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Artykuł przedstawia kilka refleksji dotyczących związków między popularną kulturą masową, szczególnie rocka, a procesem analizy i interpretacji tekstu literackiego w szkole ponadpodstawowej. W części pierwszej zarysowano wpływ tejże kultury na młodzież szkolną, w drugiej zajęto się analizą miejsca popkultury w programach nauczania języka polskiego na poziomie gimnazjalnym i licealnym. Zwieńczeniem tych uwag są przykłady wyzyskania wybranych utworów z kręgu anglosaskiej i rodzimej muzyki rockowej w toku analizy i interpretacji tekstów epickich oraz lirycznych.
The article presents some reflections about connections between pop culture and the process of teaching and learning literature in Polish school. In the first part of the article the author analyses the relation between pop culture and school youth. The next part concerns the place of pop culture in school program of literature education. The third part presents some examples of using chosen compositions of rock artists in education of polish language.
Content available Jan Klata – polityk teatru
The article presents the silhouette and artistic achievements of Jan Klata, one of the most famous Polish theatrical artists. Social and political context, concerning the process of sud-den acceleration in every field of social life, creates the background for describing creativity of this ‘rebel with Mohawk hairstyle’. The director whose works belong to so¬ called ‘socially engaged theatre’ highlights the untypical ideas by using language inspired by the elements of the reality around (popular, musical and media culture). He remains a defiant, rebellious artist who fights for Poland and the high quality theatre addressed to critical spectator.
The paper is a short theoretical summary of relationships between the notions of nation, gender and sexuality in a nationalistic discourse. It is also an attempt at applying this knowledge for analyzing selected artifacts of pop culture. In the first part of the paper, theoretical and research findings on the constructs of gender and sexuality in a nationalistic discourse are presented. In the second part these findings are used for a discursive analysis of gender and sexuality constructs in selected songs / stage acts presented at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 and a pastiche cover version of one of them.
The objective of the article is an attempt to interpret the character/figure/symbol of Jesus by references to miscellaneous cultural texts. First, the author describes the most significant aspects of Piotr Augustyniak’s essay Jezus Niechrystus, emphasizing their originality and rebelliousness, especially towards the Christian doctrine. In latter part of the article, selected fragments of Zbigniew Masternak’s film novella Jezus na prezydenta are analysed. Further, the author acknowledges timelessness of Jesus Christ Superstar rock opera. In the recapitulation, the author discerns constant craving for Jesus, perceiving it as a desirable response, since – according to Kołakowski’s and Augustyniak’s message – teachings of the carpenter from Nazareth constitute an abiding code of our culture.
The assumption of the paper is a liquidity between sacrum and profanum.. The work done on the body makes bodily practices and rituals the art of body. The body is an altar of our identity, manifestation of Self. The great visibility of this tendency is illustrated in the frame of popular culture, especially in the stream called the culture of transparency. The examples of body modifications’ practices, referred to the Western culture, are recognized as the contemporary new-primitivism (neo-primitive perspective) – the Modern Primitive Movement. The wide cult of the body is commonly known and practiced and its official name is corporeism. There are a various platforms of trainings to relax and strengthen the body, “the work on our body” in lighter form, express body. Probably the most opposite trends and cultural phenomenon can verify our level of tolerance and ability to understand significantly other people. The case of body modification can be the first one. The reason of it can be that the body can be perceived as the most visible open-text of ourselves. A variety of its manifestations can really provoke a huge cosmopolitan debate towards a more aesthetically-directed approach on those forms of practices which are not met too often in one specific culture and which argue with its standard of normality.
Content available remote Pop culture as an inspiration in the modern architecture. Chosen issues
The beginnings of mass culture1 are connected with the industrial revolution. They also have direct connections with urbanization processes that started in the 19th century, the indirect effect of which was the unification and popularization of societies and consequently, the ways of land development. In the research conducted on the development of mass culture, from which pop culture has been evolving since the 1960s, the meaning of information popularisation (the influence of the mass media) and the consequences of progressing globalization are emphasized. The aspect of pop culture that still requires an analysis is its impact on the modern architecture and the feedback relation of this process, i.e. the influence of the modern architecture on other aspects of pop culture.
