In the new proposed legal solutions, shaping the instruments of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, the concept of “active farmer” is of great importance, as it is an key element of a family farm. The European Union and the member states will program strategic interventions, addressed mainly to family farms. The authors of the article characterized the structural elements of the proposed legal concept of “active farmer” and compared them with the elements of the concept of “individual farmer” known in Polish law. They presented a conclusion that the Polish and EU understanding of the legal category of “family farm” is different and the current Polish legal solutions will not be useful in constructing and implementing the strategic plan for 2023–2027. They also call for a revision of Polish legal solutions relating to family farms.
La problematica discussa nell’articolo abbraccia questioni legate all’attuazione della riforma della politica agricola comune che va in una direzione di rafforzare la redditività e di migliorare la competitività dell’agricoltura. L’articolo si propone di valutare gli strumenti giuridici proposti a tal proposito a livello dell’UE, oltre che di rispondere alla domanda se le soluzioni normative adottate possano portare a migliorare la redditività dei produttori agricoli nazionali. Nella parte conclusiva è stato appurato che la riforma prevede una serie di strumenti che influiscano sullo sviluppo della competitività in agricoltura e quindi migliorino la sua redditività. La loro attuazione è dovuta sia alle implicazioni teoriche, adeguate alle esigenze del settore, sia agli obblighi internazionali e alla strategia di Green Deal europeo adottata. Sebbene, per i produttori agricoli, essi rappresentino un incentivo a modificare i metodi di produzione, o le attività connesse all’agricoltura, sono le attività da loro intraprese a rafforzare la loro posizione di mercato.
The article covers issues related to the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy reform aimed at strengthening profitability and improving competitiveness of agriculture. Its aim is to assess the legal instruments proposed at the EU level in this respect and to determine whether the adopted normative solutions can serve to improve the profitability of domestic agricultural producers. In conclusion it is stated that the reform provides for a number of instruments that influence the development of competitiveness in agriculture and thereby improve the profitability of the agricultural business. Their implementation results both from the directions of the reform formulated with a view of meeting the needs of the sector, as well as from international obligations and the adopted European Green Deal Strategy. However, although the incentives created prompt the agricultural producers to modify their production methods and ways or activities undertaken in the fields related to agriculture, the strengthening of their market position depends on their operation.
Problematyka artykułu obejmuje zagadnienia związane z wdrażaniem reformy Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej w kierunku wzmocnienia dochodowości i poprawy konkurencyjności rolnictwa. Jego celem jest ocena zaproponowanych na poziomie unijnym prawnych instrumentów w tym zakresie oraz udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy przyjęte rozwiązania normatywne mogą służyć poprawie dochodowości rodzimych producentów rolnych. W konkluzji stwierdzono, że reforma przewiduje szereg instrumentów oddziałujących na rozwój konkurencyjności w rolnictwie, a tym samym poprawiających ich dochodowość. Ich implementacja wynika zarówno z wyznaczonych jej kierunków w teorii adekwatnych do potrzeb sektora, jak i ze zobowiązań międzynarodowych i przyjętej strategii Europejski Zielony Ład. Mimo że stanowią one zachętę dla producentów rolnych do modyfikacji stosowanych przez nich metod produkcji czy działań w obszarze okołorolniczym, to i tak od ich działań zależy wzmocnienie ich pozycji rynkowej.
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