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A recurrent disease may assume the form of a local relapse within the area of the removed tumor (or in the uterus after radiotherapy) or in the neighborhood through extension of the neoplastic process or metastasis. Recurrences are asymptomatic in approximately 30% of patients and diagnosed during a routine check-up. In 35–40% of patients, vaginal bleeding is the first symptom, whereas 16% of women complain about pelvic pain. It must be remembered that urinary disorders may also be the first manifestation of a local recurrence. Until recently, patients with recurrences in a previously irradiated site were not candidates for a repeated radiotherapy mainly because of organs at risk, and more precisely – because of the dose deposited in these organs during the primary treatment. Currently, the dynamic development of new planning and treatment techniques using external-beam radiation makes it possible to consider re-irradiation in selected cases. However, planning and conducting such a treatment is difficult and time-consuming. It requires highly specialized radiotherapy techniques and an individual approach. This article presents a patient with a disease recurrence in the vaginal stump after comprehensive treatment and discusses elements that need to be taken into consideration for repeated radiotherapy to be planned and conducted.
Nawrót choroby może mieć charakter wznowy miejscowej w obszarze usuniętego guza (albo w samej macicy po radioterapii) bądź w najbliższym sąsiedztwie przez ciągłość szerzenia się procesu nowotworowego lub też przerzutu. U około 30% pacjentek nawrót jest bezobjawowy i rozpoznaje się go podczas rutynowych badań kontrolnych, u około 35–40% pierwszym objawem jest krwawienie z pochwy, a u 16% – dolegliwości bólowe w obszarze miednicy. Należy pamiętać, że pierwszym objawem nawrotu miejscowego mogą być zaburzenia mikcji. Do niedawna pacjentów z nawrotem w miejscu po uprzednim leczeniu promieniami nie kwalifikowano do powtórnej radioterapii, głównie ze względu na narządy krytyczne, a dokładniej – dawki, jakie zostały tam zdeponowane podczas pierwotnego leczenia. Obecnie dynamiczny rozwój nowych technik planowania i realizacji leczenia z wykorzystaniem zewnętrznej wiązki promieniowania pozwala w wybranych przypadkach na rozważenie powtórnej radioterapii danego obszaru. Jednak planowanie i realizacja takiego leczenia są trudne i żmudne, wymagają zastosowania wysokospecjalistycznych technik radioterapii oraz indywidualnego podejścia. W artykule przedstawiono opis przypadku pacjentki z nawrotem choroby w kikucie pochwy po kompleksowym leczeniu i omówiono elementy, które należy uwzględnić w trakcie planowania i realizacji powtórnej radioterapii.
tom 15
nr 11
В случаях тотального выпадения влагалища у коров, автор предлагает применять непрерывную крестцово — влагалищную лигатуру, фиксирующую обе боковые и дорсальную стенки. Для операции следует применять низкий надоболочечный наркоз над Spotium ischiadicum maius и модифицированную иглу Герляха.
In cases of the prolapse of the vagina in cows the author proposes to apply one continuous sacro — vaginal suture which fixes both lateral walls and the dorsal wall. The operation is preceded by producing extradural anaesthesia above the spatium ischiadicum maius using Gerlach’s modified needle.
tom 62
nr 10
Similar bacterial floras are present in the vagina and uterus of healthy bitches. The most common of these bacteria are b-hemolytic streptococci, Pasteurella multocida and E. coli and Staphylococcus intermedius. Bacterial flora varies during the estrous cycle with the highest bacterial count occurring during heat. E. coli was most frequently isolated from bitches with pyometra. No specific bacterial species are associated with vaginitis and infertility.
The aim of this study was to compare the bacterial flora of canine vagina and uterus and assess its composition during the estrus cycle. From 28 healthy bitches, vaginal smears and samples of uterine secretion by means of endoscopy were collected during the estrus cycle (anestrus, proestrus, estrus, metestrus) for bacteriological investigation. Similar bacterial flora were present in the vagina and uterus of bitches. Lactobacillus sp.,α-hemolytic streptococci, Staphylococcus intermedius, Pasteurella multocida and E. coli were most frequently found. The average number of isolates was 2.2 per vaginal sample and 1.4 per uterine sample, the uterine samples also showed a lower bacterial count. The composition of vaginal and uterine bacterial flora and amounts of bacteria varied during the estrus cycle. The highest bacterial count occurred during proestrus.
