajmuje się interpretacją wartości statystycznej opisującej gęstość zaludnienia w kontekście administracyjnego podziału terytorialnego kraju. Przedstawiono sposób, w jaki można ten parametr statystyczny uczynić użytecznym, czyli odpowiadającym rzeczywistości. Kluczowym aspektem jest urealnienie wartości statystycznej w taki sposób, by nie przypisywać jednej stałej wartości całemu badanemu terenowi, a zająć się raczej rozkładem gęstości i określać ten parametr w odniesieniu do czynników go kształtujących. W artykule zaprezentowano metodę przejścia od wielkości statystycznej gęstości zaludnienia do rozkładu gęstości na zadanym obszarze terytorialnym.
The objective of the article is to present the issue of interpreting discrete values which, in reality, have a continuous character. The problem how to interpret measured values is quite frequent. The measurements are made at a certain point, still, it is assumed that the value is real in the all surroundings of the measuring point. However, usually, the size of the surroundings is not determined in any way, nor is the variation of the measured value defined with respect to the distance from the measuring point. This problem relates to physical phenomena which are described by a continuous function but, due to the scale of the phenomenon, it is not possible to carry out measurements at each point of its domain. The article deals with the interpretation of statistical value describing population density with respect to the territorial division of the country. It was presented how this statistical parameter can be made useful, i.e. corresponding to reality. The key aspect is to make the statistical value real in such a way as not to assign one stable value to the whole examined territory area but, instead, take into account the density distribution and determine this parameter with respect to the factors which affect it. The article features the method of passing from the statistical value of population density to the density distribution on a determined territory.
The article discuss a thesis stating that the most credible “markers” of peripherality constitute indicators referring to demographic changes, particularly depopulation related to migration, the resulting decrease in the size of population, and consequently changes in the population density. Such an assumption is based on the commonly acknowledged fact that the most intensive depopulation occurs in areas distinguished by low quality and level of life resulting from restricted accessibility and a low level of socio-economic development. The presented hypothesis is verified by analysis of maps presenting demographic changes in Poland after World War II.
Strefy peryferyjne zaznaczają się w przestrzeni w różnej skali terytorialnej, począwszy od kontynentalnej, poprzez krajową, aż po regionalną i lokalną. W każdym przypadku, można podać szereg wskaźników, które są wyznacznikami peryferyjności, tzn. dowodzą istnienia odmiennych, zazwyczaj niekorzystnych cech pewnych obszarów w odniesieniu do obszarów rdzeniowych. W niniejszym artykule, autorzy stawiają hipotezę, że jednymi z najlepszych i najbardziej wiarygodnych „markerów” peryferyjności są wskaźniki odnoszące się do zmian ludnościowych, przede wszystkim odpływ migracyjny ludności, będące jego konsekwencją spadki liczby ludności i ostatecznie zmiany w gęstości zaludnienia. Przedstawiony pogląd autorzy postanowili zweryfikować na podstawie analizy map przedstawiających zmiany demograficzne we wschodniej Polsce po II wojnie światowej. Obszar ten powszechnie jest uważany za peryferyjny, zarówno w skali Unii Europejskiej, jak i samego kraju, a za wiodącą przyczynę zachodzących tam zmian ludnościowych uważa się niekorzystne położenie i niski stopień rozwoju ekonomicznego. Artykuł składa się z dwóch zasadniczych części. W pierwszej przedstawiono przesłanki, ze względu na które Polska Wschodnia jest traktowana jako obszar peryferyjny. Ponadto, posługując się przykładem województwa lubelskiego, w skrócie opisano główne przyczyny takiego stanu, zarówno te wynikające z przeszłości obszaru, jak i związane z obecną sytuacją społeczno-gospodarczą. W drugiej część artykułu zaprezentowano mapy ilustrujące obszary peryferyjne w Polsce oraz zmiany w liczbie ludności i gęstości zaludnienia w Polsce w latach 1946-2012. Zestawienie tych map ma na celu porównanie zasięgów stref peryferyjnych, określonych na podstawie wieloczynnikowych badań, z mapami zmian ludnościowych. Umożliwi to weryfikację postawionej tezy, iż zmiany w rozmieszczeniu ludności mogą być traktowane jako wiarygodny wskaźnik peryferyjności.
