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Content available Politologii polskiej meandry
The paper contains the author’s attempt to review the history of Polish political science from World War II to the present day, its condition and characteristics. The progress political science has made in Poland has been crowned by its achieving the status of a rightful science, recognized by the representatives of numerous renowned fields of study. However, the factors that have contributed to the present status quo have also been administrative, even political. Yet these have neither determined the place of political science nor are they decisive in terms of its status in academia now. The stage of demonstrating its scientific status is already behind political science which, firstly, has demonstrated a clearly defined range of research issues, secondly, has undertaken significant research and arrived at valuable conclusions, and thirdly, has attracted competent, increasingly more versatile and thoroughly educated professionals. At present, political science is facing the challenges reminiscent of those faced by the remaining social sciences. In these terms, political science has not reached the limits of its transformation or capacity.
The article provides a short and synthetic analysis about condition of political science in Poland. It is a voice in the debate about the subject of cognition in the discipline. The article focuses on the problem of interdisciplinarity in political science. Author argues that the lack of reflection on the subject of discipline knowledge leads to the impoverishment of its achievements.
Content available remote Psychologia jako niezbędny komponent politologii
Ryszard Skarzynski thinks that the main subject of recognition in political science have to be “the political”, which is constructed by a specific kind of group. Contrary to this opinion R. E. Lane said that political science should be freed-up by political psychology. This kind of group (“political”) is endangered by the roles played by individuals. Sociometry is a solution which helped to measure and explore the phase in which the group is. Personality is also important, because there are some characteristics which can threaten the whole group or the group’s purposes (to stay “political” and not to become “social”). “Delta” questionnaire, EPQ-R, MACH IV should help the group and also political scientists to carry out the research what kind of individuals are members of the group. If political psychology has the best ways to explore this matter, political scientist should use them to distinguish “political” from “others”.
Content available remote The use of the concept of marketing in political studies
The article presents suggestions for the use of marketing concepts for political studies. In particular, it concentrates on the analysis of the question of advantages, which result from using for political studies notions and research methods (e.g. the SWOT analysis) used in the theory of organization and marketing.
W artykule przedstawiono propozycje badawcze zastosowania koncepcji marketingu do badań politologicznych. Zwłaszcza poddano analizie zagadnienie korzyści jakie wynikają z zastosowania w nauce o polityce aparatury pojęciowej i metod badawczych (np. analiza SWOT) stosowanych w teorii organizacji i marketingu.
Content available Politologia – nauka w drodze
The paper presents the thesis that the interdisciplinarity of political science as a science, open to the accomplishments in the field of social sciences and humanities enriches this disci- pline. On the one hand, the enormous expansion of knowledge enforces specialization. On the other hand, there is a constant exchange of thought and methodological experience that takes place for fear of becoming isolated. Globalization – the new quality of international life – forces us to continuously exceed the limits of traditional theoretical orientations. Scientific pluralism raises the question of who and when has the right to decide on the superiority of one scientific model over another. The present state of research into the status of political science allows us to observe that the research instruments of politics, the process of permanently changing the world, must be flexible. The history of the social sciences confirms the continu- ous interdependency of particular disciplines and acknowledges political science as an impor- tant link in the chain of evolution of science.
Teaching Polish language and culture to foreigners, we attempt to prepare our learners to the possibly most comfortable life in new culture. We explain, among others, several historical and political topics, which take part in building our national identity. These elements are present in the Polish discourse and Polish cultural paradigms as myths and imaginations, surrounded by meanings and interpretations. This article consists of several thoughts of an experienced teacher who builds a brand of Poland through the instruction blending historical and political elements in the pop-cultural context.
Ucząc języka polskiego i wiedzy o Polsce cudzoziemców, staramy się przygotować studentów do w miarę komfortowego życia w kulturze docelowej. Wyjaśniamy wiele kwestii historycznych i politycznych, budujących naszą tożsamość narodową. Funkcjonują one w polskim dyskursie jako szereg mitów, wyobrażeń, obudowanych znaczeniami, interpretacjami, są uporządkowane w konkretne paradygmaty kultury. Ulegają wpływom kultury popularnej, co znacznie potęguje ich oddziaływanie. W niniejszym tekście zostanie przedstawiony szereg przemyśleń doświadczonego nauczyciela, budującego markę Polski, uczącego nt. polskiej racji stanu, wprowadzającego na lektoratach zagadnienia historyczne, politologiczne, w popkulturowym kontekście.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wprowadzenie do tematyki badawczej historii politycznej polskiej piłki nożnej. Uzasadnia on konieczność prowadzenia badań nad futbolem w zakresie nauk o polityce, porządkuje podstawowe pojęcia oraz proponuje spójne ramy metodologiczne w postaci symultanicznego zastosowania metody systemowej i decyzyjnej. Zawiera także autorską koncepcję periodyzacji historii politycznej polskiego futbolu oraz wykaz podstawowej bazy bibliograficznej i archiwalnej dla proponowanych badań. Zaprezentowane wyniki badań potwierdzają, że futbol jest istotnym i właściwym obszarem badań dla politologa.
The aim of this article is to introduce the topic of research on the political history of the Polish football. The article demonstrates the importance of political research on football, it clarifies the basic concepts and proposes a coherent methodological framework in the form of simultaneous application of both the system analysis and the decision method. The article presents also the author’s concept of historical periodization of the Polish football and a list of basic references and archives for the proposed research. The research results presented in this paper prove that football is an important and relevant field of research for a political scientist.
