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Content available remote Liberalizm – między ideologią a metapolityką
The paper seeks to detect the most recent trends in identifying of social, political and cultural dimensions of liberal thought. Two such ways of theorizing are discussed. On one hand, the conventional conception of liberalism as a language of individuals' entitlement is presented. Liberal theory is associated here with general socio-cultural discourses of pluralism, individual rights, rule of law, constitutionalism, liberty, free market and human rights. On the other hand, a critical stance by I. Wallerstein is analysed. Wallerstein conceives the liberal proposal as a sophisticated project directed towards a development of modern geoculture, an ideological basis for the unequal, worldwide distribution of wealth and power, and baptises it as The Modern (Capitalist) World-System. According to Wallerstein – and the author of this paper shares this view – evolution of structures of the World-System is far from completion, and the recent ,,triumph'' of capitalism and liberalism must be seen as one of the many stages of the evolution, and not as its peak and/or the ,,end of history''.
The author of the article made an attempt to analyze the political culture of Soviet youth of the late twentieth century and associate the same with the phenomenon of the political culture of modern Ukrainian youth
tom 65
nr 3
The political theory of Carl Schmitt is currently experiencing a renaissance in its reception. In this paper, I propose to distinguish between the normative and descriptive elements of Schmitt’s notion of the state. While being a strong advocate of the principle of political unity emerging from a concrete social antagonism, Schmitt was, at the same time, a decided critic of the current form of liberal Rechtsstaat. He actually subordinated the notion of state to the notion of the political. If we may call him an étatist, then it is only if we have in mind a narrow concept of the state which is related to the concept of the political. Only such a state can play the integrative role in a differentiated society and become the basis of social legitimacy “from below”.
The phenomenon of media pluralism and content diversity has been unceasingly a central issue of the European policy making. Media pluralism is usually linked to the democratic perform- ances of society. The concept of pluralism can be defined both in terms of its function and in terms of its objective. Concerning television, media pluralism can be assessed through the number and types of channels, the number and structure of their owners, the editorial content of the broadcasts, and the access of different societal groups to the programming. Th e text investigates how well the traditional television system with its main social pillars, such as plurality and diversity, fits into the newly devel- oped digitized media environment.
This keynote speech was proffered by Gianfranco Pasquino at the opening of the VI. Congress of the Czech Political Science Association which took place in Prague, 9–11 September 2015. It covers the theoretical reflection of pluralism as a social and political phenomenon and a methodological concept in works of Tocqueville, Wright Mills, Dahl, Putnam and others. Prof. Pasquino points out several milestones in the way pluralism was used and studied in political science and ends by suggesting that distorted and shrinking pluralism opens the way to inequalities.
Polonia Sacra
tom 20
nr 4(45)
Der RU in der öffentliche Schule wird vorgeworfen, zu wenig religiöses Wissen zu vermitteln. Diesem Vorwurf kann angemessen nur begegnet werden, wenn die Pluralität verschiedener Zugänge der Jugendlichen zur Religion und zum Glauben berücksichtigt wird. Weil aber neben religiösen und kulturellen Aspekten auch gesellschaftliche und soziale Momente wichtig sind, wäre das Pluralismusparadigma der Religionspädagogik weiterzuentwickeln zu einem Heterogenitätsparadigma.
Religious education as a subject in school is increasingly criticized for neglecting its duty to impart religious knowledge to the youngsters. Religious education can only deal with this critic by referring to the increasing pluralization in religion and belief. But due to the importance of social and economical structures beside cultural and religious aspects religious education might develop a paradigm of heterogeneity.
Content available remote Pragmatizmus je environmentalizmus
This article presents the contemporary conception of “environmental pragmatism” as an alternative strategy, still little known in the Czech context, for the solution of the problem of the relation between nature and culture. The point of departure for this conception are the ideas of the classical pragmatists, especially the naturalism and ethics of John Dewey. This philosophy bears within it an immanent environmental direction and it issues in the “Third Way” in the ecological movement, finding a path between anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentrism; between individualism and holism; between instrumentalism and immanentism; between exploitation and preservation; between the dualisms of value and fact, aims and means, conservation and growth, and so on.
