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Możliwości kształtowania ładu przestrzennego są zdeterminowane w zasadniczym stopniu przez rozwiązania legislacyjne dotyczące planowania przestrzennego. Rozwiązania te określają kształt struktur organizacyjnych i kompetencje instytucji odpowiedzialnych za planowanie oraz stosowane procedury, mechanizmy i instrumenty planistyczne. W artykule przedstawiono doświadczenia francuskie dotyczące planowania przestrzennego koncentrując się na kwestiach mających największy wpływ na skuteczność podejmowanych działań planistycznych. Omówiono w tym kontekście kompetencje różnych szczebli administracji publicznej i scharakteryzowano podstawowe organy o kompetencjach planistycznych. Przedstawiono także główne narzędzia planistyczne oraz mechanizmy stosowane dla ochrony i kształtowania ładu przestrzennego. Artykuł zawiera także opis obowiązujących aktów prawnych tworzących ramy kształtowania ładu przestrzennego i dokumentów planistycznych. W artykule zwraca się uwagę na ponad gminny poziom planowania przestrzennego, który związany jest z koniecznością skoordynowanej interwencji planistycznej na obszarach powiązanych funkcjonalnie a znajdujących się w jurysdykcji różnych władz.
Possibilities of shaping spatial order and conditions for sustainable development depend to large extend on legislation concerning spatial planning. Legislation determines organizational structures and competencies of institutions responsible for spatial planning as well as planning procedures, mechanisms, and instruments. The article presents French experience concerning spatial planning and is focused on issues that are the most important for effectiveness of undertaken planning activities. Competencies of different tiers of public administration are described and brief characteristics of key institutions are given. The main planning instruments and mechanism used to protect spatial order are presented in the context of current legislation and obligatory planning documents. The article emphasizes supra local planning dimension that is necessary to address development problems of functionally integrated areas that are under jurisdiction of different local authorities.
Współcześnie funkcjonujące systemy planowania przestrzennego są efektem ich ewolucji przebiegającej przez dziesięciolecia w specyficznych warunkach politycznych, ekonomicznych i społecznych. Zmienność tych warunków miała wpływ na paradygmaty planowania przestrzennego i konkretne rozwiązania legislacyjne decydujące o strukturach organizacyjnych, kompetencjach i sposobach działania podmiotów odpowiedzialnych za planowanie przestrzenne. W artykule przedstawiono system planowania przestrzennego w Anglii, który jest inny niż w Szkocji, Walii i Irlandii Północnej, ale oparty na ogólnych wytycznych brytyjskich (National Planning Policy Guidelines) które określają główne zasady planowania przestrzennego. Omówiono podstawowe regulacje prawne i dokumenty planistyczne zwracając uwagę na spójność dokumentów z poziomu regionalnego i lokalnego. Przedstawiono także mechanizmy i instrumenty kontrolne oraz kwestię konsultacji społecznych: jej znaczenia i stosowanych praktyk.
Contemporary spatial planning systems were created in the evolutionary process that took place under specific political, economic, and social circumstances. Changes of these circumstances had impact on spatial planning paradigms and legislative regulations that shaped organizational structures, responsibilities and modes of operations of institutions responsible for spatial planning. In this article the system of spatial planning in England is presented. Although the English system differs from those functioning in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland they are all based on National Planning Policy Guidelines that set basic rules for spatial planning. The article contains description of main legal regulations and planning documents in the context of programmatic cohesion of planning documents from regional and local levels. Mechanisms and instruments used for control purposes and importance and practice of social participation in the planning process are also discussed.
A model to optimize the planning of the chemical integrated system comprised by multi-devices and multi-products has been proposed in this paper. With the objective to make more profits, the traditional model for optimizing production planning has been proposed. The price of chemicals, the market demand, and the production capacity have been considered as mutative variables, then an improved model in which some parameters are not constant has been developed and a new method to solve the grey linear programming has been proposed. In the grey programming model, the value of credibility can be suggested by the decision-makers, and the results of the production planning calculated by the model can help them to achieve their desired target. An actual case has been studied by the proposed methodology, and the proposed methodology can be popularized to other cases.
Content available remote Planowanie zasobów ludzkich w przedsiębiorstwie
W nowocześnie zarządzanych przedsiębiorstwach przywiązuje się dużą wagę do planowania, w tym również do planowania zasobów ludzkich. W części pierwszej artykułu omówiono istotę, etapy i elementy planowania zasobów ludzkich w przedsiębiorstwie oraz zaprezentowano różne aspekty podejścia do tych kwestii. Część drugą poświęcono planowaniu potrzeb i planowaniu ich pokrycia. Omówiono też plany cząstkowe, składające się na globalny plan zasobów ludzkich i zachodzące między nimi powiązania i zależności. W części trzeciej przedstawiono problemy związane z planowaniem rozwoju zawodowego pracowników.