W artykule opisano związki między kulturą masową i architekturą współczesną. Związki te podzielono na trzy podstawowe okresy: faza 1- to wiek XIX i początek XX wieku (początek kultury masowej i XIX-?wiecznego rozwoju miast); faza 2 - to czas trwania kultury modernistycznej, obejmujący znaczną część wieku XX (od lat 20. do lat 70. XX wieku); faza 3 - to wciągnięcie elementów kultury popularnej w obszar kultury wysokiej na początku lat 60. XX wieku. Szerzej opisano okres przełomu postmodernistycznego, kiedy to została zniesiona opozycja intelektualna pomiędzy kulturą popularną i kulturą wysoką (elitarną). Kulturze popularnej przypisywano niskie wartości, częsty brak oryginalnych idei, antyintelektualizm, komercjalizację oraz nastawienie w głównej mierze na wartości merkantylne, zaspokajające najniższe instynkty. Podział ten można uznać za istniejący w kulturze do czasów rewolucji lat 60. XX wieku, a szczególnie do rozwoju pop-artu i postmodernizmu, kiedy został unieważniony, a pop stał się częścią kultury wysokiej. W artykule opisano różne przykłady styku kultury masowej i architektury tego okresu w USA i Europie. Zaprezentowano także przykłady działań artystów pop-artu w architekturze, inspiracje architektoniczne w kulturze popularnej (filmie), nurt partycypacji architektonicznej z lat 70. XX wieku, jako przejaw umasowienia dostępu do architektury współczesnej, oraz przykłady realizacji inspirowanych kulturą popularną (głównie cyberkulturą) z ostatniego dziesięciolecia.
The article concerns contemporary Polish theatre, and particularly the creativity of young directors who are in their thirties: Monika Pęcikiewicz, Monika Strzępka and Wiktor Rubin who give up the traditional theatre and mingle with mass and popular culture. The article also focuses on the problem of reception, because theatrical performances, distancing themselves from the traditional ones, still cause emotional reactions of conservative specta-tors who often feel shocked and offended by such theatre. Such performances ignore the hegemony of dramatical text – they deconstruct cause and effect order of narration, con-front text with contemporary context, they are incoherent; they use new media to contact with a spectator by acting that is based on quoting a character and constant balancing be-tween theatrical performance and private life.
Content available Kobiecy komiks autobiograficzny
The article is concerned with the works of Polish female comic book artists. I advance the thesis that in their artistic work harbours autobiographical elements which constitute an important element of the whole. I begin the article by clarifying certain notions, namely women's, feminist and autobiography as they may be ambiguously construed. Also, the works in which such autobiographical themes are present are divided into three focus groups: 1. Revisionist representation of history, 2. Emotions, sex life, motherhood, 3. Relations of women with the world, the family, and oneself.
In my article, I focus on the relationship between a child and adult in socio-cultural perspective in order to demonstrate how the representations of childhood are used by Polish authors of children’s literature in critical descriptions of war and other forms of violence. At first, I relate to the crucial moment in the European history in which there appeared a discourse of senility and youthfulness. Next, I present the main consequences of the “production” and “distribution” of images of childhood in pop culture. In the last part of my discussion, I analyse novels by Joanna Rudniańska, Jacek Dukaj, Grzegorz Gortat and Dorota Combrzyńska-Nogala, who, in their works about the Holocaust, the martial law in Poland and the war in Syria create the world in which young characters possess certain features belonging to the adult. My analyses demonstrate the sources of betrayal of childhood which appears in these novels like a sublime sign reflecting primarily adults’ fantasies about the child. As I show, this sign contains very few real issues referring to contemporary childhood.
