The study seeks to define the group of people protected under the provisions on genocide both in the Polish criminal law and international criminal law. The provisions of the Convention of 9 December 1948 on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Statutes of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda contain a very similar definition of genocide. Killings and other acts listed in that legislation, committed in order to exterminate all or part of national, ethnic, racial or religious groups as such are prohibited as genocide. Similar conduct was prohibited in the provision of Article 118 of the Polish Penal Code. However, the protected group has been identified differently. It has been defined much more widely in Polish criminal law than in international law. A perpetrator of genocide acts with the purpose to exterminate all or part of a national, ethnic, racial, political or religious group or a group with a specific worldview. There are two important differences: the first is that international law acts prohibit intentional conduct while Article 118 prohibits purposeful conduct. The second difference is a much narrower definition of groups protected by international regulations. They do not protect a political group and a group with a certain worldview. This study analyses the consequences of this distinction, in particular the possibility of classifying the conduct aiming against a political group and a group with a particular worldview.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości wykorzystania analizy sieci społecznych (SNA) do badań elit Parlamentu Europejskiego). Badanie koncentruje się na analizie organizacyjnych powiązań polskich eurodeputowanych siódmej kadencji. Za takie związki uznano: wspólną przynależność do grup politycznych, kierownictwa komisji i delegacji parlamentarnych, Prezydium PE, Konferencji Przewodniczących, Konferencji Przewodniczących Komisji (Delegacji). Do sporządzenia obliczeń podstawowych miar SNA oraz przygotowania prezentacji graficznych wykorzystano programy UCInet i Netdraw. Opierając się na wyliczeniach przedstawiono podstawowe właściwości tej struktury oraz wyróżniono eurodeputowanych, którzy posiadali najlepsze położenie w sieci.
The purpose of this article is to present the possibilities of using social network analysis (SNA) in the study of the European Parliament elite. This study focuses on organisational connections between Polish members of the European Parliament (seventh term). Official organisational relationships of Polish MEPs include common membership in: political groups, authorities of parliamentary committees and delegations, Parliament’s Bureau, Conference of Presidents, Conference of Committee (and Delegation) Chairs. UCInet and Netdraw programmes were used to calculate SNA’s basic measures and to prepare graphical presentation of relational network created by the Polish MEPs. On this basis main characteristics of the network were presented and MEPs who had the best network locations were distinguished.