Purpose: The aim of the study was to examine how the weight of a school backpack with school supplies carried on the right or left shoulder influences body posture in schoolchildren. Methods: The study of body posture was carried out on a group of 65 pupils aged 7, using the mora projection method in the following eight positions: (four positions for the diagonal loading of the right shoulder and four positions for the loading of the left shoulder) 1 – the habitual posture, 2 – the posture after a 10-minute asymmetric loading, 3 – the posture one minute after removing the load and 4 – the posture two minutes after removing the load. The fitness level was measured using the Sekita test. Results: Among the boys, the load on the left or right shoulder showed a statistically significant difference in the analyzed features, apart from the angle of inclination of the lumbosacral segment for the load on the right shoulder. In the girls, significant differences were observed in all of the analyzed features. Conclusions: The mode of carriage of school items may cause significant adaptation changes in the skeletal, muscular, and nervous system. Overall fitness affects the size of postural changes. The method of carriage of school supplies with asymmetric loading of the body trunk should not be practised among 7-year-old children of both sexes. The load should be smaller to affect the posture symmetrically.
The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of applying an external load on the distribution of pressure on the plantar side of the foot and maintaining body balance, using the podobarographic platform. Methods: The study was conducted on 130 school children aged 8–10: girls (n = 68, body mass = 22.8 ± 6.0 kg, body height = 129.3 ± 7.5 cm) and boys (n = 62, body mass = 31.1 ± 6.5 kg, body height 134.4 ± 7.3 cm). The study involved 2 trials. At first, children stood on the platform assuming a natural position. Then, they put on a 5-kg backpack and stood on the platform once more. Results: The results indicate that after backpack loading, for the total research group of girls and boys, statistically significant differences were found in the distribution of foot force on the ground in the left forefoot ( p = 0.008), metatarsus ( p = 0.000) and heel areas ( p = 0.002). While in the right foot, these differences were noted for the forefoot ( p = 0.024) and metatarsus ( p = 0.000). The results of balance testing were also statistically significant. They concerned measurements of the body barycentre area (cop-bars p = 0.003), the barycentre area of the left foot (l-bars p = 0.034) and the parameter comparing distance to surface ratio (cop-lsf p = 0.000). Conclusions: It may be concluded that prolonged overloading with backpacks affects movement patterns, which may further lead to the acquisition and consolidation of postural defects.
Wstęp: Chodzenie jest jedną z podstawowych czynności człowieka. Dbanie o prawidłowy wzorzec chodu jest ważne dla utrzymania prawidłowej postawy ciała i zapobiegania dysfunkcjom narządu ruchu. Ponieważ chodzenie często wiąże się z noszeniem ciężaru, celem badań była ocena zmian parametrów chodu i ruchu miednicy podczas chodu pod wpływem lekkiego obciążenia noszonego symetrycznie lub asymetrycznie w torbie lub plecaku. Materiał i metody: Zbadano 11 kobiet i 15 mężczyzn w wieku od 19 do 25 lat. Wykorzystano urządzenie BTS G-Sensor. Badano podstawowe parametry chodu, współczynnik symetrii ruchu miednicy oraz zakres ruchu miednicy w każdej z trzech płaszczyzn. Test polegający na przejściu 30 metrów powtarzano czterokrotnie: podczas marszu bez obciążenia, z dodatkowym obciążeniem noszonym w plecaku na obu ramionach, w torbie na prawym ramieniu lub w torbie noszonej ukośnie na lewym ramieniu. Każdorazowo obciążenie wynosiło 10% masy ciała uczestnika. Wyniki: Prędkość chodu, stosunek długości kroku do wysokości ciała, współczynnik symetrii chodu oraz prędkość napędu lewej i prawej stopy nie zmieniły się istotnie podczas chodzenia z obciążeniem wynoszącym 10% masy ciała, niezależnie od sposobu noszenia torby lub plecaka. Wnioski: Choć noszenie lekkiej torby czy plecaka nie zmienia podstawowych parametrów chodu, to nawet tak małe obciążenie zmniejsza symetrię ruchu miednicy oraz zakres jej ruchu w płaszczyźnie czołowej i poprzecznej podczas chodu.
Introduction: Walking is one of the basic human activities. Taking care of the correct gait pattern is important for maintaining proper body posture and preventing dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system. Since walking often involves carrying a load, the study aimed to evaluate changes in gait parameters and pelvic movement during gait under the influence of light loads carried symmetrically or asymmetrically in a bag or backpack. Material and methods: The group of 11 women and 15 men aged between 19 and 25 were examined. The BTS G-Sensor device was used. The basic gait parameters were examined, as well as the symmetry coefficient of pelvic motion and the range of pelvic motion in each of the three planes. The test involving walking 30 meters was repeated four times: while walking without a load, with an additional load worn in a backpack on both shoulders, in a bag on the right shoulder, or in a bag worn diagonally on the left shoulder. Each time the load was equal to 10% of the participantʼs body weight. Results: Walking speed, stride length to body height ratio, gait symmetry coefficient, and left and right foot propulsive speed did not change significantly during walking while carrying a load of 10% of body weight, regardless of the method of carrying a bag or backpack. Conclusions: Although carrying a light bag or backpack does not change the basic gait parameters, even such a small load reduces the symmetry of pelvic movement and the range of pelvic motion in the frontal and transverse planes during walking.
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