The paper discusses the possibilities that political psychology provides for analysis of Russian political elites. Theoretical model, elaborated by the author, shows these possibilities on the basis of empirical data from a big study of psychological characteristics of Russian ministers (from Putin’s government), regional governors, senators and State Duma deputies.
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Study summarizes political psychology research dealing with the effects of anxiety and anger based on theory of affective intelligence. In this field of study, emotions are understood as emotional categories that cluster similar affects. According to the theory of affective intelligence, anxiety and anger have different effects on political thinking and behavior, a fact that corresponds to most of the existing findings. Researches in this study are divided into three political psychology domains according to their research problems. These domains are acquiring information and thinking, forming opinions and attitudes, and political participation.
Studie shrnuje výzkumy z oblasti politické psychologie zabývající se vlivem úzkosti a hněvu na politické myšlení a chování, které vycházejí z teorie afektivní inteligence. Tyto dvě emoce jsou chápany jako emoční kategorie shlukující v sobě více podobných afektů. Úzkost a hněv v tomto pojetí mají mít podle teorie afektivní inteligence odlišný vliv na politické myšlení a chování, což koresponduje s většinou dosavadních zjištění. Výzkumy zahrnuté v této studii jsou rozděleny do tří politicko-psychologických oblastí podle zaměření svého výzkumného problému. Konkrétně se jedná o oblasti získávání informací a uvažování, formování názorů a postojů a politické participace.
Categories and theories that describe and explain conflicts and their properties, which derive from sociology, psychology and political science, use different levels of social-political reality: from meta-theories (for example functional and coercive) to theories concerning psychological processes. The aim of social sciences is to study political conflict in the following perspectives: social systems featured by unequal access to valued symbolic and material goods; cognitive, emotional and motivational processes of people participating in conflicts; patterns and actual behaviors in conflict situations; mechanisms of conflict dynamics — cause-and-effect relationships that determine phases of conflict development; functions of conflicts, their creative and destructive effects on individuals, groups, societies and global society; integrative methods of conflict-solving as an element of positive sum game strategy; and at last, shaping the institutions of social systems capable of „civilizing” conflicts through limitation of their destructive sources, methods and effects.
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