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The object of the study are 6 varieties of spring barley from the region and the EU: Tunika, Ortega, Josefina, Astor, Jaran Askona. The plots where parameters for two different agro-climatic areas and pedological differences are researched are: Dukagjini field in Pejë. The research of the Agricultural Institute of Kosovo and the Kosovo Plain, as in Pestovo, which is privately owned land, in Kosovo. Barley is a strategic crop which is planted every year on an area of 5000–10000 ha. The average yield realized during the last years is about 2.5 t/ha. The agroclimatic and pedological data of Kosovo, compared to the yields obtained in barley culture, show that the genetic potential of barley production is great. Kosovo has an area of 1.1 million ha, of which 53 percent is under cultivation, 41 percent from forests. About 88% of agricultural land is privately owned, while the rest is owned by social enterprises. Of the 577,000 ha of agricultural land, about 300,000 ha are planted with agricultural crops. Cereals are cultivated on 44% of the surface, of which wheat 45%, corn 44%, oats 8%, barley 3% and rye less than 1%.
The tall grass vegetation in the Andean grassland ecosystems covers the largest area compared to other types of vegetation such as Puna grass, wetland and others. The grasslands are frequently set on fire by livestock farmer, seriously affecting the ecosystem. One way to mitigate this problem is to use these species as a source of plant fibre, which can be economically useful to the interests of the livestock family without affecting the ecosystem. To advance in this approach, it is necessary to know the functional characteristics of the plants; therefore, we evaluated the aerial primary productivity, plant density per m2, basal cover, aerial cover and leaf height, whose data were analysed using the generalised linear mixed model and the correlation between these variables with the physical-chemical characteristics of the soil, by means of principal component analysis and canonical correlation, in seven species of grassland and seven control plots, located between 3860 and 4333 metres above sea level. The results showed significant differences for p=0.001 between species, and between plots, and a canonical correlation grouped in two clusters that showed the differentiated importance of soil elements with the phytomass produced.
The results of research on the influence of plant standing density and level of mineral fertilization on growth and development of sweet corn plants of hybrid Moreland F1 on sod–podzolic soils have been presented. The change in influence degree of technological factors on the height of sweet corn plants in different periods of the crop growth and development has been established. It was determined that the longest vegetation period had the crops of sweet corn grown under conditions of full mineral fertilization and maximum plant density of 80.000/ha – 80.3 days, and the shortest one was on the variant with unfertilized background and plant density of 60.000/ha – 73.2 days. Increase of mineral fertilizer dose contributed to better growth of sweet corn than in variants without mineral fertilizers. Increase of plant density up to 80.000/ha led to unnatural stretching of plants (over 190 cm). It was determined that the optimal plant height of the crops was at the density of 60 thousand/ha on the background of nutrition N135P90K125 + N60 + N30. The maximum average daily growth was characterized by sweet corn plants on the background of nutrition N135P90K125 + N60 + N30 with plant density 80.000/ha – 2.93 cm.
Salvia horminum L.) ‘Oxford Blue’ was grown from transplants or it was direct seeded. Four sowing dates were applied: 15 March or 30 March – in a greenhouse, in order to obtain transplants, 13 April, 27 April and 11 May – sown directly into the ground. Three plant densities were applied: 25 plants x m2, 16 plants x m2, 12 plants x m2. It was found that Horminum sage can be grown from transplants or direct seeded. The cultivation from transplants is more advantageous due to the earlier flowering of plants, by about two weeks, and a better quality of inflorescences evaluated in terms of their length and size of bracteoles. Direct sowing of Horminum sage at two-week intervals from the 2nd decade of April till the 2nd decade of May ensures that by the end of August mature inflorescence stems are obtained, ready for cutting. A delay in the date of sowing results in the development of signifi cantly shorter inflorescence stems, irrespective of the plant density. Plant density does not affect signifi cantly the length of the period of inflorescence formation and the date of flowering, but a larger spacing is favourable to plants growing big, what results in a larger fresh weight of the above-ground portion. Sage grown from transplants responses to favourable climatic conditions by the development of bigger infl orescences.
