Achievements of the authors in the field of technical and numerical problems of multi-frame interferometry are presented. A three-channel interferometric system with an automatic image processing for laser-produced plasma is described. The measurements of electron density distributions in a plasma generated by a laser and confined by a strong magnetic field (up to 15 T) are the main part of this work. Numerical analysis of interferograms of the plasma and numerical methods of the reconstruction of electron density spatial profiles, both in an axially symmetrical plasma and in a plasma stream of disturbed axial symmetry are presented in more detail.
Energetic ions emitted from plasmas produced by the interaction of intense laser pulses with solid targets are currently a subject of growing interest due to the possibility of unique applications in accelerator technology, nuclear physics, material science and medicine. Depending on the kind of application, different parameters of the ion fluxes are required, and various conditions of laser-target interaction must be considered. In this paper, selected results of our recent studies of ion emission from plasmas produced by laser pulses of duration from ~ 1 ps to ~ 1 ns and of intensities from 10^10 W/cm^2 to 10^17 W/cm^2 are reviewed. The characteristics of both heavy ion fluxes emitted from massive high-Z targets and proton beams generated from thin foil targets of various structures are presented. Some basic properties of ion fluxes produced in various experimental conditions are discussed. The effect of external magnetic field on the ion emission is demonstrated.
The Cu plasmas were produced by a ruby laser (~ 5 J, 694.3 nm, ~ 18 ns, ~140 GWcm^-2). Time-resolved spectra of the plasmas were observed in the region of 8-24 nm. The electron temperature was estimated to be about 40 eV. A small depth of the crater (~ 3 [my]m) and the surrounding ripples were observed at the Cu target surface. The trace of deposited plasma was explained as the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Plasma was transparent to the laser beam.
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