Analysis of sIgA concentrations in the contents of the cervical canal of the uterus and of the oral cavily in women with Candida or without fungi in ontocenoses of these organs. The aim of the study was to search for fungi in ontocenoses of genital organs and oral cavity (the fungal reservoir for multifocal infections) in women; evaluation of the concentration of sIgA in the contents of the cervical canal of the uterus and of the oral cavity. 102 women (age: 18- 35 years) were examined. Fungi were isolated from ontocenoses of the vagina and the oral cavity; axenic strains were differentiated with API 20 C and API 20 C AUX tests (bioMerieux). The concentrations of sIgA in the content of the cervical canal of the uterus and from the oral cavity were evaluated by LC-Partigen IgA (Behring) tests. Candida occurence in the oral cavity was significant (p<0,02) higher than in the vagina. Candida albicans (6 codes) was the predominat species; there were also C. tropicalis, C. kefyr, C. krusei, C. guilliermondii and C. glabrata. There were no significant differences between sIgA concentrations and the presence or absence of fungi in the vagina or oral cavity.
Current data about fungi prevalence in various ontocenoses in women during procreation period. The aim of study was to analyse fungi prevalence in three ontocenoses (vagina, oral cavity and anus) in women during procreation period, which should be helpful in developing prophylactic programmes for pregnanl womem, newborns and infants infected with fungi. In 716 examined women (age 20-45 yares), 1411 samples of appropriate biological materials were taken and inoculated in the fluid Sabouraud medium and then axenic fungi strains were isolated in Sabouraud agar. High fungi prevalence in three ontocenoses of examined women was noted. Mean percentage for ontocenosis was: 39% ± 1.8% for vagina, 42.18% ± 1.8% for oral cavity and 25.03 ± 1.6% for anus. These data indicate the necessity for further examinations of multifocal fungal infection in women during procreation period.
Relationship between activity of hydrolases in fungi isolated from vagina of pregnant women and selected symptoms. Pregnancy is considered a factor of vulvovaginal mycosis. Secretion of hydrolases is an important determinant of Candida virulence. Thus, the aim of the study was to found the relationsbip between activity of 19 hydrolases in fungi isolated from vagina of pregnant women and symptoms of mycosis. 251 pregnant women were examined. Samples were collected from vagina and cultured on Sabouraud media. Activity of hydrolytic enzymes was evaluated using API ZYM (bioMerieux) test. Fungi were found in 20.1% of vaginal samples. Symptoms were detected in 45.8% of wornen. Only 32.1% of women with discharge and 26.4% with pruritus had mycosis. Out of the 19 examined hydrolazes, 13 active enzymes were detected in fungal strains. We found for the first time the relationsbip between activity of fungal esterase lipase and the presence of vaginal discharge in pregnant women.
Celem pracy było określenie udziału grzybów drożdżopodobnych z rodzaju Candida i pałeczek Enterobacteriaceae w wymazach z pochwy u kobiet. Wśród grzybów z rodzaju Candida najczęściej występowały gatunki C. albicans, C. krusei i C. tropicalis, a wśród pałeczek z rodziny Enterobacteriaceae E. coli i P. mirabilis. Grzyby z rodzaju Candida występowały najczęściej w połączeniu z E. coli.
The aim of the present work was to determine the presence and quantity of yeasts (Candida) and rods oi Enterobacteriaceae family in the ontocenosis of vagina in women. Also, we aimed at finding which species of Enterobacteriaceae accompany the yeasts. Furthermore we aimed at determining the etiological factor (Candida yeasts or Enterobacteriaceae rods) causing identical clinical symptoms such as burn, itch, leucorrhea. Vagina secretion collected from 649 patients constituted the material for examination Candida. In 137 patients (which constituted 21,1%) Candida yeasts were found (group I). These patients were additionally divided into 2 subgroups (I a and I b). Group I a consisted of 92 patients (14,2%) who exhibited the presence of Candida without the accompanying rods of Enterobacteriaceae and group I b consisting of 45 patients (6,9%), in whom Candida was found together with the rods. 171 patients (26,3%) were classified to group II, who had only Enterobacteriaceae rods in the vagina. Among Candida yeasts, the most common species were C. albicans,most common rods of Enterobacteriaceae family were E. coli and P. mirabilis. The bacterium which most frequently accompanied the yeasts was E. coli. Considering the fact that patients in group I and patients in group II reported similar problems, the role of the etiological factor in the vaginal inflammatory processes should be analyzed.