As far as hip-hop is concerned, it is a truism that, Didier Awadi counts as one of its influential leading figures. The famous musician from Senegal takes advantage of hip-hop as medium and participates in disseminating its values in the world. Awadi’s creativity aims at conscientising Black people whose misery, according to him, is due to an internalised negativity about themselves. The artist pursues this objective in “Dans mon rêve” by staging MLK as a historic benchmark and source of inspiration to Africans. My paper attempts to highlight why the use of hip-hop as medium of pop culture does not effectively serve that creditable objective by Awadi. I also review the provocative trope of African pop-artist as a modern griot, raised a decade ago by the United States-based scholars. Theoretically, Stuart Hall’s conception of culture and Guy Debord’s theoretical complexity in his attempt to dismantle the monopoly of the spectacle inform the study.
Content available remote Tacky “Shakespeares” in Japan
There is no doubt that Shakespeare is “the flagship commodity” in the globalized cultural market. The fact that his works are being studied, performed, and admired, or, adapted and parodied almost all over the world, would surely testify that his works are great sources to be capitalized on (both culturally and materially) in the consumerist society in which we live. However, it could be also argued that the brand logo, “Shakespeare,” no longer holds such a privileged status, that it is merely one of numerous cultural artifacts that can be used and recycled, and that one of the few convenient things about “Shakespeare” is that it can be reproduced, copied, and parodied without the need for any royalty payments being made? Some popular, global, tacky “shakespeares” seek to destabilize the presupposed notion that “Shakespeare” is the dominant, central, hegemonic icon by juxtaposing “Shakespeare” with other artifacts, which are presumed to be of minimal capitalist and cultural value. This article attempts to illustrate how (in)significant or (un)influential Shakespeare, as a residual socio-cultural icon, can be. Tackyfying “Shakespeares” can, however, also be a means to proliferate the Bard. Japanese pop “Shakespeares,” proudly and assertively tacky, offer tributes to the great Bard.
The last twenty five years in the history of Poland was not only a period of turbulent political changes, but also a time of profound social metamorphosis. As a result of the opening on western culture influence, in a relatively uniform society new movements and cultural phenomena began to form. One of them, founded around 1995, was the subculture of manga and anime fans (lovers of Japanese comics and animated films). This article pre-sents the history of the Lodz faction of this subculture, from its origins to the period of greatest prosperity. Most focus is placed on activities of local groups of East Asian popculture enthusiasts with full list of their meetings that took place in Lodz region. The text also describes the controversy surrounding the popularization of Japanese comics and animated films.
Ostatnie dwudziestopięciolecie zapisało się w historii naszego kraju nie tylko jako okres burzliwych przemian politycznych, lecz także jako czas głębokiej metamorfozy społecznej. W efekcie otwarcia się Polski na kulturę zachodnią, w dotychczas względnie jednolitym społeczeństwie na skutek oddziaływania impulsów zewnętrznych zaczęły rodzić się nowe ruchy i zjawiska kulturowe. Jednym z nich była powstała około 1995 r. subkultura fanów mangi i anime, czyli społeczność miłośników japońskich komiksów i filmów animowanych. W niniejszym artykule omówiono historię łódzkiego odłamu tej subkultury, począwszy od jej początków po okres największego rozkwitu. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na działalność łódzkich klubów zrzeszających lokalnych entuzjastów popkultury wschodnioazjatyckiej oraz zaprezentowaniu pełnego wykazu regionalnych zjazdów fanów. W tekście poruszono także zagadnienie kontrowersji towarzyszących popularyzacji japońskich komiksów i filmów animowanych.
The article deals with the works of Marcin Maciejowski in the perspective of intermedia connections of his works with photography, film and painting. The author of the article is particularly interested in tracing the intertextual and intermedia games in the space of culture as well as their informative, cognitive and ludic functions. A separate section of the article is devoted to the description of media realism.