Szałwię trójbarwną (Salvia horminum L.) ‘Oxford Blue’ uprawiano z rozsady lub z siewu nasion wprost do gruntu. Zastosowano 4 terminy siewu: 15.03 lub 30.03 – w szklarni, w celu uzyskania rozsady, 13.04, 27.04. i 11.05. – wprost do gruntu. Zastosowano 3 zagęszczenia roślin: 25 roślin x m2, 16 roślin x m2, 12 roślin/m2. Stwierdzono, że szałwia trójbarwna może być uprawiana z rozsady, jak też z siewu nasion wprost do gruntu. Uprawa z rozsady jest korzystniejsza ze względu na wcześniejsze o około 2 tygodnie zakwitanie roślin i lepszą jakość kwiatostanów ocenianą ich długością i wielkością przykwiatków. Wysiew nasion szałwii trójbarwnej bezpośrednio do gruntu w odstępach dwutygodniowych od II dekady kwietnia do II dekady maja zapewnia uzyskanie dojrzałych do cięcia pędów kwiatostanowych do końca sierpnia. Opóźnianie terminu wysiewu nasion powoduje wytwarzanie istotnie krótszych pędów kwiatostanowych niezależnie od zagęszczenia roślin. Zagęszczenie roślin nie wpływa istotnie na długość okresu formowania się kwiatostanów i termin ich kwitnienia, ale większa rozstawa sprzyja rozrastaniu się roślin co skutkuje większą świeżą masą części nadziemnej. Szałwia uprawiana z rozsady reaguje na korzystne warunki klimatyczne wytwarzaniem bardziej okazałych kwiatostanów.
The paper presents the analysis of changes in weed infestation in spring barley cultivated in the years 1990–2004 in crop rotation with a 25% proportion of this cereal (potato – spring barley – sowing peas – winter triticale), when it was grown after potato, and in crop rotation with its 75% proportion (potato – spring barley – spring barley – spring barley), when it was grown once or twice after spring barley. In the experiment, no weed control was applied. Every year in the spring (at full emergence of the cereal) and before the harvest, the composition of weed species and weed density of particular weed species were determined, and before the harvest also their biomass. Weed density increased linearly on all plots during the 15-year period. The average values confirm the increase in weed biomass in the case when spring barley was grown once or twice after this crop; however, those differences were influenced by the previous situation only during some seasons. Weed density and biomass showed high year–to–year variability and a positive correlation with the amount of precipitation and a negative correlation with temperature during the period of the study. A negative correlation between the yield of barley and weed biomass was shown.
The present research was carried out to evaluate response of Bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) to plant density and nitrogen fertilizer under field conditions. Plant density at four levels (20×50 cm, 30×50 cm, 20×100 cm and 30×100 cm) and nitrogen treatments at four levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg·N·ha-1) were applied. Plant height, lateral stem number, leaf chlorophyll content, yield, and were assessed at immature and mature stages. The results showed that vegetative growth characteristics (plant height, lateral stem number and leaf dry matter) and reproductive factors (fruit volume and fruit weight) decreased with increasing plant density, but total yield (kg·ha-1) increased with increasing plant density. The highest and lowest total yields were obtained by plant density 20×50 cm and 30×100 cm respectively. Nitrogen fertilizer was significantly affected on plant height, lateral stem number and leaf chlorophyll content. It was observed that fertilization with 150 kg·N·ha-1 resulted to the highest fruit volume and plant yield. There were significant differences between fruit volume and fruit weight by interaction between plant density and nitrogen treatments.
The experiments carried out in 2006–2007 referred to the growth of marjoram plants, its yields and chemical composition depending on the plant density and harvest time. Four plant densities (setting spacing 20 × 40 cm, 30 × 30 cm, 30 × 40 cm and 40 × 40 cm) as well as two harvest times (beginning of flower bud forming and full blooming) were applied. The lowest density favored the plant tillering, which apparently affected the herb yield. Plants growing at the lowest density (40 × 40 cm spacing) had the largest fresh and air-dried herb yields (0.71 and 0.18 kg m⁻², respectively). Herb of plants grown at denser spacing contained more total nitrogen and nitrates (V) as well as less potassium, than that of plants grown at lower density. The herb harvest at full flowering stage turned out to be favourable because of significantly lover nitrates concentration as compared to other stages. The contents of essential oil was significantly higher in the full flowering stage than in those harvested in the bud formation stage. Plants growing at denser spacing produced more oil. Trans-sabinene hydrate and terpinene-4-ol were dominating components of marjoram essential oil.
