Police culture embodies something which obviously does exist but is difficult to explain and order it. It significantlyaffects the professional performance of the police organisation. A correctly formed police culture may produce better quality management. The study deals with identification and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of police culture which is one of the determinants of the success of a police organisation. The authors have used a diagnostic instrument of competing values, the so-called OCAI model. They present original scientific findings — the outcomes of a scientific and research project entitled “The Success Factors of the Police Organisation” (No. 185). The project was carried out by the Management and Information Science Department of the Academy of the Police Force in Bratislava and commissioned by the Section of Personal and Social Activities and Personnel Department of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic. The two-dimensional OCAI method shows the current and preferred state of the organisational culture inside the police organisation. The current state indicates strictly defined rules, processes and norms and a structured working environment — features typical of organisations of a formal character with a hierarchical culture. The preferred state is a family type of organisation where the emphasis is put on collegiality, loyalty, adherence, mutual cooperation and trust which has a special role. The research results confirm that a main aim of the police culture is to create “an awareness of Us” which will integrate the staff. It may also facilitate prevention of conflicts and have a synergic effect at all management levels. Upon creating the police culture, it is necessary to bear in mind that, if the police organisation wants to fulfil special tasks, then the values of the employees must be in line with those of the organisation.
The purpose of this article is to explain what we mean by a police culture. In general, it can be understood as a set of formal and informal behaviours and values typical of this disposition group. Characteristics include such elements as argot, cynicism, internal sanctions, solidarity, social isolation or specific perception of violence. The functions of the police organization (integration, perception, adaptation, identity-building, stimulating change) are based on daily police activities. The text also mentions the activities by which police culture develops and shapes.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wyjaśnienie, co rozumiemy pod pojęciem kultury policyjnej. Ogólnie można ją rozumieć jako zbiór formalnych i nieformalnych zachowań oraz wartości, typowych dla tej grupy dyspozycyjnej. Na charakterystyczne cechy składają się takie elementy jak: argot, cynizm, wewnętrzne sankcje, solidarność, izolacja społeczna czy specyficzna percepcja przemocy. Pełnione przez policyjną kulturę organizacyjną funkcje (integracyjna, percepcyjna, adaptacyjna, budująca tożsamość, stymulująca zmiany) kształtowane są na podstawie codziennych działań policji. W tekście wymieniono również działania, za pomocą których kultura policyjna rozwija się i kształtuje.
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