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Silene viscaria (L.) Jess. is a common species of Central Russian flora. It has attractive purple, crimson, or darkpink inflorescences. Some literature sources indicate the possibility of white-colour flowers. However, there are no reliable published evidences of these cases. In this report, a record of S. viscaria plants with achromatic, white, flowers at the southern border of the Mordovia State Nature Reserve is presented. Some morphological traits of flowering individuals were measured: the height of reproductive individuals, the number of whorls of lateral branches per an inflorescence, the number of flowers per an inflorescence, the length of an inflorescence, and the percentage of an inflorescence length from a flowering plants height. Data on the flora accompanying S. viscaria are presented. As a result, no significant differences between plants with achromatic flowers and plants with coloured flowers have been found. However, the height of white-flower individuals was slightly higher. We suggest accumulating data on a phenomenon of the flower’s achromatism amongst different groups of plants in order to try to understand the frequency of this phenomenon and perhaps its impact on plants biology.
Provenance trials were designed to analyse the quantitative responses of tree species to environmental variables found in different experiment location. However, we have still limited knowledge how natural and artificial selection affects genetic variation of the species populations gather in such experimental sites. We have used bulked DNA-based RAPD and ISJ analysis to investigate genetic diversity and differentiation of Scots pine populations from two Polish locations of IUFRO 1982 provenance trial placed in Kórnik and in Supraśl. Applied categories of DNA markers differed in terms of revealing genetic diversity of the species. Ten RAPD primers applied in the study yielded a total of 75 bands, of which 21 (28%) and 15 (20%) were polymorphic in Kórnik and in Supraśl, respectively. Six ISJ primers revealed 42 bands of which 4 (9.52%) and 14 (33.3%) were polymorphic in Kórnik and in Supraśl, respectively. The genetic diversity and differentiation was low, as expressed by He=0.071 and He=0.085, and by genetic distance values which ranged from 0.0 to 0.240 (on average 0.081) and from 0.017 to 0.188 (on average 0.094) for Kórnik and Supraśl, respectively. Location of provenance trial appeared to have a significant influence on revealed level of genetic polymorphism and pattern of interpopulation differentiation. However, genetic structure found for analysed Scots pine provenances from IUFRO 1982 in Kórnik was also confirmed for Supraśl experimental site. In the light of available data we also discussed the influence of historical migration routes and gene flow on observed genetic variation of the species.
tom 55
nr 3
Six natural populations of sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis) were examined for allelic frequencies at 7 electrophoretically detected polymorphic loci in five enzyme systems: LAP, AP, ME, EST and PX. According to Nei’s statistics, the extent of genetic variability in all populations shows that intra-population genetic variability is expressed by higher values of GST coefficient (mean value for all loci 0.135) which exceeds values of inter-population differences expressed by DST=0.059 coefficient. Gene flow between populations is rather low (Nm=1.60). Hierarchical clustering (UPGMA) of Hedrick’s genetic distances (when examined simultaneously in all the allozymes), demonstrated three groups of populations suggesting certain tendency to geographic connections.
Sześć naturalnych populacji nostrzyka zółtego (Melilotus officinalis) przebadano pod względem częstości występowania 7 elektroforetycznie wyodrębnionych polimorficzmych loci w pięciu układach enzymatycznych: LAP, AP, ME, EST i PX. Zastosowanie statystyki Neia [4] dla wyrażenia wewnątrzpopulacyjnego (GST=0,139) i międzypopulacyjnego (DST=0,059) zróżnicowania genetycznego wykazało większe różnice międzypopulacyjne. Przepływ genów miedzy populacjami okazał się raczej niski (Nm=1,60). Porównanie populacji metodą najbliższego sąsiedztwa (UPGMA) pozwoliło wykreślić dendryt, na którym połączenia między populacjami (grupując 2 populacje z Wielkopolski i trzy populacje z rejonu Gór Świętokrzyskich) mogą sugerować podobieństwa geograficzne.
tom 50
nr 3-4
The reproduction ability of Primula veris L. plants was described on the basis of six-year observa­tions on permanent plots in populations from natural localities. Cowslip individuals in different life stages were mapped according to topographical distribution. The vegetative multiplication symptoms of the plants were also recorded. The mean survival rate of seedlings to the juvenile sta­ge was similar in both populations, amounting to about 16.5%. The highest survival rate was found for juveniles (44.3-57.6%) and immature (31.4-48.6%) individuals, while the lowest number of indi­viduals turned from the virginile into the generative stage (2.2-5.7%). The efficiency of the gene­rative reproduction measured by the ratio of the number of generatively recruited flowering plants to the observed number of seedlings was 0.22-0.42%, depending on the population.