Tadeusz Klimski devoted to the problem of unity dissertation, entitled “One and being. Analysis of the realistic concepts (Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, modern Thomists)”, published in 1992. The paper characterises idealist philosophy in exposures and explanations of representatives of realism. It indicates the field of further considerations: Aristotle’s account which is determined by views of the pre–Socratics, and above all Plato, philosophical views of Thomas Aquinas, alluding to discussion with the Arabic philosophers, especially Avicenna, and often relating to the horizon designated by revelation and needs of interpreting it by theology, recognition of contemporary Thomists of various trends, the only realistic trend in contemporary philosophy. Even more interesting is placing the issues of unity in the problematic context. Tadeusz Klimski believed that the problematic field is twofold, and its starting point is epistemology: 1) platonic idealism, which leads (even if it is against Plato himself) to monism, where unity is seen as the first and fundamental philosophical problem — here unity is associated with the entire cosmos, today as well as in the in the materialistic or spiritualistic version. 2) Aristotelian realism leads to pluralism in the theory of being, in which philosophers–realists try to interpret the unity — unity here is associated with individual being. While formulating his standpoint, Tadeusz Klimski refers to Mieczyslaw Gogacz’s account, that unity is called the power of the act of existence to actualizing the real essence of being. Unity, therefore, is manifested in the whole being, but the act of existence is its source. This view is consistent Thomistic, specifying the relationship of unity with the existence of individual being. This view can be a good basis to consider the role of unity in cognition, the role of unity in action or various forms of social unity.
The catalogue of Poland’s most important system founding rules have been included in Chapter 1 of the Polish Constitution. However, the location of a given law does not determine its power. Yet it can lead to certain conclusions about its legal meaning. These norms are usually defined succinctly; therefore, it may be necessary to refer to other articles of the Constitution, especially to Article 14, which conveys the rule of the freedom of media. The role of this freedom is influenced mainly by its connection with the freedom of speech rule. It is usually emphasized in connection with realizing the principle of civil society and the rule of political pluralism on which it is based. Article 14 of the Constitution formulates a general guarantee, while further rules can be found in the chapters about the rights and freedoms of an individual (Art. 54), their extension in the press law, while the status of the radio and television is subject to special regulations (mainly the Broadcasting Act). Article 14 also involves the rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen. The basis is Article 5, while Article 14 is one of the co-defining norms. Expressing certain common values, the mentioned rule forms constitutional boundaries, within which the process of constituting the law takes place, as well as being the source of the obligation on the part of the whole state apparatus to implement the constitutional norms.
The crisis of the welfare state led both theoreticians and practitioners to search for new solutions in the field of social services. Although the role of social services in the social security system and social work is beyond doubt and in terms of social crisis – even gro­wing pool of benefits to both their standard and availability are very controversial. Plura­lism in social policy, which is an instrument for the socialization and increased efficiency, also tends to reflect on the new challenges and threats to the social services system as a consequen­ce of systemic changes.
Kryzys państwa opiekuńczego skłonił zarówno teoretyków, jak i praktyków do poszu­kiwania nowych rozwiązań w zakresie usług społecznych. Chociaż rola usług społecznych w systemie zabezpieczenia społecznego i w pracy socjalnej jest niekwestionowana, a w wa­runkach kryzysu społecznego – jeszcze wzrasta, to zarówno pula świadczeń, ich standard, jak i dostępność budzą wiele kontrowersji. Pluralizm w polityce społecznej, będący instrumentem do jej uspołecznienia oraz wzrostu efektywności, skłania także do refleksji nad nowymi wyzwaniami i zagrożeniami dla systemu usług społecznych będących konsekwencją zmian systemowych.
tom 17
nr 2
W podstawowych dziedzinach fizjoterapii powstaje coraz więcej specjalizacji. Takie "rozczłonkowanie" fizjoterapii grozi "rozbiciem" bytowej jedności człowieka. Naprzeciw temu zjawisku wychodzi fizjoterapia holistyczna. W części pierwszej przybliżone zostaną trzy nośne w filozofii koncepcje bytu, a także konsekwencje, jakie pociągają za sobą określone teorie.