This paper analyses the abundance of breeding pairs and the location of nesting sites of partridges as related to vegetation structure in the nest surroundings in two areas with very different partridge densities and arable landscape patterns (Central Germany and Eastern Poland). Study objective was to identify underlying causes of the more than 100 fold difference in population density of this species in these two areas of Central Europe. Our results suggests that the very limited availability of appropriate nesting habitats with an open canopy structure and low leaf area index is one of the key factors being responsible for the very low recent population density, and the past rapid decline, of partridge in the modern agricultural landscape of western Central Europe.
The influence of distance between host trees and leaf litter removal on population density of Cameraria ohridella have been for the first time examined in an isolated population of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) trees. The observation was performed in the small town (area 13,58 km^2) in Wielkopolska region (West Poland) on the total number of 49 trees: 31 (11 clumps) of them with autumnal leaves removal (controlled sites), and 18 (5 clumps) without this procedure (uncontrolled sites). The main factors determining the extent of the leaf destruction by larvae were the leaf litter removal and the number of subsequent generations on a given tree. The effect of mean distance between trees on the infestation level was statistically significant only for the third generation larvae, when analyzing all sites. There was no significant correlation when checking the impact of mean and short distance on the leaves infestation between controlled and uncontrolled sites. The abundance of the first generation of the larvae of raked sites is possibly a result of low number of in situ overwintering individuals and the number of immigrants from uncontrolled areas. Assuming the random choice of direction of the migration, the effect of the immigrants on the trees which leaves have been disposed of is not as high as it should be expected. Additionally, the moths can be blown away by the wind in a random direction. Consequently, the noted increase in the leaves infestation by the third generation larvae can be result of the rate of population increase innate for the species and only partly a result of immigration from refuge areas.
Content available remote Territoriality and its consequences
A survey of the literature on territoriality of mature female bank voles is presented, with particular reference to the idea of breeding territority and female behavior aimed at the territory defense. Territory (breeding area) is part of home range (foraging area), and its biological meaning is disputable: either it provides food resources for the young or progeny safety. Breeding territories of males are also discussed. Genetic analyses showing kin groups of females and their reproductive succes are important for our understanding of evolution of female territoriality. Attention was also paid to spacing behavior of territorial males and females and the resulting mating system that allows for cases of multiple paternity. Another disputable aspect of female territoriality is its possible importance for stamility of breeding rate and, as consequence, for decrease in variation of population numbers.
This paper presents the changes in urban population density in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in an area of approximately 20,000 km2 in southern Poland, which includes close to 100 towns and cities with a population of almost 4.5 million (in 2011) and an urbanisation index over 70%. It is the most urbanised part of Poland and includes the Cracow agglomeration and the Upper Silesian conurbation. The analysis was performed using one of the statistical methods for estimating discrete distributions, the kernel function method. The conclusions served as a basis for the presentation of changes occurring in this area against the backdrop of political and economic transformation in Poland, as well as a scientific discussion concerning the state and future of the merging of these agglomerations in the light of the factors discussed.
Relationships of size and overlap of home range with the population density in a flood plain population of Microtus montebelli (Milne-Edwards, 1872) with high density were examined from April to December 1993 using mark-recapture method. Population density in the study area was reached 280 males/ha and 236 females/ha in summer. Although reproductively active voles were present throughout this study, more than half of females underwent reproductively resting period in summer. Main breeding seasons were spring and autumn when the density was relatively low. While the home range size of adult males did not decrease in summer when the population density was higher than other seasons, that of adult females was significantly smaller in summer than in spring or autumn. In summer, males showed significantly larger degree of home range overlap than in spring or autumn, while home ranges of females overlapped little throughout this study. These results differed from those of the previous studies on this species, possibly due to much higher density in mountainous populations.
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The withdrawal of chemical pesticides opens up a new perspective to control pests through botanical extracts. The essential oils derived from various medicinal and aromatic plants proved to have antifungal, antibacterial and insecticidal properties. The present study is directed towards management of a dreaded pest of coconut i.e. eriophyid mite through exploitation of those properties of the plants. The efficacy of a botanical biocide formulated by using seven different aromatic and medicinal herbs against the infestation intensity of eriophyid mite was tested in the experiment at five different coconut farms in different coconut growing states of India. Four application of the formulated product resulted up to 72.17% damage reduction.
Wycofanie środków chemicznych otwiera nowe perspektywy zwalczania szkodników wyciągami roślinnymi. Udowodniono, że olejki eteryczne pochodzące z różnych roślin leczniczych i aromatycznych mają właściwości przeciwbólowe, przeciwbakteryjne i owadobójcze. Badania były ukierunkowane na opanowanie występowania roztocza (Aceria guererronis) pasożytującego na palmach kokosowych, przy wykorzystaniu właściwości wspomnianych roślin. Badano skuteczność sformułowanych biocydów roślinnych, do sformułowania których wykorzystano siedem różnych, aromatycznych i leczniczych roślin. Nasilenie porażenia testowano na pięciu farmach, gdzie uprawiano palmy kokosowe, położonych w różnych stanach Indii. Zastosowanie czterech zabiegów zwalczania przy użyciu opracowanej formulacji produktu spowodowało zmniejszenie porażenia średnio o 72,17%.