Opisano zdolności reprodukcyjne roślin Prímula veris L. na podstawie sześcioletnich obserwacji na stałych poletkach w populacjach naturalnych. Wykonano mapy topograficznego rozmieszczenia osobników pierwiosnka lekarskiego w różnych stadiach rozwojowych roślin. Zarejestrowano tak­że objawy wegetatywnego pomnażania roślin. Średnia przeżywalność siewek do stadium juwe- nilnego byla podobna w obu populacjach i wyniosła okolo 16,5». Najwyższą przeżywalnością cha­rakteryzowały się rośliny w stadium juwenilnym (44,3-57,6°u) i immaturalnym (31,4-48,6'»), podczas gdy najniższy procent przeżywalności zanotowano w stadium virginilnym (2,2-5,7°o). Efektyw­ność reprodukcji generatywnej mierzona stosunkiem liczby osobników kwitnących pochodzenia generatywnego do obserwowanej liczby siewek wyniosła 0,22-0,42», w zależności od populacji.
The frequency distribution and density of three life stages as well as fitness components of the perennial plant Colchicum autumnale growing in the unmanaged road verges and in the extensive mown and grazed meadows in the Sudeten Mts. were studied. Furthermore, investigated were the effects of population size and plant size (measured as number of flowers) on reproductive success and explored if variation in reproductive and vegetative traits of adults could be associated with soil characteristics. The t-test indicated that proportions of subadults and reproductive adults were significantly lower in verge than in meadow populations, and of vegetative adults significantly higher. The plant density of reproductive adults and the reproductive adults to all adults ratio were significantly lower in verge populations compared to meadow populations. Although habitat type accounted for significant variation in stage structure, no significant difference was found between vegetative and reproductive traits in adult plants, except for the number of flowers. In verge populations the number of flowers was significantly lower as compared to meadow populations. The traits related to reproduction were not significantly influenced by population size. However, the proportion of flowers setting fruit decreased significantly with increasing number of flowers. The stepwise multiple regression revealed significant relationships between soil characteristics and number of fruits per plant, fruit set, number seeds per plant and number of leaves in vegetative adults. The results suggest that the creation of the low and relatively open vegetation cover could increase the chance of persistence of C. autumnale living in verge habitats by promoting of seed germination, seedling establishment and flowering, and they also show that the reproductive success and vegetative components of fitness are most likely influenced by habitat quality.
The content and composition of sterol compounds in wild growing great burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis L.) populations were determined. The herb and underground organs of this plant were collected from 10 natural sites in Poland. The HPLC analysis revealed the presence of 5 sterol compounds, namely β-sitosterol, β-sitosterol D-glucoside, campesterol, brassicasterol and stigmasterol in these raw materials. Among them, β-sitosterol Dglucoside was dominant one. The herb was richer in sterol compounds than underground organs. There were significant differences between the content of above mentioned compounds in these populations.
Badano skład i zawartość związków sterolowych w dziko rosnących populacjach krwiściągu lekarskiego. Ziele i organy podziemne zbierane były z roślin występujących na 10 stanowiskach naturalnych zlokalizowanych na terenie Polski. Analiza chromatograficzna wykazała obecność pięciu związków sterolowych w tych surowcach, a mianowicie β-sitosterolu, D-glukozydu β-sitosterolu, kampesterolu, brassikasterolu i stigmasterolu. Spośród nich D-glukozyd β-sitosterolu był związkiem dominującym, przy czym ziele okazało się bogatsze we wszystkie zidentyfikowane związki w porównaniu z organami podziemnymi. Stwierdzono istotne różnice pomiędzy populacjami odnośnie zawartości wyżej wymienionych związków sterolowych.