This article focuses on the category of post-truth and its doubtful significance for political research in general and particularly for political theory. In the paper, numerous definitional and theoretical objections toward the concept of post-truth were presented, as well as it was attempted to point out that it is based on colloquial reasoning and does not fulfil scientific criteria, which disqualify posttruth from the catalogue of scientific categories. These considerations were embedded in wide theoretical context and congruent conclusions were formulated for enhancement of polish political theory.
Artykuł poświęcony jest kategorii post- -prawdy i jej wątpliwemu znaczeniu dla badań politologicznych w ogóle i dla teorii polityki w szczególności. W tekście przedstawiono liczne zastrzeżenia pod adresem koncepcji post-prawdy, przede wszystkim definicyjne i teoretyczne, jak również starano się wykazać, iż koncept post- -prawdy opiera się na rozumowaniu potocznym i nie spełnia kryteriów naukowości, co wyklucza post-prawdę z katalogu kategorii naukowych. Rozważania osadzono w szerszym kontekście teoriopolitycznym i właśnie na potrzeby teorii polityki wyprowadzono odpowiednie wnioski.
The paper discusses the issue of the complex relationship between political science as a branch of academia and modern trends in feminism, understood as a collection of mutually related ideologies. The author emphasizes that both science and ideology are forms of politi- cal practice exercised in the same social and political reality. However, they are fundamen- tally different with respect to the hierarchy of their functions. The ‘clash’ of these two products of human activity produces political science on women and the politological analysis of feminism (subjected first and foremost to the scientific function) on the one hand, and various proposals of feminist modifications of political science that produce feministically re- formed political science and gynocentric political science (where the scientific function is subjected to social objectives) on the other.
Content available remote Doktryny polityczne a ideologia
Artykuł porusza ważny problem w politologii, istotę doktryn politycznych i ich wpływ na ideologię.. Doktryna polityczna jest teoretycznym systemem twierdzeń, założeń i przekonań dotyczących polityki determinującymi wizję rzeczywistości politycznej w realnym i idealnym kształcie, który w tym ostatnim przypadku rysuje się jako cel nadrzędny, osiągany przez wyłonione zasady i metody działania. Idealna wizja porządków społecznych, wypracowana przez doktrynę, miewa albo charakter realistyczny, kiedy jest najbardziej zbliżona do rzeczywistości; osiągalny kiedy jest różna od realnego stanu stosunków, lecz jako cel jest osiągalna lub też jest utopią; kiedy nie może być osiągalna. Doktryn nie można oddzielać od ideologii. Ideologie formowane są w kategoriach ogólnych, generalnych, doktryn natomiast w kategoriach bardziej konkretnych. Doktryny rozróżnić można pod względem ich trwania i zasięgu. Jedne egzystują tylko w krótkim historycznie czasie, inne trwają przez stulecia.W artykule scharakteryzowano następujące doktryny: Socjalizm, Socjaldemokrację, Faszyzm, Chrześcijańską Demokrację, Konserwatyzm i Liberalizm.
Article raises an important issue in political science, the essence of political doctrines and their influence on the ideology .. The doctrine of the political system is a theoretical assertions, assumptions and beliefs about politics determining the political vision of reality in the real and the ideal shape, which in the latter case is drawn as an overriding goal, achieved by elected by the principles and methods of operation. The ideal vision of social order, elaborated by the doctrine, mitzvah, or realistic character when it is closest to reality when available is different from the real state of relations, but the goal is achievable or is it a utopia, when it can not be achieved. Doctrines can not be separated from ideology. Ideologies are formed in general terms, the general, doctrines, and in more concrete terms. Doctrine can be distinguished in terms of their duration and scope. Some exist only in a short time, historically, the other being characterized by the following article stulecia.W doctrines of Socialism, Social Democracy, Fascism, Christian Democracy, Conservatism and Liberalism.
Content available remote Uwagi o kulturze politycznej
W artykule podjęto próbę zdefiniowania pojęcia "kultura polityczna ".Przedstawiono pojęcie, przedmiot i zakres kultury politycznej. Analizę rozpoczęto od ów starożytności do współczesności. Skupiono się na prekursorach kultury politycznej w Polsce. Schrakteryzowano klasyczną definicję amerykańskich politologów A. Almonda Verby. W ostatniej części opracowania przedstawiono szerokie pojęcie kultury politycznej, wyróżniając w niej następujące pojęcia: elementy, płaszczyzny, źródła, typy, składniki oraz mierniki jej poziomu
The paper makes an attempt to define the notion of political culture. It presents the notion, nature and scope of political culture. The analysis covers the period from ancient times until the present time. It concentrates on pioneers in the field of political culture in Poland. It characterizes the classic definition by A. Almondi and S. Verby. The last part of the paper presents a broad notion of political culture, distinguishing the following three notions: elements, planes, sources, components and measurements of their level.
Content available remote Podstawowe metody badawcze w politologicznych pracach doktorskich
The article presents and describes research methods applied in politological studies. The author explains the notion of research method and then presents and explains various research methods used in politological studies, including heuristic, systemic, comparative, decision-making, behavioural, quantative, prognostic methods, empirical methods, analysis, synthesis, induction, abstracting, generalisation and others. The author underlines that the mentioned and characterised research methods should be applied in doctoral dissertations creatively through their choice according to the subject and goal of the research.
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