Estimating animal population size is a critical task in both wildlife management and conservation biology. Precise and unbiased estimates are nonetheless mostly difficult to obtain, as estimates based on abundance over unit area are frequently inflated due to the “edge effect” bias. This may lead to the implementation of inappropriate management and conservation decisions. In an attempt to obtain an as accurate and conservative as possible picture of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) numbers, we combined radio tracking data from a subset of tracked individuals from an extensive project on otter ecology performed in Southern Portugal with information stemming from other data sources, including trapping, carcasses, direct observation of tagged and untagged individuals, relatedness estimates among genotyped individuals, and a minor contribution from non-invasive genetic sampling. In 158 km of water network, which covers a sampling area of 161 km2 and corresponds to the minimum convex polygon constructed around the locations of five radio-tracked females, 21 animals were estimated to exist. They included the five radio-tracked, reproducing females and six adult males. Density estimates varied from one otter per 3.71–7.80 km of river length (one adult otter per 7.09–14.36 km) to one otter per 7.67–7.93 km2 of range, depending on the method and scale of analysis. Possible biases and implications of methods used for estimating density of otters and other organisms living in linear habitats are highlighted, providing recommendations on the issue.
Preening is a type of feather maintenance behaviour in birds, that fulfils an important role in grooming. Preening may also be important for signalling quality of mates. Therefore we hypothesized that the frequency of preening may be related to sex and population density of White Stork Ciconia ciconia. We observed preening activity of 25 pairs in Western Poland at the beginning of incubation, when preening frequency is the highest. Birds were observed on the nest, because most preening behaviour occurs there. We found that being on the nest males spent proportionally more time on preening than females (on average 30% vs. 16%). Females spent more time preening when their mate was present at the nest. There was no significant relationship between preening frequency and indirect quality indicators (arrival date, laying date, hatching date, clutch size, brood size) nor between the distance to nearest neighbours and the time males and females spent on preening.
Following the introductions carried out in late 1960s, Eastern cottontail Sylvilagus floridanus Allen, 1890 rapidly colonized the Po Plain (northern Italy), following the Po River and its tributaries. We monitored a cottontail population using the line-transect method from autumn 2005 to spring 2009 in a 8.2-km2 study area located along the Po River, and we investigated species habitat requirements by assessing the presence/absence of faecal pellets in 200 randomly distributed plots from September 2006 to August 2007 and by Resource Selection Probability Function through logistic regression analyses and multi-model inference. The cottontail population varied dramatically over time in size, with a great drop at the end of the breeding period. Cottontails selected foraging habitats at the macro- and micro-scales, with some differences among seasons. Two macro-habitat variables differed significantly between used and unused plots through seasons: arboriculture stands were always greater in presence plots, whereas winter cereals were always greater in absence ones. On the macro-level, woody and herbaceous habitats, such as fallow fields, characterized presence plots. At the micro-habitat level, presence plots were associated with permanent dense cover except during summer. Several logistic regression models were built through seasons and ranked using the Akaike’s Information Criterion. Arboriculture stands enhanced cottontail presence mostly during the growing season contrary to crop fields. Hedgerows were used according to availability during feeding activity. Cottontail habitat selection varied according to seasonal changes in resource availability and suitability of the different habitat types.