The subject of the research was the population of orchid growing in the area of Pierzchno in Wielkopolska. This position was found in 2001 where two kinds of orchids were recorded – Orchis morio and Dactylorhiza majalis. Male orchid occurs in the particular position in this geographical region. Quite numerous population of Dactylorhiza majalis (broad-leaved marsh orchid) and counting only a few specimens of the population of Orchis morio were followed in 2013–2015. The research concerned both individual and group features. During this period, we observed a clear progression of broad-leaved marsh orchid population. It resulted in an increase in the number of ramets and the area occupied by it. In the first year of research two experimental plots were extracted and in the next growing season, a third surface was found, occupied by the species. Locating juveniles in the second season also confirms the population dynamics. In the last year of observation, orchids appeared only on the second surface, which substantially increased its dimensions. Unfortunately, in the case of populations of the male orchid clear regression was noted because fewer individuals grew from year to year. On the meadow nearby Pierzchno favourable living conditions were found for Dactylorhiza majalis and unfavourable ones for Orchis morio, which could lead to the disappearance of this population.
Celem badań było określenie wpływu wahań poziomu wód gruntowych, spowodowanych działalnością bobrów, na kształtowanie się składu florystycznego roślinności łąkowej na przykładzie bezleśnego fragmentu małej doliny rzecznej (rzeka Szum na Roztoczu Środkowym). Analizie poddane zostały również wybrane cechy populacji dwóch gatunków wieloletnich charakterystycznych dla zmiennowilgotnych łąk ziołoroślowych: Filipendula ulmaria i Cirsium oleraceum. Na stałych powierzchniach badawczych u znakowanych osobników odnotowywano liczbę pędów nadziemnych. Równolegle śledzono zmiany poziomu wód gruntowych w piezometrach. W płatach roślinności łąkowej w największym stopniu narażonych na podtopienie stwierdzono spadek różnorodności biologicznej oraz zmniejszenie się udziału gatunków charakterystycznych klasy Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Reakcją populacji badanych gatunków na długotrwały stres wodny był spadek liczebności osobników i ramet oraz obniżenie się ich skupiskowości.
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of fluctuation of the ground water level, caused by beaver activity, on the floristic composition of meadow vegetation in the fragment of small river valley (the Szum river, Central Roztocze). We analyzed selected traits of the populations of two perennial species characteristic of variously moist meadows: Filipendula ulmaria and Cirsium oleraceum. On permanent plots we noted the number of shoots (ramets) of marked individuals. Simultaneously, changes in the ground water levels were monitored in piezometres. In the patches of meadow vegetation under the greatest risk of flooding a decrease of biological diversity and reduce the share of species characteristic for the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea was observed. The response of the populations of the species tested for long-term water stress was the decrease in the number of individuals and ramets, and reducing the degree of their clustering.
tom 18
nr 4
This study was conducted to determine the mineral contents and some nutritional properties of Trachystemon orientalis L. growing in the Central Black Sea Region, Turkey, and that is consumed as vegetable. Surveys and field studies were started during the spring semester of 2011 (April–May) and they were collected from Samsun and Ordu, where they are intense. In the study, it is was observed that pH, dry matter, content of ash, N, protein, vitamin C, macro- and microelements examined in Trachystemon orientalis varied considerably. The pH, dry matter, ash, N, protein and C content of the plants ranged from 6.61 to 6.88, 13.0 to 22.1%, 9.2 to 17.0%, 2.3 to 3.3%, 14.1 to 20.3 % and 0.12 to 39.03 mg/100g, respectively. Mineral analysis showed that Trachystemon orientalis contained considerably high amounts of potassium (3883.8 to 5791.4 mg/100g), phosphorus (339.7 to 540.9 mg/100 g), calcium (159.4 to 432.4 mg/100g), magnesium (108.0 to 176.4 mg/100 g), iron (10.7 to 63.1 mg/100 g), sodium (22.1 to 66.3 mg/100g), copper (0.6 to 1.5 mg/100 g), manganese (1.5 to 3.6 mg/100g) and zinc (2.3 to 7.6 mg/100g). Mineral compositions of the plants varied significantly depending on the genotypes. T. orientalis was determined as abundant in contents of vitamin C, minerals and protein.
