The aim of the study is to evaluate the spatial variation in the size and shape of land plots in Mazowieckie voivodship. For the purposes of the study both the shape and the compactness of the plots were measured, and the typology of communes was drawn based on this information. Subsequently, based on the two indicators related to the shape of plots, four types of communes were distinguished, depending on whether their values were higher or lower than the average (Dzieciuchowicz and Dmochowska-Dudek, 2014). In addition, the paper includes calculations for the average share of unused land in the plot surface area, the average horizontal intensity of parcel development, and an indication of the type of land coverage dominant in the plots, by commune type. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used in the analyses. It has been found that the studied area is dominated by plots characterised by small diversity in shape and high degree of compactness – mainly in the north-western part of the voivodship, as well as those where plots are highly diverse in shape and low in compactness – in the south-eastern part of the voivodship.
The current study presents status and the need for improvement of the land distribution of family agricultural holdings in Poland. The assessment of the distribution of farm lands in the area between 1 and 300 ha has been made according to the 2013 data and provided by the Polish Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA). Our analysis included totally app. 750,000 of family agricultural holdings. The evaluation of land consolidation was based on the two regional criteria proposed by the Regional Offices of Geodesy and Agricultural Areas, i.e. the plot size and the number of plots within individual family farms. The family agricultural holdings, that are included to the Polish system of agricultural support, have an average land area of around 16.0 ha, and this refers to around 6 cadastral plots with an average acreage of app. 3.0 ha. The need of land consolidation was estimated to be at the level of app. 7.1 million ha (this corresponds to 69.14% of total agricultural area land in Poland). The problem occurs in the entire country, but the worst situation is in the southern, south-eastern and central Poland. The implementation of the land consolidation and farmland exchange procedures within the Programme RDP (Rural Development Programme) in the period 2007-2013 stood at the level of 13,600 ha annually, thus the area of unfavourable land distribution was not reduced significantly. According to our evaluations the land consolidation should involve at least 50,000 ha annually to improve in real terms the distribution of agricultural plots in Poland.
Na podstawie wyników serii doświadczeń bezczynnikowych z łubinem żółtym uprawianym na zieloną masę wyznaczono wskaźniki zmienności glebowej b Smitha, a następnie oszacowano odpowiednią wielkość poletka wg formuły Hathewaya dla różnej liczby powtórzeń i obiektów oraz założonej precyzji doświadczenia. Stwierdzono, że ocenę plonu zielonej masy w doświadczeniach z łubinem żółtym można przeprowadzić, stosując poletka o pow. od 2.5 m2 w 6 powtórzeniach do 7 m2 w 3 powtórzeniach dla układu losowanych bloków.
The report presents estimates of Smith's soil heterogenity index from series of uniformity yellow lupine trials and convenient plot sizes according to the formuła of Hatheway, for a various number of replications, treatments and assumed the true difference. A convenient plot size for green mass yield trials with yellow lupine was estimated as the plots from 2.5 m2 at six replications to 7 m2 at three replications, respectively, for random block design.
Live-trapping of rodents was conducted over a 12-ha plot on unevenly spaced trap lines, with inner lines forming a 3.5-ha grid of closely spaced traps. This design was used to estimate the probability that bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber, 1780) and yellow-necked mice Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1834) trapped in small grids are true residents rather than visitors from the surrounding area. On average, 12% of the voles and 19% of the mice were trapped within and beyond the grid in the same trapping sessions. As these were mainly wide-ranging males moving over the plot, home ranges of males may be underestimated on small grids. In total, 36% of voles and 39% of mice that were marked in spring-summer were trapped at least once in their life beyond the grid. Typically, these were individuals shifting home ranges and migrating to or from the grid. The size of lifetime ranges of rodents was significantly larger than temporary home ranges and may therefore be underestimated on small grids. "Single-capture" individuals were mainly true transients rather than visitors. Only 12% of voles and 15% of mice resided on the plot for longer time than in the grid.
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