In 1993–1997, 990 pupae of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.) were collected from nine different varieties of Brasica oleracea L., grown on experimental farm near Kraków. Only 234 moths (23.6%) were recovered from the cocoons. The most important factor reducing the population of DBM was parasitization (65.1%). It varied between the years of observation and oscillated from 60% to 90.3%. Sixhundred and fourty four specimens of parasitic wasps belonging to 11 species from families: Ichneumonidae (5 species), Braconidae (3 species), Pteromalidae (2 species) and Eulophidae (1 species) were reared out. In each year of observations the most abundant species among DBM parasitoids was Diadegma fenestralis Holmgr. as it constituted 71.4% of all of the wasps reared. In the years 1994 and 1996 with low abundance of diamondback moth, D. fenestralis was the only species parasitizing 66.7% and 89.5% of the pest larvae
W latach 1994–1997 poczwarki tantnisia krzyżowiaczka (Plutella xylostella L.) były zbierane z dziewięciu różnych warzyw kapustowatych. Z zebranych 990 poczwarek w wyniku hodowli uzyskano tylko 23,6% motyli tantnisia krzyżowiaczka. Najważniejszym czynnikiem redukującym liczebność gąsienic było ich spasożytowanie (65,1%), które w poszczególnych latach wynosiło od 60% do 90,3%. W wyniku hodowli uzyskano 11 gatunków parazytoidów (także drugiego stopnia) należących do 4 rodzin: Ichneumonidae (5 gat.), Braconidae (3 gat.), Pteromalidae (2 gat.) i Eulophidae (1 gat.). We wszystkich latach badań największe znaczenie miał gąsienicznik Diadegma fenestralis Holmgr., stanowiąc 71,4% wszystkich wyhodowanych błonkówek. W latach 1994 i 1996, gdy tantniś nie występował licznie, D. fenestralis był jedynym występującym gatunkiem parazytoida, pasożytując 66,7% oraz 89,5% gąsienic tantnisia.
The selection of cereal crops varieties as a factor in the regulation of the phytopathogenic microbiome in agrocenoses is an actual direction of the research. Cultivation of such varieties leads to a decrease in the level of biological pollution in agrocenoses and increases the quality as well as safety of agricultural products in agroecosystems. Therefore, the influence of the environmental factors (including abiotic, biotic, anthropogenic, and other) on the formation of micromycete populations in the leaf microbiome of grain crops using different plant cultivation technologies has been thoroughly studied earlier. The results of the selection the plant varieties by the indicators of influence on their population density, the frequency of the occurrence, and the intensity of the micromycete sporulation, were presented in this article. Vegetative organs of plants of the cereal crops (including the oats of Parliamentsky variety, Tembre variety, and spring barley Salomi and Sebastian varieties) were selected in the following phases: tillering, stem stage of growth, and earing. It was determined that using the traditional and organic technologies of plant cultivation in the leaf microbiome of Tembre oats and Salomi variety spring barley, the population density, the frequency of the occurrence of micromycete species, and their sporulation intensity were significantly lower compared to the plants of Parliamentsky oat and Sebastian spring barley. This shows that the cultivation of the cereal crops varieties capable of restraining the formation of micromycete on an ecologically safe level will result in a decrease in the level of biological pollution of agrocenoses and increase the biosafety of plants.
The energy equivalence rule assumes that the scaling of population density with body mass is inversely proportional to the scaling of individual metabolic rate. As a result, the total population energy use, calculated as the product of individual metabolic rate and population density, is independent of body mass. Here we evaluated the validity of this rule at the scale of a single community of mammals. Strong linear dependencies were found between log-transformed individual metabolic rate and log-transformed body mass as well as between body mass and density. The slopes of these relationships are close to the predicted |3/4| value and, in accordance with the energy equivalence rule, exhibit opposite values. The results however supported this rule only at the scale of the whole community. When small and large species were considered separately, population energy use increased with body mass. Analyzing these two groups separately strongly decreased the range of body mass considered. Body mass range seems to be a critical factor to find support for the energy equivalence rule at the scale of a single community.
Microplastics are emerging contaminants that degrade from textile plastic products, petroleum, and cosmetic equipment with sizes less than 5 mm. There are more than 70,000 settlements located along the Ciliwung River in DKI Jakarta that use the river water as a source of clean water. The most common type of waste found in the Ciliwung River to date is plastic waste, which can cause flooding and other disasters. The Ciliwung River can currently be found with microplastic pollution which has an impact on exposure to living things in the river, such as in case studies in the Ciliwung River estuary area. The problem is the exposure to 75% of blue panchax fish (Aplocheilus sp.) as many as 1.97 particles per fish with sizes of 300 to 500 μm. This research will focus on analyzing the dynamics of microplastic quantity in water and sediment of the Ciliwung River along with the correlation between field parameters and population density around the banks of the Ciliwung River. When viewed from the seven points that represent the Ciliwung River downstream to upstream in DKI Jakarta Province, the number of microplastics is in the range of 320–741 particles/L. For the dominating form, it can be analyzed that the majority of microplastic forms are fragments (97%), followed by fibers (2.9%) and pellets (0.1%). While in the sediment, the number of microplastics in the Ciliwung River sediment is in the range of 6560–10630 particles/kg. The population density factor has the highest correlation to the number of microplastics with a value of r = 0.702. This is associated between population density and high microplastic emission loads.
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