The article shows that globalization makes the largest influence on three significant guarantees of national identity (and freedom) preservation: language, economic and political independence. The possibilities to preserve and to consolidate freedom are discussed as well. The first theme analyzed is the worship and promotion of language, cultural and national values which mean not only safety but also openness and accessibility for other cultures (interchange). The second is the renunciation of servant position in relation with the European Union, the self-spread and defence of economic interests. The third is more active defend of political interests in the European Union in search for the partners whose interests seceded to coincide with ours. The fourth is the implementation of the political self-government principle, which should be grounded on the striving to preserve the national identity and culture which supply civil society. This way the gap between authorities and inhabitants decreases, it diminishes the distrust of citizens in authorities and it increases responsibility and accountability of authorities to the people who elected them. It is hoped that everything above mentioned would form more favourable environment for national self-awareness and freedom to spread and grow strong as well.
Straipsnyje parodoma, kad tautinio tapatumo kaip vertybės ir laisvės tapsmą vis labiau lemia spartūs pokyčiai, paženklinti visuotine globalizacija. Atskleidžiama, kad didžiausią poveikį globalizacija daro trims svarbiausioms tautinio tapatumo (ir laisvės) išsaugojimo garantams - kalbai, ekonominiam savarankiškumui ir politiniam savarankiškumui. Aptariamos tautinio tapatumo ir laisvės saugos bei jos įtvirtinimo galimybės. Pirma, tai - kalbos, kultūrinių ir tautinių vertybių gerbimas ir propagavimas, kuris reiškia ne tik apsaugą, bet ir atvirumą bei prieinamumą kitoms kultūroms (mainus). Antra, atsisakymas servilistinės santykių su ES pozicijos, efektyvus ir kryptingas ekonominių interesų, susijusių su gyvybine tautos, atskirų jos grupių savisklaida, gynimas. Trečia, aktyvus politinių interesų gynimas ES ir partnerių, kurių interesai sutaptų su mūsiškiais, paieška leistų pelnyti didesnį palankumą ir paramą. Ketvirta, politinės savivaldos principo įgyvendinimas, kuris būtų grindžiamas ne tiek formaliu visų lygių valdžios renkamumu, bet remtųsi tautos tapatumo, jos kultūros, kuri būtent ir maitina pilietinę visuomenę, išsaugojimo siekiu. Taip pat mažinamas (atkuriamas) valdžios ir gyventojų atotrūkis silpnintų ir nepasitikėjimą valdžia, didintų jos atsakomybę rinkėjams.
In this article, the ethical documents of the synods of the Protestant churches in Poland from the last 20 years have been presented. These statements of the church are the ethical and pastoral answers to the situation after the political change. It has accentuated the role of ethics in the questioning and existence of today's churches. In the tradition of the Evangelical-Lutheran (Augsburg Confession) Church in Poland, the Synod has the special function in formulating the official statements. After the political change in 1989, the Evangelical Church also tried to bring its ethical positions into the general discussion. Among the most important documents are the statements of the churches on the abortion debate and on the issue of Polish accession to the EU. These documents, however, were hardly taken into consideration by the wider social public. The draftsman emphasizes that in the Austrian or Czech context such ethical statements were formulated in the ecumenical conversation. This experience should be taken on the Polish ecclesiastical grounds.
In diesem Artikel wurden die ethischen Dokumente der Synoden der Evangelischen Kirchen in Polen aus letzen 20 Jahren dargestellt. Diese Aussagen der Kirche sind die ethischen und seelsorgerlichen Antworten auf die Situation nach der politischen Wende. Es wurde die Rolle der Ethik in Fragestellung und Existenz der heutigen Kirchen, akzentuiert. In der Tradition der Evangelisch-Lutherischen (Augsburger Konfession) Kirche in Polen hat die Synode die besondere Funktion in der Formulierung der offiziellen Stellungnahmen. Nach der politischen Wende im Jahre 1989 versuchte auch die Evangelische Kirche ihre ethischen Positionen in die allgemeine Diskussion einzubringen. Zu den wichtigsten Dokumenten gehören die Stellungnahmen der Kirchen zur Abtreibungsdebatte und weiter zum Thema des polnischen EU-Beitritts. Diese Dokumente wurden jedoch von dem weiteren sozialen Publikum kaum in die Beachtung genommen. Der Verfasser betont, dass in den österreichischen oder tschechischen Kontext solche ethische Stellungnahmen im ökumenischen Gespräch formuliert wurden. Diese Erfahrung sollte man auf den polnischen kirchlichen Grund genommen werden.
The entity of the aesthetical representation of politics is studied basing on three ontological sources and three methodological views on this process: aesthetical, ethical, and psychological. The essence of the aesthetical presentation of the political sphere and the ways of representing political reality by aesthetical facilities are analyzed. The special concepts of a political symbol, the political metaphor, the political ritual, and the political myth are used in the research to discover the sensual parameters of the political aesthetization as the process and collection of the phenomena.
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