The main fields of physiotherapy are being divided into a rising number of specialties that gradually become narrower and narrower. Such disintegration of physiotherapy creates a major threat to the existential unity of the human being. Holistic physiotherapy aims to revert this alarming trend. Part 1 gives the reader a closer look on three major philosophical concepts of existence and presents consequences arising from those concepts.
Content available remote The Crossroads of Democracy in Venezuela: the Emergence of the Popular Power
The paper analyzes one of the main political instruments of the current regime of President Chávez in Venezuela: the Popular Power, as a new conception of democracy within socialist model. We studied the origins of such instrument and its current legal framework, in order to demonstrate how Popular Power constitutes a violation of constitutional concept of democracy, due to its lack of freedom and pluralism. The Popular Power is articulated in the Laws promulgated in 2010, as an organization that acts under the political control of the National Government, with the sole purpose of the consolidation of the socialism and the construction of a “new” State, the “Communal State”. According to the Laws of the Popular Power, socialism is not only the political doctrine of the Government’s party, but also the political doctrine of the State, that excludes any form of political participation different to the ones executed through the organizations of the Popular Power and for the promotion of socialism. In the end, the emergence of the Popular Power in Venezuela demonstrates the risk of the manipulation of the language of democracy for political purposes that are the antithesis of democracy.
The question under consideration is an attempt to present the ontic foundations for a pluralistic interpretation of reality, the interpretation specific of Aristotle’s metaphysics. This text shows the way to understand being as substance and indicates its composite structure. The being’s composite of matter and form as subontic elements is principal in the context of ontic pluralism. It is a foundation on which to comprehend being both in the context of identity and variability. Despite the fact that the principal constitutive factor is form, it is only owing to the being’s composite of matter and form, and the specific relationship between these elements, that we can explain the ontic structure of reality. A review of the modes of being has been made with a view to matter and form (in Aritotle’s sublunary and superlunary spheres of the world). The modes of matter and form and their specific ontic character reveal the real foundations of the ontic plurality and variability in the world. There is no contradiction in the fact that the formal factor actualizes the material factor because these elements create a whole—being-substance—only in combination.
Rozpatrywane zagadnienie jest próbą przedstawienia ontycznych podstaw dla pluralistycznej interpretacji rzeczywistości, stanowiącej specyfikę metafizyki Arystotelesa. W tekście ukazano sposób rozumienia bytu jako substancji oraz wskazano na jego złożeniową strukturę. Zasadnicze w kontekście pluralizmu bytowego jest złożenie bytu z materii i formy, jako z subontycznych elementów. Stanowi ono podstawę do ujmowania bytu zarówno w kontekście tożsamości, jak i zmienności. I mimo że zasadniczym czynnikiem konstytuującym byt jest forma, to dopiero dzięki dostrzeżeniu złożenia bytu z materii i formy oraz wykazaniu specyficznej relacji, jaka między tymi elementami zachodzi, możliwe staje się wyjaśnienie ontycznej struktury rzeczywistości. Ze względu na materię i formę dokonano także przeglądu występujących sposobów bytowania (w wyróżnionych przez Arystotelesa sferach świata: podksiężycowej i nadksiężycowej). Przedstawione sposoby występowania materii i formy oraz ich specyfika ontyczna odsłaniają realne podstawy dla wielości i różnorodności bytowej występującej w świecie. Nie zachodzi sprzeczność w tym, że czynnik formalny aktualizuje czynnik materialny, ponieważ elementy te dopiero w łączności tworzą całość – byt-substancję.
