Nowe, biodegradowalne materiały opakowaniowe należą do grupy polimerów zaprojektowanych w celu degradacji przez enzymatyczne działanie mikroorganizmów. Polimery biodegradowalne mogą być produkowane przy użyciu technologii korzystających zarówno z surowców odnawialnych, jak i petrochemicznych. Przykładem polimeru wytwarzanego całkowicie ze źródeł odnawialnych jest polilaktyd (PLA) produkowany ze skrobi kukurydzianej. Dzięki swoim właściwościom - dobrej wytrzymałości i sztywności, przezroczystości, odporności na działanie tłuszczów, dobrej barierowości dla tlenu i aromatów, dużej przepuszczalności pary wodnej - można go stosować przy pakowaniu żywności. Polilaktyd ulega kompostowaniu w warunkach przemysłowych. Wszystkie opakowania uzyskały certyfikat zgodnie z normą EN 13432 wydany przez DINCERTCO, uprawniający do znakowania znakiem przydatności do kompostowania.
New, biodegradable packaging materials represent a family of polymers that are designed to degrade through the enzymatic action of living micro-organisms. Biodegradable polymers can be produced by technologies both from renewable resources and from petrol industry. Example of polymers completely made from renewable resources is polylactide (PLA) manufactured from maize starch. Owing to its properties - good impact resistance and rigidity, highly transparent, resistance to fats, good oxygen barrier, good aroma barrier, high moisture transmission - it can be used in food packaging. PLA is compostable under industrial conditions. All of packaging is certified in according to the standard EN13432:2000 by DINCERTCO and qualify to use compostability logo.
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Zbadano przydatność polilaktydu (PLA) jako spoiwa do wielokrotnego stosowania do mas formierskich wykorzystywanych w procesach odlewniczych. PLA otrzymano z dużą wydajnością (71%) przez polikondensację laktydu. Masy formierskie z 2-proc. zawartością spoiwa uzyskano w wyniku odparowania chloroformowego roztworu PLA. Zbadano wytrzymałość na rozciąganie mas formierskich po ich wielokrotnym zawracaniu. Masy formierskie z 2-proc. zawartością PLA jako spoiwem, stapiane w wysokiej temp. 325°C można było zawracać nawet 13-krotnie, otrzymując masy charakteryzujące się dobrą jakością.
Polylactide (PLA) was used as a binder for recycled molding sands in foundry processes. PLA was produced by lactide polycondensation with a high efficiency (71%). The molding sands with 2% binder content were prepd. by evaporating the solvent from CHCl3 soln. of PLA. The PLA-contg. molding sands cured at 325°C were successfully recycled up to 13 times.
The modification of processing and functional properties of polymeric materials is widely used in polymer processing. The current progress in this field involves the introduction of new ways of modifying polymers, often by changing their structure from homogeneous to porous. As a result, these polymers have lower density, and thus modified processing and functional properties. The paper presents the results of a study on the selected properties of the injection-molded specimens of polylactide (PLA) modified with blowing agents, before and after thermal ageing. Blowing agents with exothermic (Hydrocerol 530) and endothermic decomposition (Hydrocerol ITP-810, Expancel 951 MB 120 and LyCell F-017) were used. The mass content of the blowing agents was changed in the range from 0.5% to 3%. The study involved examination of the changes in properties such as Young’s modulus, tensile strength, tensile stress, strain at maximum tensile stress, Vicat softening temperature and impact strength depending on the mass content and type of blowing agent before and after the ageing process.
As a result of the work carried out, composites were obtained whose matrix was polylactide (PLA) and the filler was hemp shives with the addition of stearin. Using a heating press, composites with different shares of both PLA and hemp shives were obtained. The amount of stearin was always 15% in relation to the mass of hemp shives used. Samples were prepared from the obtained composites to test the biodegradation process, which were measured and weighed. The biodegradation process was carried out in the environment, placing the appropriately prepared batches of composites in compost derived from grass. Samples were taken at monthly intervals to analyze changes in mass and thickness and morphological assessment. The degradation process of the obtained composites was carried out for 3 months. The mass of the samples after the first month of biodegradation did not change significantly, however, with the biodegradation time, the masses of the tested composite samples decrease. The thickness of composite samples after the first month of biodegradation increased in relation to the initial value, which may be caused by the adsorption of water from the substrate. However, after three months of biodegradation, a decrease in thickness was observed for all samples in comparison to the initial value. Analysis of the surface morphology of the composite samples carried out using a stereoscopic microscope and a scanning electron microscope confirmed the biodegradation process for the obtained composites. Stearin, which is a mixture of fatty acids, used as a composite modifying additive turned out to be a nutrient for microorganisms present in the compost, which accelerated the decomposition of the samples. As a result of the conducted research, it can be stated that the obtained composite has properties that support ecological processing, which is in line with the assumptions of a circular economy.
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Artykuł stanowi przegląd literaturowy dotyczący badań nad syntezą i wybranymi właściwościami dwóch grup nowych (bio)degradowalnych poliestrouretanów, których segmenty giętkie zawierały zsyntezowane telecheliczne oligoestrodiole: ataktyczny poli([R,S]-3-hydroksymaślan) (a-PHB) lub polilaktyd (PLA) i/lub alifatyczno-aromatyczny kopolimer poli[(tereftlanu-1,4-butylenu)-co-(adypinianu-1,4-butylenu)] (BTA). Przytoczone wyniki wskazują, że poliestrouretany pierwszej grupy są podatne na degradację w środowisku hydrolitycznym i utleniającym. Odpowiednio modyfikowane wykazują potencjalną biostatyczność i hemokompatybilność. Druga grupa poliestrouretanów łączy właściwości obu polimerów, z których otrzymano oligoestrodiole: PLA i BTA, co jest korzystne ze względu na właściwości mechaniczne oraz podatność na degradację, potwierdzoną w badaniach prowadzonych w warunkach kompostowania przemysłowego.
The paper presents a review of studies on the synthesis and selected properties of two types of new (bio)degradable poly(ester urethane)s with soft segments containing telechelic oligoesterdiols: atactic poly([R,S]-3-hydroxybutyrate) (a-PHB) or polylactide (PLA) and/or aliphatic-aromatic copolymer poly(1,4-butylene terephthalate)-co-(1,4-butylene adipate) (BTA). The reported results indicate that poly(ester urethane)s of the first type are susceptible to degradation in a hydrolytic and oxidative environment. When suitably modified, they exhibit potentially biostatic properties, whereas no change in blood parameters after the direct contact with them suggest their hemocompatibility. The second group of poly(ester urethane)s combines the properties of both PLA and BTA polymers used for the preparation of oligoesterdiols, which is advantageous from the viewpoint of mechanical properties and degradation ability, confirmed by biodegradation studies under industrial composting conditions.
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