W artykule zostaną omówione takie zagadnienia jak: – wymagania stawiane połączeniom konstrukcyjnym obrabiarek rekonfigurowanych, – wpływ modułowości konstrukcji na dalszą możliwość rozbudowy obrabiarek już pracujących, w warunkach niewyspecjalizowanego montażu u odbiorcy, – zakres rozbudowy funkcjonalnej obrabiarek na przykładzie centrum tokarskiego Osa, – przykład rozbudowy o: podajniki przedmiotów obrabianych, podajniki rur, magazyny przedmiotów obrabianych, wrzecienniki przechwytujące i platformy narzędziowe.
The paper presents: – requirements for structural connections reconfigurable machine tools, – the impact of modular design further upgradeable machine already working under conditions of non-specialist installation at the customer, – the scope of the expansion of functional machine for example turning center Osa, – example of an expansion of: feeders workpieces, trays pipes, feeder workpiece, headstocks capture platform and tooling.
The increase of demand on corrugated board boxes is connected with a sudden increase of the number of persons who decide on the on-line purchase of goods. It is expected that FMCG sector will be the main generator of incomes for the producers of corrugated board boxes. It is anticipated that the growing demand on packaging in different sectors and boom in the e-commerce in the coming years will create the profitable possibilities of the solutions, employing corrugated cardboard packaging of fanfold type.
Wzrost popytu na pudła z tektury falistej jest związany z gwałtownym wzrostem liczby osób decydujących się na zakupy online. Oczekuje się, że branża FMCG będzie głównym generatorem przychodów dla producentów pudeł z tektury falistej. Przewiduje się, że rosnące zapotrzebowanie na opakowania w różnych branżach i boom w handlu elektronicznym stworzą w nadchodzących latach lukratywne możliwości dla rozwiązań z tektury falistej typu fanfold.
The new vibratory conveyor destined for the accurate dosing of materials was investigated in the present work. The possibilities of the system to transport materials in the circum-resonant zone were tested analytically, as well as by simulations. The optimal work point of the system, which allowed a decrease in the amplitude of eliminator vibrations on its suspension due to operations on the resonance slope, was determined. Transport velocities depending on the excitation frequency and feed mass were determined by simulations. The results were verified on the conveyor of industrial dimensions designed and built in accordance with the patent application.
The new vibratory conveyor, which is during patent pending [1], equipped with a single electro-vibrator intended for an accurate material dosing, was investigated in the hereby study. Possibilities of material transportations and dosing both in and out the circum-resonant zone were investigated. Dependencies of the transport velocity of the tested conveyor as functions of the excitation frequency for a certain range of load were determined. The high usefulness of the machine in the production lines requiring accurate material dosing was indicated. It was pointed out that the conveyor can transport the feed at a constant velocity, regardless of the feed mass, which is unique for the conveyors of inertial drive.
The paper presents the possibilities of operating an innovative single- vibrator-driven vibratory conveyor [1] in the vicinity of the second resonance zone. The characteristics of operation on both ascending and descending slopes are presented. The differences in the suspension deflection of the additional mass (which is a dynamic eliminator) during operation before and after the resonance were analyzed. We proposed working on the descending slope of the second resonance in order to increase the durability of the device. This is because the amplitude of the suspension deflection of the additional mass is limited and, due to its high stiffness, is exposed to material fatigue. This is an unusual method of operation for conveyors because it carries certain risks, such as the risk of the device entering resonance on its own or the problem of maintaining constant angular velocity of the unbalanced masses. This paper presents both analytical and simulation studies, which were then confirmed on a laboratory stand designed and built by the authors.
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