The paper refers to Michael Novak’s book The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism. In his book Novak advances, among others, the thesis that in the light of the encyclical Laborem Exercens, published by John Paul II (1981), one can speak about some converging elements of Catholic and liberal social thought, e.g.: the creativity of modern labour, which would reflect, however, in the two doctrines the theological symbols of the Creator and His creation. But this paper cools down the enthusiasm of Novak and in six analysed aspects seeks to show that, despite some convergence in the phraseology between “the spirit of democratic capitalism” and “the spirit of Christian ethics”, there extends between them an essential abyss, which is the result of basing each “spirit” on different models of ethics.
The article depicts main ideas of the model of liberal democracy and resulting civil obligations, as well as proves that values such as: freedom, equality, individualism, autonomy, self-determination, pluralism, tolerance and individual rights may constitute a valuable basis for social life. Moreover, the article contradicts the thesis representing the citizen as an isolated individual, deprived of moral directions and supported by values, by balancing it with an independent, self-reliant and responsible individual.
Artykuł podejmuje problem aksjologicznego uwikłania przekonań w kontekście społeczeństw pluralistycznych. W tym celu zagadnienie przekonań zostaje usytuowane w ramach dynamicznej koncepcji tożsamości jednostek i wspólnot, zwanej tożsamością narracyjną. Opiera się ona na tożsamości postaci, skorelowanej z fabularyzacją jej działań. Na płaszczyźnie społecznej współistnienie silnych identyfikacji wyrosłych z przekonań wymaga przyjęcia właściwego modelu. Niniejsze studium stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy czysto formalny charakter reguły uniwersalizacji oraz procedur argumentacyjnych okazuje się wystarczający w tym względzie. Zachodzi bowiem ryzyko unicestwienia w tej optyce aksjologicznego tła, decydującego o stopniu ludzkiego zaangażowania w budowanie odpowiedzialności za kształt życia społecznego. Aby ustrzec prowadzone dociekania od nadmiernej abstrakcyjności, zostają one przeniesione w obszar fenomenologii motywacji ludzkiej woli, której wybrane aspekty poddaje się analizie. Ma ona wszakże do czynienia z konkretnymi pobudkami działania, a w szczególności z kwestiami dotyczącymi konfliktów aksjologicznych. Tytułem uzupełnienia poczynionych na tym polu obserwacji materialne czynniki motywacyjne (wartości) konfrontuje się z formalną zasadą uniwersalizacji o Kantowskiej proweniencji. W rezultacie uzasadnione okazuje się mówienie o komplementarności obydwu perspektyw. Podane jako podsumowanie całości refleksji przykłady mądrościowej deliberacji oraz uprawiania polityki historycznej z jednej strony obrazuje operatywność reguł, uwydatnionych w toku wywodu. Z drugiej strony stanowią one modele poddające się ekstrapolacji na inne dziedziny, w których koegzystencja silnych przekonań przedstawia wyzwanie.
The paper addresses the problem of the axiological implications of beliefs in the context of pluralistic societies. For this purpose, the question of beliefs is placed within a dynamic concept of individual or communitarian identity, so-called narrative identity. This concept is based on the identity of a character correlated his action represented by a plot. On the social level, the coexistence of the strong identifications rooted in beliefs requires the acceptance of an appropriate model. This study is an attempt to answer the question whether a purely formal character of the universalization rule and the argumentative procedures is sufficient in this regard. In this perspective there is a risk of an annihilation of the axiological background which is decisive as far as the human involvement in a responsible construction of the social life is concerned. To protect the investigations from an excessive abstraction, they are transferred in the field of a phenomenological research on the motivation of human will. This inquiry is completed by a confrontation with the formal principle of universalization elaborated by Kant. As a result, the two opposite perspectives seem to be complementary. The two final examples of a wise deliberation and some possible coexistence of strong beliefs in the area of historical policy provide the reader with a larger model of such a coexistence.
