The paper presents selected issues related to the design of “complete places” – understood as friendly and socially attractive public spaces. The importance participatory planning and collaborative urban planning process is emphasized, because in Authors’ opinion that is the only way to elaborate spatial solutions meeting real social needs. The article presents the idea of complete places visioning which is an element of the didactic process carried out at the Faculty of Architecture of the Poznan University of Technology and as part of cooperation with the external environment. Presented example of a problem-based and collaborative learning seems to be a very useful tool for promoting the idea of socialized planning aiming at quality of public space improvement. There is presented a case study of long-term cooperation between academic institutes and the municipality of Tarnowo Podgórne. This cooperation turned out to be very successful thus it resulted in the erection of a complex of buildings of Civic Activation Centre in the middle of the village which is to integrate local community.
Artykuł przedstawia wybrane zagadnienia związane z projektowaniem „miejsc kompletnych” – rozumianych jako przyjazne i atrakcyjne społecznie przestrzenie publiczne. Podkreślono ważność włączania do procesu projektowego lokalnych społeczności, by opracowywane koncepcje projektowe w jak największym stopniu odpowiadały realnym potrzebom. W artykule ukazano ideę kreowania „miejsc kompletnych” stanowiącą element procesu dydaktycznego realizowanego na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Poznańskiej i w ramach współpracy z otoczeniem zewnętrznym. Zaprezentowany przykład uczenia się opartego na współpracy przy rozwiązywaniu realnych problemów przestrzennych wydaje się przydatnym narzędziem służącym promowaniu idei planowania uspołecznionego oraz poprawy jakości przestrzeni wspólnej. Przedstawiony został przykład badawczy długotrwałej współpracy między instytutami akademickimi a gminą Tarnowo Podgórne, w rezultacie której powstaje kompleks obiektów wraz z otaczającą przestrzenią publiczną, którego celem jest integracja i budowanie wspólnoty obywatelskiej wśród lokalnej społeczności.
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In the eighties the ideas of public participation in the urban planning saw a great development both in the theory and in practice. The effect of these changes was on the one hand the introduction of new regulations, concerning public participation, into planning law of different countries. On the other hand, the new methods of preparation of plans with public participation were worked out. One of many examples of projects realised during the most radical development of the idea of public participation planning was the programme of rehabilitation of the historic district of Murfreesboro, North Carolina, USA. The actions undertaken when working at the rehabilitation project have been examined to check whether the methods used are possible to adapt to current conditions of technology progress and to the use of a computer as a tool for communication and presentation. The second important issue is an attempt to answer the question to what extent such practices can be introduced into Polish conditions. The process of plan creation has been analysed as well as its elements: goals, strategies, and the methods of their definition. The complete vision of proposed state for the area, called Ideal Future, was used when discussing the plans, in town promotion, in public debate and to indicate the directions of actions taken up by MHA. The images were also used in presentation of scenarios concerning particular fragments of the district. The effective non-professional participation requires understanding of conceptions and methods applied in decision making. Until people are not conscious of their environment and do not understand it, creative thinking about using it and changing is not possible. The range of actions should be undertaken to get public interest towards the issues of space shape. The experiences of other countries show that legal regulations and procedures are not sufficient to be able to help in creating people's attachment to their place of living.
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