Badania przeprowadzone w latach 2006–2007 dotyczyły oceny wzrostu, plonu i składu chemicznego ziela majeranku w zależności od gęstości sadzenia roślin i terminu zbioru ziela. Zastosowano cztery rozstawy sadzenia roślin: 20 × 40, 30 × 30, 30 × 40 i 40 × 40 cm, ziele majeranku zbierano w okresie tworzenia pąków kwiatowych i w pełni kwitnienia. Najmniejsze zagęszczenie sprzyjało rozkrzewianiu się i kwitnieniu roślin, co wpłynęło wyraźnie na wielkość plonu ziela. Rośliny rosnące w najmniejszym zagęszczeniu (rozstawa 40 × 40 cm) odznaczały się największym plonem świeżego i powietrznie suchego ziela (odpowiednio: 0,71 i 0,18 kg m⁻²). Ziele roślin rosnących w większym zagęszczeniu zawierało więcej azotu ogółem i azotanów oraz mniej potasu, niż roślin rosnących w mniejszym zagęszczeniu. Zbiór ziela w fazie pełnego kwitnienia okazał się korzystny z uwagi na istotnie mniejszą koncentrację azotanów. Ziele zbierane w fazie pełnego kwitnienia roślin odznaczało się istotnie większą zawartością olejku eterycznego, niż ziele zbierane w fazie tworzenia pąków kwiatowych. Więcej olejku gromadziły też rośliny rosnące w większym zagęszczeniu. Dominującymi składnikami olejku majerankowego okazały się hydrat trans-sabinenu i terpinen-4-ol.
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The experiments on tolerance of winter wheat cultivars to herbicides were performed under field conditions during 2003-2005 in the region of Wrocław (South-West of Poland). Five cultivars were examined (Zyta, Tonacja, Sukces, Clever, Kobra). Two herbicide mixtures: isoproturon + pendimethalin and diflufenican + flurtamon were applied in the autumn, in stage of 3-4 leaves. In the spring, when wheat reached stage of full tillering, the following herbicides were used: florasulam + 2.4-D and fluroxypyr + 2.4-D. Phytotoxicity of herbicides was determined on the base of plants vigour assessment, plants counting, yield and some yield components. During the experimental period, impact of the mixture pendimethalin + isoproturon on grain yield of Clever cultivar was observed only in the season with hard winter conditions (2002/2003). The remaining varieties: Zyta, Tonacja, Sukces and Kobra were completely tolerant to this herbicide mixture. Mild winter seasons did not show a negative influence of herbicides on grain yield of tested varieties. All cultivars showed a complete tolerance to diflufenican + flurfamon and florasulam + 2.4-D. The mixture fluroxypyr + 2.4-D caused ear deformation of all tested wheat cultivars, but did not affect negatively grain yield.
W latach 2003-2005 w okolicach Wrocławia przeprowadzono doświadczenia polowe nad reakcją odmian pszenicy ozimej na niektóre herbicydy. W badaniach wykorzystano 5 odmian pszenicy: Zyta, Tonacja, Sukces, Clever i Kobra. Herbicydy: izoproturon + pendimetalina i diflufenikan + flurtamon zastosowano jesienią, w fazie 3-4 liści pszenicy. Środki: florasulam + 2,4-D oraz fluroxypyr + 2,4-D aplikowano wiosną w fazie pełni krzewienia. Fitotoksyczność herbicydów określono na podstawie wizualnej oceny kondycji roślin, obsadý roślin oraz wysokości plonu i niektórych elementów jego struktury. Ujemny wpływ mieszaniny pendimetaliny z izoproturonem na plonowanie pszenicy ozimej odmiany Clever był obserwowany tylko w sezonie o ostrym przebiegu zimy (2002/2003). Odmiany: Zyta, Tonacja i Sukces wykazały całkowitą tolerancję. W sezonach o łagodnym przebiegu zimy nie stwierdzono negatywnego wpływu powyższego herbicydu na badane odmiany. Środki: diflufenican + flurtamon oraz florasulam + 2,4-D były całkowicie selektywne dla badanych odmian pszenicy. Mieszanina fluroksypyr + 2,4-D spowodowała deformację kłosów u wszystkich badanych odmian pszenicy, co jednak nie wpłynęło ujemnie na wielkość plonowania.