Content available Tolerancjonizm. Ryszarda Legutki krytyka tolerancji
In the present paper I will discuss some of Ryszard Legutko’s ideas about the concept of tolerance; with particular emphasis on the distinction between the negative and positive tolerance (passive and active, respectively). I will sketch the historical background of this distinction and describe the extra- ordinary career of the notion of positive tolerance in the context of modern Occidental culture, concluding with the idea of “tolerantionism”. Finally, I will try to introduce a few objections to Legutko’s critical approach to tolerance, taking into account not only the coherence, but also the development (creativity) of European culture and Western Civilization. Legutko’s vision can be described as conservative, mine is rather “oscillating”. When a culture be- comes too monolithic, it is natural to encourage more pluralism; however, if there is excessive pluralism, then monism should be promoted (triumph and absolute domination of the only one ideal – even the right one – tends to be harmful not only for the social freedom, but also for this same ideal; absolute power corrupts).
This paper traces the history of the International Society for Universal Dialogue by reflecting on the tension between universalism and pluralism and the underlying dialec-tics of identity and difference. This paper argues that this tension is the source of crea-tivity and that dialogue, by its refusal to privilege one over the other, keeps this tension alive as it seeks ever better formulations and understandings of goodness, justice, and truth. This paper argues that philosophers are duty bound to honor their ideals and val-ues through the sort of reflection and dialogue that features critique, clarification, and renewal of those ideals and values. Only through this process (critique, clarification, and renewal) do those values remain bright and vibrant.
tom 1
W niniejszym artykule autor bada problem sprawiedliwości w edukacji. Podjęte są tylko niektóre teoretyczne aspekty tego zjawiska. W artykule podejmuje się zbadanie sporu dotyczącego idei sprawiedliwości we współczesnej filozofii politycznej i edukacji. Autor rozwija ogólne rozumienie tego jak idea sprawiedliwości może być użyta w odniesieniu do edukacji. Prezentuje się tu kilka perspektyw filozoficznych związanych z ideą sprawiedliwości i stara się znaleźć dobry sposób poruszania się po tej mapie różnych pozycji związanych z życiem w społeczeństwie pluralistycznym. Wizja pluralistycznej sfery publicznej generuje bowiem konieczność odpowiedzi na pytanie związane ze statusem kategorii moralnych, których używamy. Dobrym przykładem w tym kontekście jest kategoria sprawiedliwości. Autor próbuje znaleźć dobry pomysł na życie w sytuacji nieustannego konfliktu moralnego i dokonuje analizy implikacji poszczególnych koncepcji sprawiedliwości społecznej dla edukacji i wspólnego życia w społeczeństwie.
In this paper the author studies the problem of justice in education. He examines only some theoretical aspects of this phenomenon. This paper surveys a dispute over the idea of justice in contemporary political philosophy and education. The author develops an overall understanding of how the idea of justice can be used in relation to education. He presents a few philosophical perspectives connected with the idea of justice and tries to find a good way to move around the map of different positions associated with living in plural society. The vision of the plural public sphere generates the necessity to answer the question connected with the status of moral categories that we use. The category of justice might be a good example. The author attempts to find a way how to live in the situation of constant moral conflict and analyzes the implications of particular conceptions of social justice for education and common life in society.
Content available remote Metodologická východiska kritického racionalismu H. Alberta
This study presents a systematic treatment of the critical rationalism of the German philosopher Hans Albert, a follower of Karl R. Popper. On the basis of an analysis of his key works (Traktat über kritische Vernunft, Die Wissenschaft und die Fehlbarkeit der Vernunft, Kritischer Rationalismus, Kritische Vernunft und Rationale Praxis etc.) the eight main methodological tenets of his philosophical conception are presented. They are: 1. universal criticism, 2. consequentialist fallibilism, 3. methodological revisionism, 4. critical realism, 5. theoretical pluralism, 6. constructive metaphysics, 7. the postulate of a single method of science, and 8. a proposal of a way of life. In reference to each of these tenets, the author explains the intellectual tradition in contrast to which Albert defines his own position and, at the same time, considers several critical objections to Albert’s assumptions. The study thus provides a relatively complex view of the subject-matter in question.
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