Pierwsze wybory do Sejmu PRL odbyły się 26 X 1952 r. i stanowią wzorcowy przykład klasycznej elekcji parlamentarnej w systemie totalitarnym. W kampanii wyborczej jedną z form agitacji była socrealistyczna poezja okolicznościowa. Celem artykułu jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na dwa pytania: jakie tematy, tj. „materiał poetycki”, zawierały wiersze agitacyjne oraz jak wyglądał ich aspekt propagandowy w kontekście strategii perswazyjnej stosowanej w kampanii wyborczej; czy w agitacji poezją istniała jakaś polityka i jakie prawidłowości determinowały upowszechnianie utworów poetyckich. The first election to the Sejm of the Polish People’s Republic took place on 26 October 1952, and it was a model example of parliamentary election in a totalitarian system. One of the agitation forms during the electoral campaign was occasional socialist realism poetry. The purpose of the present article is a response to two questions: what topics, i.e. “poetic material” was brought up in agitation poems, and what was their propagandistic aspect in the context of persuasive strategy used in the electoral campaign; whether the agitation through poetry was guided by any policy and what where underlying peculiarities that determined the propagation of such poems.
The article presents self-criticism in the works of one of the main representatives of the "the spotty". The author proves that not only older writers strive to settle the past but also young socialist realist poets try to apologise for their weaknesses. The aim of the article is to show the mechanism of self-criticism in the poetry by Roman Bratny - focusing on what made him create pieces of writing of this type and on which "mistakes" he admitted having made. To reach this aim, the author analyses poems by Bratny which were published in the times of social realism. She shows how the poet tries to adapt to the enslaved society, in which self-criticism is a consistent element of literary life.
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