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nr 21
The mature poetry of Tadeusz Różewicz seems to be at odds with both modernist and postmodern literary tenets. It undeniably makes abundant use of intertextuality (including self-quotations), but in spite of this [post]modernist tendency it does resist self-referential impersonality. Różewicz again immerses allusions to images, texts and other artifacts – which, according to formalist and structuralist interpretations, should disengage themselves from an artist’s biography in order to achieve aesthetic autonomy – in the current of life, devoid of an innate sense and always identical to itself. In fact, life cannot be apprehended by art, and precisely, Różewicz tries to thematize this impossibility by producing texts or rather poetical acts that could be classified as self-effacing artifacts. He even succeeded in discrediting the modernist epiphany (which has a double status, i.e. as a poetical device and a window on the transcendent) by replacing it with loquacious anticlimaxes. The fragmentary, disintegrating form of his later poetry (the long poem “Francis Bacon or Diego Velázquez in a dentist’s chair” is a perfect – or rather consciously imperfect – implementation of this form) does not pretend to be a representation of a human being’s disintegrating existence. This poetry is, above all, an existential act, or – in other words – a performance, and not a self-sufficient work of art.
Content available Autoportret niemożliwy
nr 21
This sketch deals with Różewicz’s feeling that identity issues are unresolvable. This feeling, which became increasingly strong in the poet’s later works, led him to lose control over poetic form and employ more rhetoric as well as caused his works to be similar to performing arts. A description of the similarities between Różewicz’s cultural ideas and the ones that are present in popular rock music is an important part of this article.
nr 28/29
The text affirms the importance of literary texts during Polish language classes. During the summer course in Cieszyn the cultural program organized a set of activities under the name 'Herbertiada'. These language games and activities liked the works of Zbigniew Herbert with that of sport. The inspiration behind this was the decision of the Polish parliament to announce 2018 as the year of the poet, Zbigniew Herbert.
Content available remote Pożegnanie Różewicza
nr (1)22
Review: Tadeusz Różewicz, to i owo, ed. Jan Stolarczyk, Biuro Literackie, Wrocław 2012, pp. 105
nr 2
Tadeusz Rożewicz był jednym z najwybitniejszych polskich literatow w XX w. Poeta, prozaik, dramaturg i scenarzysta. Żołnierz podziemnej Armii Krajowej w czasie II wojny światowej, po jej zakończeniu studiował historię sztuki na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie, by ostatecznie poświęcić się wyłącznie pracy literackiej. Na początku 1950 r. zamieszkał w Gliwicach – wowczas mieście, z punktu widzenia Krakowa, prowincjonalnym. Nigdy nie wstąpił w szeregi partii komunistycznej, a dobrowolne odseparowanie się od głownych nurtow życia literackiego pozwoliło mu częściowo zachować artystyczną autonomię. Kontakty z zagranicznymi literatami i wydawcami zwrociły na niego uwagę komunistycznych organow bezpieczeństwa państwa. Podczas pobytu w Gliwicach był rozpracowywany przez Służbę Bezpieczeństwa w ramach sprawy o krypt. „Pisarz”. W 1968 r. przeprowadził się do Wrocławia. Artykuł jest probą rekonstrukcji przyczyn, przebiegu i skutkow rozpracowania poety przez Służbę Bezpieczeństwa na szerokim tle gliwickiego okresu jego biografii.
Content available Ważki i Zagłada
tom 16
Dragonflies and Holocaust The dragonflies occupy a special place in Jerzy Ficowski’s poetic universe. The Holocaust occupies a special place in his poetic reflection. These two dominant factors were not put together so far, but they should be after multiple readings and analyzes of the works of the author of Reading of the Ashes [Odczytanie popiołów], but also due to the new trends in the study of the history of the Holocaust. My hypothesis is, that Jerzy Ficowski has written organic history of the Holocaust long before it was taught and practiced by the Holocaust specialists. As a literary scholar, poet’s interpreter, I tried to thoroughly analyze the poems, and inform about these precursory poetic notes of the author. This anticipation is significant and perceived in the collective imaginarium. The dragonflies have been living in the world for 325 million years (they are the world’s oldest insects), humans – also the creators of Extermination and experiencing the Holocaust – initiated their own species history less than 10 million years ago. Key words: Jerzy Ficowski; dragonfly; Jewish Holocaust; Polish poetry; interspecies sensitivity;
Content available Różewicz o sobie samym jako innym
nr 21
It seems that Tadeusz Różewicz’s poem titled Francis Bacon or Diego Velazquez in a Dentist’s Chair is dedicated to the works of the author of Studies of Crucifixion. In fact, Różewicz writes about the impression that Bacon’s art left on him when he saw it in galleries and museums. This poem is also about fascination. Contrary to what may seem intuitive, it is not an attempt to describe the poet’s own way of interpreting these works; and even if so, this is only true to a limited extent. For Różewicz, Bacon’s works were just a pretext to look at himself, especially at his own early poems, from a distance – from a somewhat ironic distance. In this way the poet is able to present himself as “the other”, thus referring to the title of Paul Ricoeur’s book.
