In order to confirm this statement, we shall have a look at the outcomes of the Hungarian elections of 2006: the 4 parties that were already in the parliament in the previous period, gaining the 97% of the votes, let only one party to cross the 1% threshold of financing, and a new actor could get into House of Nation only by the electoral cooperation of Fidesz and Christian-democrats.
This article concerns the issue of the attitude of Polish libertarian parties to Polish integration with the European Communities/European Union. Included within the politi-cal parties which were the subject of interest for the author are: the Union of Real Politics, the Congress of the New Right Wing, the Libertarian Party and the Renewal Coalition of the Republic of Freedom and Hope. It should be emphasized that the purpose of the elaboration was not only to present the inclination of these parties to the EC/EU, but also to indicate the possible differences between them on this particular issue. On the basis of research methods used in the article (analysis of sources, histori-cal method, comparative method) it has been demonstrated that Polish libertarian parties – propagating the ideas of minimal state and laissez-faire economy – are scepti-cal to Polish integration with EC/EU. Simultaneously it must be noted that the attitude to the European integration process – as shown in the example of the Union of the Real Politics – may, under the influence of changing political situation, succumb to minor changes.
The book of Bartłomiej H. Toszek titled: The devolution reform in the programs of the main political parties in Wales 1997–2011 is the result of the author’s long-term research of the Welsh devolution and it The book of Bartłomiej H. Toszek titled: The devolution reform in the programs of the main political parties in Wales 1997–2011 is the result of the author’s long-term research of the Welsh devolution and it The book of Bartłomiej H. Toszek titled: The devolution reform in the programs of the main political parties in Wales 1997–2011 is the result of the author’s long-term research of the Welsh devolution and itconstitutes a contribution to a number of publications analyzing the devolutionary changes taking place in Great Britain since mid 1990’s. In the first part of the work, the author defines and characterizes what devolution is, what was its genesis, its nature and evolution in Wales. Usually politicians and political parties are behind the introduced constitutional changes. In the second chapter of the publication we find a thorough analysis of the specificity of the Welsh party system. The third part, it presents the foundations of the devolution reforms in the programs of the Welsh political parties during the period 1997–2011. B. H. Toszek does not avoid showing the political and historical background of the decision making process. He presents in a very interesting manner, the attitude and proposals for the devolution reform of the main political groups in Wales over the space of nearly 15 years. The work is based, among others, on the analysis of the program documents, electoral manifestos of the four, most important political groups, having the largest impact on political and political decisions taken in Wales: the Welsh Labor Party, the Welsh Conservative and Unionist Party, Plaid Cymru and the Welsh Liberal Democrats. This is valuable and very interesting work, and the reader will certainly not be disappointed with this publication.
W wielu środowiskach, w tym także w kręgach naukowych pokutuje pogląd redukujący marketing polityczny do kategorii zestawu metod i narzędzi socjotechnicznych stosowanych w polityce w celu uzyskania poparcia społecznego i osiągnięcia dobrego wyniku w wyborach. Z takim poglądem trzeba zdecydowanie polemizować bowiem upraszcza on postrzeganie zarówno zakresu, jak również celów i charakteru tej dynamicznie rozwijającej się dziedziny życia związanej ze sferą polityki. Niezbędne staje się dokładne wyjaśnienie istoty marketingu politycznego. We współczesnym świecie jest to: z jednej strony – dziedzina praktyki politycznej, a z drugiej – dziedzina badań naukowych1. Jeśli nawet pole analizy zostałoby ograniczone do wymiaru praktycznych zastosowań marketingu politycznego to i tak nie można go utożsamiać jedynie z zestawem technik promocyjnych. Poza promocją politycznego produktu pełni on bowiem szereg rozlicznych funkcji w demokratycznym systemie politycznym.
The goal of the article “Svenskhet som gräns, Swedishness as a border” is to present problems with the concept of Swedishness from another perspective than it has been discussed in the Swedish media. The article analyses responses from Swedish political parties with regard to “Swedishness” and democracy, and it provides an insight to the contemporary situation in Sweden.
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