In enterprises run in a modern manner, great attention is paid to planning, among others, to planning of human resources. The frist part of the paper covers the essence, stages and elements of planning of human resources together with the presentation of different approaches to these problems. The second part has been devoted to the planning of needs and of their fulfilment. Partial plans, making up the overall plan of human resources with connections and dependences occurring among these plans, have also been discussed. The third part deals with the problems connected with the planning of professional development of workers.
This article identifies new ways to reduce the time between the product idea and its transformation into a functioning production system, taking the whole system one step further towards the ideal completely integrated, rapid product and production development. New methods and opportunities allow for a number of improvements. In order to uncover hidden potential, the required processes must be integrated and shortened. IPA makes use of this approach by involving the various research fields of its institute in a process chain to work on further improvements. This procedure includes a common development environment called the "centre for parallel product and production development" for the step-by-step integration of product and production development processes.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki pracy naukowo-badawczej, w której podjęta została próba określenia zgodności elementów ujętych w wybranych wojewódzkich planach zarządzania kryzysowe go z obowiązującymi przepisami, czyli ustawą z 26 kwietnia 2007 r. o zarządzaniu kryzysowym (Dz. U nr 89, poz. 590 z późn. zm.). Omówiono krótko planowanie jako proces określania celów i sposobów realizacji, a tak że przedstawiono planowanie występujące w zarządzaniu kryzysowym rozumiane jako całokształt przedsięwzięć organizacyjnych, mających na celu przygotowanie administracji publicznej do zarządzania kryzysowe go. W dalszej części artykułu opisano elementy planu zarządzania kryzysowego i wyniki analizy treści pięciu wojewódzkich planów zarządzania kryzysowego zgromadzone w okresie badawczym od kwietnia do września 2011 r. Zaakcentowano problem niekompatybilności planów.
In the action crisis management of 26 April 2007 set out the tasks and principles of the state institutions responsible for carrying out tasks in the field of crisis management. One of the priority tasks is pre pa ring a cri sis management plan at the national, provincial, district and community level. The analysis led to conclusion that not all of the provincial disaster management plans has required elements or components under the law. For example: • the current structure of the plan in 40% of the analyzed plans is not maintained, • main plan in its components is a de script ion of the risks and the risk assessment event of this critical infrastructure however the risk assessment is different in each case, • not all provincial crisis management plans includes risk and hazard maps, • all of analyzed plans has a safety net specification of forces and resources together with their startup mode occur red in 20% of plans, • co-operation between the forces in the event of an emergency situation in 20% of cases was not completely defined. None of the provincial plans do not include all the attachments, the most common was the lack of a list of critical infra structure. Another conclusion is, unfortunately, that the compatibility of regional plans is not entirely preserved. Every region has its characteristic pattern. Unification of all emergency management plans would be appropriately choice so that the per sons involved in the planning process could speak the same language.
The focus of this article is on planning in the field of cybersecurity. Planning activities in this respect play a vital role, not only in systematising tasks relating to cybersecurity, but also of the authorities whose power extends to these matters. Cybersecurity occupies a special place in the public domain, and it is within this domain that planning is intended to ensure the coordination of activities in emergency situations. The plans which cover cybersecurity allow the prevention and monitoring of threats, and act accordingly as they arise, as well as to effectively remedy the effects caused by them.
Planning, including planning in logistics, consists the primary function of management, as it is logically and chronologically first in the management process. The efficiency of the subsequent activities in the company depends on the proper realization of this stage. Therefore, finding possibilities of improving this part of management process, aimed at reducing the risk of undertaken planning decisions, creates an important issue in the research activity. One of the possible ways of improving planning process is to integrate it within internal company’s activity, as well as to include it to cooperation with partners. As a result, the aim of this article is to identify needs and opportunities of integration for selected planning levels in company’s work.
Content available Zarządzanie logistyczne w ujęciu teoretycznym
This article is an attempt to answer the basic question: what is logistics management. The author in a very clear way shows that logistics management is a specific form of targeting the company from both inside and outside. The two functions distinguished are: strategic and operational. As it has been shown, logistics is one of the most important factors shaping the image of any company, and it is a programme that combines all activities of the company.
Large-scale investment is routinely believed to be the main danger to urban heritage. The measures designed to sustain heritage thus traditionally focus on steering investment into respectful ways of real-estate development. The majority of Czech built heritage is, however, located in towns and villages that rather face economic decline. Losses of objects of heritage in such places are often due to lack of maintenance. The case study of this article discusses the issues of heritage protection and restoration of the Enlisted town zone of Mšeno, where affordability and communication of values are the key issues in heritage protection.
This article presents the range of budget planning usage in European hospitals. The budgeting system in one of the Polish hospitals in the province of Warmia and Mazury is described.
