In his 1949 short novel, Story of Tomorrow, Italian writer Curzio Malaparte depicts postwar Europe invaded by the Soviet Union. The book focuses on the new political order in Italy, and particularly on the fates of several important Italian politicians from the 1940 decade (Alcide De Gasperi, Palmiro Togliatti) and of the author himself. It can be disputed whether the text may be considered an alternate history (or rather political fiction), mainly because of the lack of an explicit nexus event (i.e. the event that creates the alternative reality in relation to the one known to the reader). Although the events depicted in the book take place in near future or – more probably – in an alternative present, the author’s main aim is to provide a highly critical and satirical commentary on contemporary Italy’s political situation.
Edukacja rzadko przyciąga uwagę współczesnych literatów. Tym bardziej interesująca powinna być dla pedagogów ostatnia powieść Michela Houellebecqa Uległość. Przedstawiono w niej zaskakującą wizję przyszłości francuskiego systemu oświaty, w której świecki model szkolnictwa zostaje zastąpiony przez model wyznaniowy. Zdaniem autorki, wizja ta współgra z narastającym nurtem politycznego konserwatyzmu i wymaga od pedagogów przemyślenia wartości stojących za współczesnym szkolnictwem.
Education rarely attracts the attention of contemporary writers. That’s why educators should be particularly interested in Michel Houellebecq’s latest novel, Submission. The book presents a surprising vision of the future of the French education system – replacing the current secular model of education by a religious one. In the opinion of the author of the article, Houellebecq’s vision fits in with the rising tide of political conservatism. This requires a rethinking of the values standing behind contemporary education.
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