Comic books are increasingly being used as a material for creating theatre plays. In Poland, first theatre adaptations of comics appeared in the mid-20th century, but on Broadway, comic strips have provided source material for theatre plays since its outsets in the late 1800s. In this paper I present a short history of the most important comic book adaptations for the theatre in Poland, with an emphasis on plays based on a Henryk Jerzy Chmielewski’s series Tytus, Romek i A’Tomek. I ponder upon the connotations between comic books and music, and bring into consideration many different forms that comic book adaptations can take. Above all, I analyse in details a few examples (Polish productions Staś i Zła Noga [Staś and the Bad Leg] by Bartłomiej Błaszczyński and Kajko i Kokosz by Marta Ogrodzińska, and an American production Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark by Julie Taymor) for the purpose of discussing the strategies of putting the comic book stories onto the stage and the difficulties involved with the process.
The author chose popular culture texts such as graphic novel and hip-hop album to analyze the process of remembering in the region of Podlasie. Thearticlealso examineswhetherpopular mediahavethepotentialto create place narration as well as to present the commonplace tensions that emerge from the culturaland religious diversitywhere distinct “memories” blend.
The article tries to describe in what ways John Calvin is presented in texts and images in the Internet and in pop culture. The author examines private websites about John Calvin, linguistic texts, drawings, comic strips and gadgets associated with him. She indicates some functions of semiotic changes of the reformer and extra-religious contexts in which he appears. The personality of the 16th century reformer and theologian has at least two functions: in the religious context it is “a symbol of resistance” against such phenomena as consumerism and hedonism and in the context of humour and satire, the message is incompatible with orthodox religious texts.
In the article the author examines fantastic novels by contemporary Polish writers (Andrzej Maleszka, Paweł Beręsowicz, Rafał Kosik and other) for young readers in a cultural context. In his essay he uses two well-known cultural categories “myth” and “magic” to his analysis of fantastic novels. According to the author, the myth and magic have two important functions in fantastic children’s literature. First, they lead young readers to knowledge about the world and depict different, complex phenomena of cultural dimension. Second, the myth and magic create a particular space (what “engulfs” young readers) of play and entertainment. Moreover, the myth and magic attract young readers to fabulous worlds including the elements of realistic literary convention. Thereby the writers increase their credibility among the youth. A “myth-magic” in the presented word of contemporary Polish fantastic novels assures balance between incredible entertainment represented by wizards, witches, dragons and the real world with characters having various digital devices within reach.
Wrona Daria, Cosplay – znaczenie fenomenu w relacjach uczestniczek [Cosplay – the Significance of the Phenomenon in Female Participants’ Accounts]. Studia Edukacyjne nr 56, 2020, Poznań 2020, pp. 385-399. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 1233-6688. DOI: 10.14746/se.2020.56.21 Cosplay is a poorly understood phenomenon related to popular culture. Currently, however, it is slowly attracting the interest of an increasing number of fields of science, such as sociology, psychology or pedagogy. The following article will present the theoretical foundations and research on the role of cosplay in the life of female cosplayers. Focusing on the subjects, I touched upon the issues of interpersonal interactions, interests and skills, social perception of cosplay, problems related to the preparation of costumes, and the impact of cosplay on identity development.
Gajewska Grażyna, Cyborgi – literacko-filmowe figury dyskursu interaktywnego [Cyborgs – Literary and Film Figures of Interactive Discourse]. „Przestrzenie Teorii” 32. Poznań 2019, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, pp. 179–196. ISSN 1644-6763. DOI 10.14746/pt.2019.32.9. The author analyzes the figure of the cyborg in science fiction literature and film. The text begins by showing this kind of literary work in the theoretical field and presents it as an interactive discourse. The author describes the scientific roots of constructing a human-technical hybrid, emphasizing the ideological and political context of this research. In this approach, the cyborg appears as a participant in and also a hostage of the Cold War. Next, the author finds literary and film creations of cyborgs inspired by this political and military heritage. The article also presents alternative images of cyborgs co-creating a feminist and postcolonial discourse. They were also included in specific policies and strategies aimed at deconstructing concepts such as sex and gender, sexuality, race, nation, social class. The main thesis of the article is that as fictitious and real entities, cyborgs are prone to ideologization and burdened with the obligation to politicize. Therefore, when studying cyborgs in literature, film and comics, we must ask what ideologies and politicians they serve.
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