Funkcjonowania szkolnictwa podoficerskiego piechoty Wojska Polskiego w latach 1918-1939 jest problemem złożonym. Szkoły kształcące kandydatów na podoficerów zawodowych piechoty w systemie szkolnictwa piechoty, a nawet Wojska Polskiego spełniały szczególną rolę. Oprócz szkół podoficerów zawodowych, szkolących kadrę dla potrzeb wojska, funkcjonowały szkoły podoficerów piechoty dla małoletnich. Istotną rolę w procesie kształcenia podoficerów zawodowych piechoty, zwłaszcza po 1923 r. odgrywały także dywizyjne oraz pułkowe szkoły podoficerskie, w których służbę rozpoczynała większość podoficerów zawodowych WP okresu międzywojennego.
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The non-commissioned officer’s education and training require methodical and appropriate preparation for this profession on an entirely different qualitative level. Properly shaped personal profile at the beginning of the career is related to future attitudes at work and also with knowledge and skills. A career non-commissioned officer (NCO) frequently faces complex problem situations that require high methodological and specialist qualifications, but first of all character features which guarantee success in educational activities. At the same time, apart from qualifications mentioned above, an NCO must feel responsible for preparing soldiers to carry out tasks in military units. The most numerous group undergoing training are conscription soldiers trained by NCOs. The idea of this group training assumes that nobody will train a conscript better than an NCO. This is a vital and one of fundamental functions of every army’s non-commissioned officers’ core.
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The aim of professionalization is to transform the Polish Armed Forces’ basic functional areas and readiness to perform their constitutional functions. One of the main tasks is to fulfil missions resulting from allied obligations and international agreements, in Poland and abroad, including substituting compulsory military service with voluntary and contract service. Preparing the Polish Armed Forces to carry out tasks in the professionalization conditions will require conducting changes in the training process of officers, non-commissioned officers and professional privates and in the forces’ training system. The present training system was described in the paper and a new system of professional improvement was suggested, focusing on detailed course of non-commissioned officers' and professional privates’ military service.
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