In the years 2010-2012 the effect of plant density was studied on the yield of the aboveground parts and tubers of Polish cultivars of Jerusalem artichoke, Albik and Rubik. The experiment was carried out on a light soil of a good rye complex in a randomized block design. The experimental factors included: I) Jerusalem artichoke cultivars: Albik, Rubik, II) plant density: 2, 4, 6, 8 plants·mˉ². Cvs. Albik and Rubik, on average over the three years of research, did not differ in the dry matter yield of the aboveground parts and tubers. In the year with a higher rainfall total during growing season, cv. Albik gave higher yields, while in the year with a dry spell from July to September, cv. Rubik yielded higher. With a density of 6 and 8 plants·mˉ² the dry matter yield of the aboveground parts was significantly higher compared with a density of 2 plants·mˉ². The lowest tuber yield was obtained at a density of 2 plants·mˉ², a significantly higher one at a density of 4 plants·mˉ². Increasing plant density from 4 to 6 or 8 plants·mˉ² did not result in an increase in the tuber yield. Increasing density from 2 or 4 plants·mˉ² to 6 or 8 plants·mˉ² caused a decrease in the number and weight of tubers per plant as well as in the average weight of a single tuber.
W latach 2010-2012 badano wpływ obsady roślin na plon masy nadziemnej i bulw polskich odmian topinamburu Albik i Rubik. Doświadczenie realizowano na glebie lekkiej kompleksu żytniego dobrego, w układzie losowanych bloków. Czynnikami w doświadczeniu były: I) odmiana topinamburu: Albik, Rubik, II) obsada roślin: 2, 4, 6, 8 szt.·mˉ². Odmiany Albik i Rubik średnio z trzech lat badań nie różniły się plonem suchej masy nadziemnej i bulw. W roku o wyższej sumie opadów w okresie wegetacji wyżej plonowała odmiana Albik, natomiast w roku z okresem posusznym do lipca do września lepiej plonowała odmiana Rubik. Przy zagęszczeniu 6 i 8 szt.·mˉ² plon suchej masy nadziemnej był istotnie wyższy w porównaniu z obsadą 2 szt.·mˉ². Najmniejszy plon bulw uzyskano w zagęszczeniu roślin 2 szt.·mˉ², istotnie większy w obsadzie 4 szt.·mˉ². Zwiększenie obsady roślin z 4 do 6 lub 8 szt.·mˉ² nie przyniosło zwyżki plonu bulw. Wzrost zagęszczenia roślin z 2 lub 4 szt.·mˉ² do 6 lub 8 szt.·mˉ² wpływał na zmniejszanie liczby i masy bulw z rośliny oraz średniej masy pojedynczej bulwy.
In 2010-2012, a pot experiment was conducted in order to assess the impact of a sowing method and density of spring wheat and Persian clover on their uptake and content of nitrogen in different parts of the plants. The plants were grown in the following variants: a mixture, pure sowing, higher density (recommended in agricultural practice) and density reduced by 20%. Observations were performed in the following wheat development growth stages (BBCH): leaf development (12-14), tillering (21-23), stem elongation (31-32), inflorescence emergence (54-56) and ripening (87-89). The experiment included determinations of dry matter in different parts of plants (aerial organs, roots) and of the nitrogen content in dry matter. Based on the results, the total nitrogen content was determined in both species. The data were also used to calculate nitrogen translocation from the wheat vegetative mass to grain, and to calculate selected competition indicators. It was demonstrated that - regardless of the density of plants - the nitrogen uptake by spring wheat and Persian clover in the mixed sowing was lower than in the pure sowing treatment. Mixed sowing caused a more limited nitrogen uptake by the aerial parts of both species than by their roots. No impact was demonstrated of the plant density on the nitrogen uptake by different parts of spring wheat. Persian clover in pots with the lower sowing density absorbed less nitrogen than in pots with the recommended density. Nitrogen translocation from the vegetative parts to the grain of spring wheat between the inflorescence emergence and ripening stages was more effective in the mixture than in the pure sown plants. In mixed sowing, after nitrogen uptake, wheat proved to be a stronger competitor than Persian clover during the whole plant growing period.
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