nr 38
The present essay focuses on Kacper Bartczak’s latest volume, Pokarm Suweren, which is shown to be a radical attempt at expressing a posthumanist selfhood that instantiates itself as a borderline figure between language and body.
W niniejszym szkicu analizie poddany zostaje najnowszy tom Kacpra Bartczaka pt. Pokarm Suweren, który ukazany jest tu jako radykalna próba wyrażenia podmiotu posthumanistycznego – istniejącego jako figura na granicy języka i ciała.    
tom 22
The aim of this article is to portray Karl Dedecius, a translator of Polish poetry and author of reflections on literature. The picture of the connoisseur and lover of Polish works is accompanied by parallel reflections on Dedecius as a person, his double biography, the role he played in dealing with the works of Polish writers as well as the influence of literature on him. The reflections are based, among other things, on the research into Dedecius’essays, lectures, his autobiography and his correspondence with Tadeusz Różewicz. The proposed considerations and the types of documents mentioned - which contain a wealth of information about the translator’s private life, e.g. his preferred values, hi views on interpersonal relations, and his professional life, e.g. his passion for translating literature, its influence on building positive relations between nations - are related to selected elements of the theory and methodology of biographical research.
nr 12
This paper is devoted to the history of a sonnet and bigger collections built of sonnets, a sonnet cycle and a wreath of sonnets, i.e. a specific cyclic work of a particular internal structure based on repeating verses within the whole. Also, a formal diversity of the sonnet form has been presented. The basic variants of the genre include: Italian and French sonnets, as well as an English sonnet in its several forms. Moreover, the rhyme schemes, which are the indicators of those variations, have been analysed, as well as metric patterns most often used in the sonnet. Another issue discussed in the paper is the sound structure in sonnets, i.e. orchestration, especially vocal harmony. Names of poets, who mostly contributed to the codification of the sonnet as a genre and popularizing this form in international literature, have been mentioned. All the ideas are illustrated with examples from the works written by the most distinguished Polish and European poets.
nr 3
Studium stanowi próbę opisu relacji między Czesławem Miłoszem a Tadeuszem Różewiczem, począwszy od entuzjastycznego stosunku Miłosza do wierszy z „Niepokoju” i pierwszych powojennych kontaktów. Mocniej zaakcentowana jest tu jego perspektywa, z rekonstrukcją jego lektury wierszy młodszego poety, ale wydobyte zostały również ukryte polemiki i nawiązania do „Trzech zim” we wczesnych utworach Różewicza i różnice światoobrazu obydwu twórców. Podstawą analizy jest ich wydana korespondencja („Braterstwo poezji”), zawierająca listy, zapisy rozmów, wiersze i materiały archiwalne, odzwierciedlająca nierówny rytm relacji, przerywany długimi okresami milczenia, epizodyczne spotkania, chimeryczność ocen Miłosza, wahających się między podziwem a ostrą krytyką, powściągliwość polemiczną oraz przekorę Różewicza, ale przede wszystkim odsłaniająca silną, ukrytą, intymną więź między nimi.
The study is an attempt at grasping the connections between Czesław Miłosz and Tadeusz Różewicz, beginning with the former’s favourable attitude to the latter’s poems and their first post-war contacts. Miłosz’s perspective with a reconstruction of his reading the younger poet’s verses gains here stronger accentuation, though the author also exploits the hidden polemics and references to Miłosz’s “Trzy zimy” (“Three Winters”) in Różewicz’s early poems, as well as looks at the contrasts in world-images of the two poets. The basis of the analysis is “Braterstwo poezji” (“Brotherhood of Poetry”), a collection of correspondence including letters, conversation transcripts, poems and archive materials that mirror uneven rhythm of their relationship interrupted by long periods of silence, occasional meetings, Miłosz’s capricious assessment that oscillates between admiration and sharp criticism, Różewicz’s polemical restraint and contrariness, but primarily it unravels strong and hidden intimate bond between the two men of letters.