Research background: Budgeting was developed during the Great Depression as a managerial tool to help enterprises survive a critical period characterized by fluctuations in macroeconomic indicators. Now, after more than eighty years, budgeting is criticized for the same reason why it was created — for lack of adaptability to unexpected changes in the business environment. Based on these facts, the presented study focuses on the specifics of budgeting in the current business environment. Purpose of the article: The aim of the work is to explore selected aspects of budgeting process in Czech firms, and to assess how the budgetary process is influenced by the progression of the business environment. Methods: To achieve presented target, the authors designed the questionnaire survey sub-mitted to employees of companies in the Czech Republic. Findings & Value added: The first part of this paper displays the state of knowledge on budgeting, the following part presents results of the survey. The study identified several trends, especially in the use of budgeting in Czech firms, characteristics of budgets in these subjects and evaluation of the sustainability of a company´s environment.
Research background: The study investigates the initial phase of budgeting process conducted in corporations. The basic concept correlates with findings in scientific literature that describe budgeting as an inefficient tool, burdened by considerable regulation in the preparation and compilation stages. As a consequence, the majority of academics and practitioners have concluded that producing a budget is merely a formality that minimizes wrinkles on the faces of their initiators, while reaping debatable benefits for managerial control. Purpose of the article: This paper compares data from the literature with the actual budgetary practices of companies operating in the Czech Republic. The attention was paid to the detailed aspects of the budgeting process, factors affecting the time it takes to prepare a budget, and the impact of ownership structure, especially the role of foreign ownership and foreign capital, on the level of decentralization in the budgeting process. Methods: The authors examined these topics through a questionnaire completed by 136 respondents, primarily industrial companies based in the country. The subsequent hypotheses were assessed via application of the Z-test. Findings & Value added: The results presented show that the budgeting practices of the Czech firms are not only influenced by traditional factors (e.g. the size of the company and its given economic sector), but also certain other aspects. Essential facets comprise the ownership structure and the share of foreign capital involved, the latter affecting the extent of autonomy of the business as to the budgetary process. This submitted paper can extend the current theory with new findings on the specific nature of budgeting in post-socialist countries with an open economy and the significant influx of foreign capital.
Planning, including planning in logistics, consists the primary function of management, as it is logically and chronologically first in the management process. The efficiency of the subsequent activities in the company depends on the proper realization of this stage. Therefore, finding possibilities of improving this part of management process, aimed at reducing the risk of undertaken planning decisions, creates an important issue in the research activity. One of the possible ways of improving planning process is to integrate it within internal company's activity, as well as to include it to cooperation with partners. As a result, the aim of this article is to identify needs and opportunities of integration for selected planning levels in company's work.
Problematyka przygotowania przedsięwzięcia budowlanego obejmuje wie.le zagadnień wymagających nierzadko kompleksowego podejścia, a przede wszystkim precyzyjnego planowania. Jego podstawowym elementem jest uszeregowanie czynności zgodnie z wymogami technologii wykonania, czyli podział przedsięwzięcia na etapy o mniejszym stopniu agregacji. Kolejne aspekty planowania to przyjęcie struktury organizacji prac, ustalenie dostępności zasobów, ewentualnie założenie wariantów realizacyjnych poszczególnych czynności.
Podstawową zasadą procesu planowania, także w gospodarce wodnej, jest kompletność na wszystkich szczeblach realizacji. Omówiono proces planowania w gospodarce wodnej w powiązaniu z systemem planowania przestrzennego. Wskazano na problemy wynikające z braku integracji tego procesu.
The basic principle of planning, also in water management, is its complexity at all the stages of that work. In the paper there has been discussed the process of planning in water management in connection > with the system of town and country planning. There has been also pointed to problems resulting from lack of integration of that process.
The study aims to analyse the correlation between planning tourism development at the local level and the development of the space that is being planned. Another goal is to determine the role of the local authorities (of the Karlino commune – gmina) in the implementation of strategic activities and the integration of various local beneficiaries around such activities. Further it will analyse how elaborating and implementing tourism development strategies may contribute to the local tourism economy and indicates the role and place of strategic planning in the process of creating and developing the tourist potential of a commune with particular emphasis on Karlino. The paper also discusses the tourism policy of Karlino’s local government as well as the strategic goals to be implemented and indicates its tourism development directions. The following research methods have been applied: expert method, observation method (using the inventory technique, physical inventory of the elements of the analysed space and actions taken), monographic method, document research, diagnostic survey analysis (using the survey technique of institutions from the examined area: Karlino commune, the communes of the Białogard powiat, the municipalities of the Association of Towns and Communes in the Parsęta Valley), and a critical literature review. The case of Karlino commune and its strategic activities in the field of tourism indicates that planning constitutes one of the most effective tools for local development. Such activity particularly shows that the commune can and wants to direct its socio-economic development based on optional (rather than obligatory) activities focused around the strategic use of endogenous resources. The paper indicates strategic action directions based on an inventory of such available endogenous resources. It shows how the local tourism economy may benefit from a tourism development strategy.
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