The genus Eulophia embraces over 230 species distributed through the tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas. In Neotropics it is represented by a sole species – E. alta. The aim of the presented study was to evaluate the difference between ecological niches occupied by American and African populations of this species based on the ecological niche modeling. The similarity between the glacial and present niches occupied by E. alta was calculated and the factors limiting the species occurrence were identified. Areas of seasonal tropical forest, tropical savanna and woodland served as refugia for the studied species during last glacial maximum and they were more widespread in Neotropics than in Africa. No significant niche shift after last glacial maximum was observed. The distribution of E. alta in its whole range is restricted mainly by temperature seasonality. The differences in the niches occupied by African and Neotropical populations of E. alta suggest preglacial disjunction of the species range and independent adaptation of both groups. Despite the significant range disjunction of E. alta the species is characterized by relatively high degree of niche conservatism.
Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl is a species native in the north-western Balkans, where it has a divided range. Most of its range is located in flood-prone riparian sites in the Pannonian plain but the species is also found on humid sites along some rivers in the Submediterranean region. We analysed morphologic variation within and between five populations (14 trees/population) located in the Subpannonian and Submediterranean region of Slovenia. Thirty two characters were assessed on ca. 80 leaves from each tree which were divided depending on exposure to sunlight (sun and shade leaves), and 8 traits on each fruit (ca. 50 fruits/tree). A hierarchically designed experiment using analysis of variance confirmed the significant contribution of all the analysed hierarchical levels of variation to the total variation. The results show that the differences between the trees in a single population are the greatest factor of variability of leaves, followed by differences between populations and differences which are the result of variation in exposure to sunlight. Leaves in shade positions are typically larger than those in sunny positions, and they have broader and shorter-pointed leaflets; in this feature they are very similar to the leaves of F. excelsior. Stepwise discriminant analysis showed that the traits which refer to the leaflet number and length are the best differentiating traits between individual populations. The Submediterranean population Dragonja stands out with the smallest leaves and the population Lijak from the same region is the most similar to Dragonja for most morphological traits. In general, phenotypic differences between the Subpannonian and the Submediterranean populations of F. angustifolia are minor and indistinct. Based on the differences ascertained by the study, we can only confirm the presence of F. angustifolia subsp. oxycarpa (Bieb. ex Willd.) Franco et Rocha Alfonso in this part of its natural range.
The goal of the study was to check if the shape-describing characters, calculated as ratios of the morphological measured traits are more stable, compared to the latter, and can be treated as independent on environmental conditions. The test was based on the example of leaves of Salix herbacea and Betula nana. The individuals of the two populations of S. herbacea from Tatra Mts. were divided into two groups: with bigger and smaller leaves. The two populations of B. nana came from different substrata: the first one, collected from the mire on the lower altitude, had bigger leaves, and the second, collected from the granite plateau and higher altitude, had smaller leaves. For both species, the measured traits were generally more variable than the ratios calculated on their basis, as expressed by the variation coefficients. The results of Students' t-test analyses showed statistically significant differences between the two groups of S. herbacea and the two populations of B. nana with respect to almost all the measured characters, and no such differences for the calculated traits, reflecting the leaf shape. As the differentiation of the leaf size was probably bound to the environmental factors, the lack of the dependence of the leaf shape on the leaf size could lead to a conclusion of independence of the leaf shape on the environment conditions.
The aim of this study was to determine the current status of the population of marsh helleborine at a locality in the Wielkopolska National Park. Variability in generative shoots was analysed. Recorded results were compared with a study published in the 1990's, in which this locality was described. Since that time the area covered by that population has decreased; nevertheless, it exhibits characteristics of being in a good condition. In that population three forms of that species were reported: f. palustris, f. longibracteata and f. ochroleuca. The greatest threat for the existence of that heliophilous orchid was connected with the overgrowing of its habitat, for this reason measures should be taken to prevent succession and encroachment of trees and shrubs to that area.