Porównano diagnostyczną wartość rozmazów pochwowych barwionych metodą Giemsy (tzw. mikrobiologiczne stopnie czystości pochwy) z metodą Grama do określenia charakteru wydzieliny pochwowej u kobiet ciężarnych. U 29,3% ciężarnych z rozmazem uznawanym jako prawidłowy, stwierdzono bakteryjną waginozę, a u 75,9% florę patogenną w stężeniach wyższych niż graniczne (tj. >105). Przy rozmazie określonym jako nieprawidłowy, florę prawidłową metodą Grama zdiagnozowano u 31,7%, w hodowli zaś u 17,1% z tej grupy badanych nie stwierdzono żadnych patogenów. Stosowana rutynowo 6-stopniowa skala do oceny charakteru wydzieliny pochwowej powinna być zastąpiona metodą Grama.
The main aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic value of Giemsa stained method with Gram stained method for the evaluation of vaginal smears among pregnant women. A study population comprised 111 pregnant between 6 and 30 weeks of gestation. The vaginal smears from every subject was diagnosed according to Giemsa and Gram stained method and micro-organisms were isolated by culture. In 29,3% cases diagnosed as normal flora (2a) on the basis of Giemsa method bacterial vaginosis was detected in Gram stains according to Spiegel's criteria and pathological microflora in concentration ≥105 CFU/ml was cultured among 75,9% of them. Among 31,7% women who had grade 3a (abnormal) in Giemsa stains method normal flora was diagnosed on the basis on Gram's method and from 17,1% pregnant women from this group we did not isolated any pathogens. For evaluation of vaginal smears during pregnancy the Giemsa method should be replaced by Gram stained method.
Bakterie z rodzaju Lactobacillus wytwarzające nadtlenek wodoru dominują w populacjach bakterii zdrowej pochwy. W pracy podjęto próbę określenia, które z gatunków Lactobacillus wykazują taką właściwość, a ponadto wyznaczono stężenia bójcze zarówno czystego chemicznie nadtlenku wodoru jak i supernatantów pochodzących z hodowli Lactobacillus wobec bakterii i grzybów kolonizujących drogi rodne kobiet.
A total of 33 strains of Lactobacillus belonging to 9 species, isolated from vagina, were tested for production of hydrogen peroxide. We observed that the following species: L. delbrueckii, L. acidophilus, L. crispatus, L. johnsonii and L. gasseri dominated over other species in secretion of hydrogen peroxide to the growth medium. Concentration of this substance amounted from 0,05 to 1,06 mM (in case of strong aeration the concentration increased up to 1,8 mM). Moreover, killing properties of the pure hydrogen peroxide exerted toward Escherichia coli and Candida albicans were less prominent than these of the supernatants of cultures of Lactobacillus strains producing H2O2
The studies on the influence of bacteria and parvovirus infection on reproductive failure in silver and blue foxes were carried out on 21 Polish farms. Parvoviral antibodies were detected in 35 out of 229 sera tested. Parvovirus infection could be the main cause of small litter size in only 6 farms An abundant growth of E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Proteus vulgaris and Clostridium perfringens was demonstrated in vaginal and prepucal swabs collected from animals tested. Isolated bacteria were susceptible to norfloxacin and amoxicillin. Antibiotic treatment, acording to results of in vitro tests, of all animals before reproduction and all vixens before parturition, resulted in a decreased number of „empty vixens”, abortions and neonatal deaths. Application of a proper antibiotic or elaboration of an empiric scheme of infections for foxes would eliminate reproductive losses on fox farms.
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