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In the author’s opinion the story depicted in "The Truman Show" (1998) by Peter Weir comprises a reinterpretation of a Gnostic myth about the liberation of a „divine spark” from the material world. In spite of the fact that the director did not know about Gnosticism before he started to make the film, the author of the article presents that many motifs in his work can be viewed through the ideas expressed in various Gnostic systems. The Gnostic notions were reinterpreted in "The Truman Show" on a fundamental level of the world being presented in as well as in the narrative structure of the movie.
nr 1
Taking an example of an analysis of viewers’ comments on the film Anthropoid (2016, directed by Sean Ellis), on the local Czech portal and on the portal, opened to the global viewing community, shows some differences in the reception of this film by the Czech and global audience. In this particular case, the relationships between global and local memory are illustrated and some memory studies theses are verified.
Content available Teologia dziecięca jako kulturowa forma teologii
nr 16
The crisis of the Christian tradition in contemporary societies revealed, among other things, the importance of religious education of the young generation. Recently in this area a demand has occurred to treat children, during conversations with them about God, as fully fledged theologians doing so-called child theology. This term is interpreted in three ways: as children`s own theological reflection, as the act of doing childish theology by adults with children and as theology for children (a clarification of academic theology). Nevertheless child theology can be regarded as theology only in a broad sense, as a way of understanding and practicing the faith. Therefore it is practical theology, namely a programme of Christian education in which a child is considered an agent of religious and educational actions. Since doing this childish theology with doing religious actions always takes the specific cultural form, child theology can be recognised also as a cultural form of theology. And because it draws upon co-called pop-culture, it can be called pop-theology as well.
Kryzys religii we współczesnym społeczeństwie, kryzys tradycji chrześcijańskiej w rodzinie i życiu codziennym unaocznił nam nie tylko potrzebę wyrazistego świadectwa chrześcijańskiego we współczesnym świecie, lecz także wagę wychowania religijnego młodych pokoleń. Jego celem jest otworzyć dzieci - za pomocą historii, obrazów, pieśni i modlitw - na religijny wymiar naszego życia i uczynić je zdolnymi do mówienia i działania w tym obszarze, do stawiania pytań, percepcji, rozumienia, interpretacji, wchodzenia w siebie i wychodzenia ku innym.Owo dziecięce „mówienie religijne” i praktyka religijnego działania przyjmują zawsze określoną postać kulturową, dlatego też teologia dziecięca może być ujmowana jako kulturowa forma teologii. Ponieważ często odwołuje się ona do popkultury, wykorzystując jej ikony, kody, wytwory i przekładając prawdy wiary na jej język, można jej także nadać miano popteologii.
nr 19
The purpose of this study is to determine the fruits that Gregorian chant brings in a person’s spiritual life. This issue is sometimes taken up not only by musicologists, but also by representatives of other fields of science and pastoral practice: philosophers, spiritual theologians, exorcists, preachers, spiritual directors. Such a broad and interdisciplinary approach to this topic seems perfectly justified; after all, the main intention of the creators of Gregorian chant was not so much to enrich the musical treasury of humanity, but to provide the Church community with adequate, “sound” assistance on the path leading to salvation. Therefore, the integrity and completeness of reflection on the reality of Gregorian chant should be restored. Concentrating solely on the musical side would, in fact, make this reality shallower or even deformed. The effects that Gregorian chant can generate in the spiritual, mental and physical sphere of a human person are compared in the article with the fruits born by the so-called popular music, and even more broadly with the consequences of surrounding the so-called pop-culture. This type of comparison allowed us to more clearly see the salutary and therapeutic effects of Gregorian chant for the human person – an ordering force capable of significantly helping to restore peace and harmony between man and God.
Cel niniejszego studium stanowi określenie owoców, jakie przynosi chorał gregoriański w życiu duchowym człowieka. Zagadnienie to niekiedy podejmowane jest nie tylko przez muzykologów, lecz również przedstawicieli innych dziedzin nauki oraz praktyki duszpasterskiej: filozofów, teologów duchowości, egzorcystów, kaznodziei, kierowników duchowych. Tak szerokie i interdyscyplinarne podejście do tego tematu wydaje się jak najbardziej uzasadnione; wszak z pewnością zasadniczą intencją twórców chorału gregoriańskiego było nie tyle wzbogacenie muzycznego skarbca ludzkości, co dostarczenie wspólnocie Kościoła adekwatnej, „dźwiękowej” pomocy na drodze wiodącej do zbawienia. Należy więc przywracać integralność i kompletność namysłu nad rzeczywistością chorału gregoriańskiego. Koncentrowanie się wyłącznie na jego stronie muzycznej stanowiłoby w istocie spłycenie tej rzeczywistości, a nawet zdeformowanie. Skutki, jakie może generować chorał gregoriański w sferze duchowej, psychicznej i cielesnej osoby ludzkiej, zostały w artykule skonfrontowane z owocami zrodzonymi przez tzw. muzykę popularną, a nawet szerzej, z konsekwencjami otaczania się tzw. popkulturą. Zestawienie to pozwoliło wyraźniej dostrzec zbawienne i terapeutyczne dla osoby ludzkiej działanie chorału gregoriańskiego porządkującej siły, zdolnej w znacznym stopniu dopomóc w przywracaniu pokoju oraz harmonii pomiędzy człowiekiem i Bogiem.