Fr Jan Twardowski advises: “Let us hurry to love people” before they leave behind “only their shoes and silence on the phone.” The poets use the motif of overdue phone calls to people who are no longer with us, but – in spite of the diagnosis from another of Twardowski’s work, Potem, that the dead do not call us – the trauma of the death comes back also in the form of the telephone calls from the dead person (e.g. Słuchawka by Wisława Szymborska). These (nomen omen) signals of trauma – trauma connected with Holocaust, war, individual loss – seem to be the expression of helplessness of the people who survived, but also the attempt to rescue the memory of the dead (Spis abonentów sieci telefonów miasta stołecznego Warszawy na rok 1938/39 by Jerzy Ficowski, Notes by Antoni Słonimski). The vision of telephonic understanding with the dead can help to work through the trauma, allow to have the conversation impossible ever before (Telefon by Zbigniew Herbert), and support people in comprehending their own mortality (Telefon by Mieczysław Jastrun). What seems the most interesting are the functions this “contacts” perform and the metaphors characteristic for the mentioned poems (or similar, like Telefon by Władysław Szlengel). In the centre of this article is the contemporary Polish poetry, however as a context foreign (Telephone Call by Donell Dempsey) and prosaic (Szum by Magdalena Tulli, Duchy w maszynach by Anna Kańtoch, Maigret en Vichy by Georges Simenon) works are also used.
Ksiądz Jan Twardowski zaleca, by śpieszyć się kochać ludzi, zanim „zostaną po nich buty i telefon głuchy”. Poeci sięgają po motyw spóźnionego dzwonienia do tych, których już nie ma, ale – wbrew diagnozie z innego wiersza Twardowskiego, Potem, że umarli „nie telefonują” – trauma śmierci wraca też w formie telefonu od zmarłego (jak w Słuchawce Wisławy Szymborskiej). Takie (nomen omen) sygnały traumy – Holocaustu, wojny, pojedynczej straty – są wyrazem bezradności tych, którzy przeżyli, ale i próbą podtrzymywania pamięci (Spis abonentów sieci telefonów miasta stołecznego Warszawy na rok 1938/39 Jerzego Ficowskiego, Notes Antoniego Słonimskiego). Wizje telefonicznego porozumienia między światami mogą pozwolić na rozmowę wcześniej niemożliwą (Telefon Zbigniewa Herberta), mogą pomagać w przepracowywaniu traumy, a nawet służyć człowiekowi w oswajaniu jego własnej śmiertelności (Telefon Mieczysława Jastruna). Interesujące są funkcje tych „kontaktów” i metafory charakterystyczne dla wymienionych wierszy (oraz pokrewnych, jak Telefon Władysława Szlengla). W centrum podjętej w artykule refleksji znajduje się polska poezja współczesna, ale pojawią się konteksty zagraniczne (Telephone Call Donalla Dempseya) i prozatorskie (Szum Magdaleny Tulli, Duchy w maszynach Anny Kańtoch, Maigret w Vichy Georges’a Simenona).
tom 8
The article was inspired by the essays of George Simmel, the German philosopher who wrote " Bridge and door" and the book by Douwe Draaisma, the Dutch theoretician of memory, "The Fabric of nostalgia. About the phenomenon of mature memory" (2010). I discuss the phenomenon of the autobiographical memory of the poet, or reminiscence. Representation of this memory in the poetry of Białoszewski has been featured in examples: anamnesis, commemoration, oblivion. Botanical themes fulfil the features of the medium for memory.  
Artykuł został zainspirowany esejami Georga Simmla, niemieckiego filozofa (Most i drzwi) oraz książką Douwego Draaismy, holenderskiego teoretyka pamięci, Fabryka nostalgii. O fenomenie pamięci wieku dojrzałego (2010). Omawiam zjawisko osobistych wspomnień poety, czyli reminiscencje. Reprezentacja pamięci w poezji Białoszewskiego została przedstawiona na przykładach: anamnezy, upamiętnienia, zapomnienia. Botaniczne motywy pełnią tu funkcję medium pamięci.
nr 25
The article presents the category of colour in modern Polish poetry, and based on an interpretation of Ewa Górecka’s book, Konstatnego Ildefonsa Gałczyńskiego gry barwą z wyobraźnią i kulturą [Colours as Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński’s Play with Imagination and Culture]. The colour palette in Gałczyński’s poetry includes golden, silver, green, blue, red and black. Culture was an inspiration for the poet, but he didn’t avoid entering into dialogue with it, establishing the meanings of colours in his writing. The colours present in Gałczyński’s lyric poetry also indicate the changes in his poetic language. The way in which the poet uses them in his early works differs from their use in those created after 1945.
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