The paper presents the results of research concerning the genetic variation in the growth traits and phenotypic plasticity of Norway spruce populations from the Silesian Beskid Mts and compares them with those of twenty Polish spruce provenances planted on thirty plots established in Europe and Canada in the IUFRO 1972 provenance experiment. The Silesian Beskid spruce is represented by six populations from the Wisła and Ujsoły Forest Districts. The variation in the growth traits of all populations discussed (data from all plots) is 6.009 standard deviation units. At population level this variation is also comparatively high and ranges between 4.674 for the Kartuzy spruce and 2.1920 for the Rycerka Zwardoń spruce. The Silesian Beskid spruce populations are not homogeneous but they belong to the populations with a high or moderate growth rate. The Istebna Bukowiec spruce performed the best on most plots. Only on Finnish and Canadian plots the growth traits of this population were below the average.
tom 76
nr 4
Fragmented distribution, the breeding system and effects of genetic drift in small-size populations occurring at edge of the species range play an important role in shaping genetic diversity of such a species. Melica transsilvanica is a plant rare in the flora of Poland, where it reaches the northern limit of its continuous range. Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) DNA profiling method was applied to measure genetic diversity among and within populations of M. transsilvanica. Additionally, genetic relationships between M. transsilvanica and Melica ciliata, two closely related species, were explored. A total of 68 plants from 7 populations of M. transsilvanica and 24 plants from 2 populations of M. ciliata, collected in Poland and outside it, were analyzed. Using 294 AFLP fragments from 3 primer combinations, accessions were grouped into two major clusters associating with M. ciliata and M. transsilvanica, respectively. Further, two subclusters, corresponding to the samples collected from the Pieniny Mts and from the Kraków - Częstochowa Upland were clearly distinguished within the M. transsilvanica group. The hierarchical AMOVA exhibited significant genetic distinction between these geographic regions (60.89%, p < 0.001). The obtained results showed that the most genetic diversity resided between the populations of M. transsilvanica (86.03%) while considerably lower genetic variation was found within the populations (13.97%), which is consistent with the results reported for self-plants. The low level of AFLP genetic variation of M. transsilvanica can be caused by the geographic isolation of populations, which preserves the dominant self-mating breeding system of the species. Individual populations of M. transsilvanica are characterized by isolated gene pools differing by a small number of loci.
Differences between 13 common reed (Phragmites australis) populations, growing in urban conditions within the town of Poznań (western Poland), are described by 8 morphological traits of panicles' variability and the frequency of peroxidase (dimeric and monomeric) allozymes. Values of morphological characters were processed statistically using agglomerative clustering by the closest neighbours (UPGMA) method based on Euclidean distances. Proteins were separated in the starch gel electrophoretic procedure, showing cathodic migration. Populations are polymorphic and have a certain level of heterozygosity. The level of populations' diversity (DST = 0.097) is lower than the intra-population variability (GST = 0.187). The gene flow between populations is rather low (Nm = 1.090).
This study deals with populations of the European-South-Siberian geoelement Adenophora liliifolia (L.) A. DC. in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland, where this species has its European periphery distribution. We studied the population size, genetic variability, site conditions, and vegetation units in which A. liliifolia grows. Recent and historical localities of A. liliifolia were ranked into six vegetation units of both forest and non-forest character. A phytosociological survey showed differences in the species composition among localities. Only a weak pattern of population structure was observed (only 22% of total genetic variation present at the interpopulation level, AMOVA analysis), with moderate values for gene diversity (Hj = 0.141) and polymorphism (P = 27.6%). Neighborjoining and Bayesian clusterings suggest a similar genetic background for most of the populations from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, contrary to the populations from Hungary, Romania, as well as two populations from Central and South Slovakia. This might be explained by a relatively recent fragmentation of the A. liliifolia populations in Central Europe. Nevertheless, it seems that several populations in Romania, South Hungary, and Slovakia were isolated for a longer period of time and their genetic differentiation is more evident.
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