The article is a discussion of a poetic book ”Axis mundi” by Mirosław Dzień, a creator of metaphysical poetry . The latest work of his is based on the Proto-Slavic idea of the tree as a representation of the lives of gods, humans and their ancestors. Thanks to this concept, the book transposes the reader into the world of the past which did not lose its importance. The work not only shows the Jewish and Christian cultures, but also the ancient times, thus encouraging the reader to enter the world where corporeality and spirituality continually interchange.
Remarks on language and poetry in the poems of Mirosław Dzień Miroslaw Dzień is perceived as a metaphysical poet. The subject matter of his poems frequently oscillates around existential problems and touches on various religious issues (including eschatological ones). An ambivalent view of language emerges from Dzien’s poems. The language used there serves to capture different aspects of reality and preserve various phenomena. On the other hand, however, it does not allow the poet to address the most important issues and articulate his innermost thoughts. In this context, it is the poetry that is the higher form of communication, though it also has great limitations. This is because everything that matters most is contained in silence.
The article is devoted to the relationship between "Rozmyślania" ["Musings"] by Antoni Lange and the baroque poetics, with special focus on the sixteenth and seventeenth century metaphysical poetry. The starting point is the stylistic perspective – Lange’s cycle was interpreted as the nineteenth century creative implementation of metaphysical style elements, formed in the Baroque. The fragments of "Rozmyślania" ["Musings"] are compared to the poetry of Mikołaj Sęp Szarzyński, Daniel Naborowski, Sebastian Grabowiecki and Jan Andrzej Morsztyn. The perspective of the Polish Baroque was extended to the European context, most of all to the English metaphysical poetry. The significant issues are Lange’s conceptismo and his attitude towards art as a value.
Recenzja krótko opisuje osobę ks. Wacława Buryły jako poetę i organizatora konkursu literackiego poezji religijnej. Autor przedstawia tomik ks. Buryły pt. Dogonić światło (Bytom [2008]) i cytuje jeden wiersz pt. zawsze blisko, który opublikowno w tej książce poetyckiej.
The review shortly describes the person of father Wacław Buryła (Waclaw Buryla) as the poet and the organizer of literary competition on religious poetry. The author presents the book by father Buryła Dogonić światło [To Catch the Light Up] (Bytom [2008]) and quotes one poetical work zawsze blisko [always near], that is published in the poetical book.
Recenzja krótko opisuje osobę o. Eligiusza Dymowskiego OFM (urodzonego w 1965) jako polskiego poetę religijnego. Autor przedstawia tomik o. Dymowskiego pt. Dotyk pamięci. (Wiersze wybrane) (Białystok 2014), cytuje i opisuje chrześcijańskie wiersze, które opublikowno w tej książce poetyckiej.
The review shortly describes the person of father Eligiusz Dymowski OFM as the Polish poet. The author presents the book by father Dymowski Dotyk pamieci. (Wiersze wybrane) [The Touch of the Memory. (The Selected Verses) (Bialystok 2014) and quotes and describes some poetical works, that are published in the poetical book.
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