Content available Par-eikon: przypadek Ostatniej Wieczerzy
nr 23
The text is an attempt to analyze the evolution of aesthetic forms and motifs discussed on the example of the so-called “great figure” The Last Supper – the starting point for the analysis of the motif is the photography of David La Chapelle of the series: Jesus is my homeboy. Significant here is the context theory of parody by Linda Hutcheon – understood as a central point overview of contemporary art – a phenomenon combining fidelity to tradition and contemporary ideas of creative freedom, to express, among others, in need of confrontation with the ‘classic’ conventions – encroaching and deconstructive also in our contemporary pop-cultural processes of “image-consumption”.
The text is an attempt to analyze the evolution of aesthetic forms and motifs discussed on the example of the so-called “great figure” The Last Supper – the starting point for the analysis of the motif is the photography of David La Chapelle of the series: Jesus is my homeboy. Significant here is the context theory of parody by Linda Hutcheon – understood as a central point overview of contemporary art – a phenomenon combining fidelity to tradition and contemporary ideas of creative freedom, to express, among others, in need of confrontation with the ‘classic’ conventions – encroaching and deconstructive also in our contemporary pop-cultural processes of “image-consumption”. 
nr 5
The article is an attempt to analyse how the code of social realism was used in two areas not necessarily but rather intertwined: in the artistic area, in the iconography of pop-art in its strategy of transforming pop-culture and industrial signs as well as in the commercial area, in the advertisement, mass entertainment and activity of places uniting consumption with play. In her analysis the author reminds J. Baudrillard theory of cultural consumption “as a practise of manipulating signs” and Ch. Pierce “unlimited semiosis” and U. Eco as well as various different concepts of memory (including that of J. Baudrillard). The text ex-plains the essence and features of Social realism reigning in the arbitrary way in Poland in the period 1949-1955 often wrongly associated with the full period of Polish Peoples Republic existence (1949-1989). The use of social realistic elements in pop-culture can be seen as a final defeat of communist doctrine that included contempt for commercial-ism and banal entertainment identified as bourgeois Western culture features. The con-tradiction results from the idea that social realistic works were supposed to appeal to the masses yet should also have easily readable form and also very high artistic quality. In the text there are examples of social realistic slogans and motives from the paintings, sculptures and posters in the modern promotional campaigns of cosmetics, in computer games, in advertisement as well as in the gadgets, restaurants and entertainment venues etc. From the earlier artistic inspirations and transformations (consumptions) of social re-alism the text includes several examples of pop-art artists’ works: A. Warhol, T. Wessel-mann or R. Lichtenstein, and also examples of the works of the artist from the German movement called capitalistic realism like K. Lueg, G. Richter, S. Polke and others. Mod-ern popular culture and commercial mass entertainment exploit art on its own terms and both social realism and pop-art nurture popular and mass culture.
tom 9
s. 363-374
Proponowany tekst jest próbą zaprezentowania miesięcznika „Jazz” (później znanego jako „Magazyn Muzyczny Jazz” i jako Magazyn Muzyczny) jako swoistego sejsmogramu przemian w obszarze socjologii odbioru muzyki czy wręcz socjologii kultury (z konkretnymi odniesieniami politycznymi) w Polsce ostatnich około sześćdziesięciu lat. Jak importowany z Zachodu jazz i rock, tak i zajmująca się nimi prasa miała w naszym kraju najpierw posmak owocu trudnodostępnego, poniekąd zakazanego i w efekcie rozchwytywanego w nakładach zgoła nieproporcjonalnych do jej poziomu merytorycznego czy też kondycji finansowej. W czasach „kapitalistycznej” transformacji po 1989 roku oba te gatunki muzyczne, wraz ze swą dziennikarską nadbudową, dość boleśnie odczuły imperatywy i konsekwencje tak zwanego urynkowienia – choć wcześniej były postrzegane jako bez mała komercyjne. Te ewolucyjne zakręty i paradoksy zostaną pokazane na przykładzie kolejnych mutacji wspomnianego periodyku: z odwołaniami do innych czasopism branżowych, od „Non-Stopu” przez efemeryczny tygodnik „Wow!!!” po „JAZZ FORUM”.
In the following text, we attempt to present Jazz, a Polish musical monthly (later known as Magazyn Muzyczny Jazz and Magazyn Muzyczny) as a historical record of changes in the realm of the sociology of music - or even broadly understood culture, with concrete political references - in Poland from 1956 onwards. Along with jazz and rock music, for quite some time considered troublesome imports from the „imperialist” West, in the communist Poland jazz and rock press also enjoyed the status of a suspect, to some extent forobidden commodity, whose commercial appeal was totally disproportionate to its journalistic/ critical credibility, or even financial condition. In the period of „capitalist” transformation after 1989, both aforementioned musical genres, along with their promotional media, became painfully exposed to the imperatives and consequences of „marketability”, even though earlier they had been generally considered as „commercial”. This proces, as well as its paradoxes, shall be exemplified by selected episodes from the convoluted history of the magazine in question, with references to other Polish musical periodicals, such as JAZZ FORUM or the ephemeral weekly named Wow!!!.
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