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In the late twenties of the 20th century, Bertolt Brecht found himself accused by contemporary literary critics of having copied Rimbaud in his drama “Im Dickicht der Städte“. This was an occasion for him to develop a literary poetics that focuses on the aesthetics and ethics of plagiarizing. Brecht considered the literary technique of plagiarism as being productive for four reasons. First, the copy eliminates every personal dimension of a symbolic expression and emphasizes its genuine features, just as the Epic Theater does. Secondly, the copy incorporates into the aesthetic production process the art of forgetting, which Brecht – following Nietzsche – considers as being a vital power. Thirdly, the copy deconstructs the concept of the artist as a genius, which to Brecht – as well as to Michel Foucault and Roland Barthes – is essentially ideological, for, by disallowing the free composition of aesthetic fiction, it impedes the artistic process. Fourth, in the field of symbolic production, the copy represents a form of proto-communist common property as it eludes any efforts of commercialization made by the capitalist cultural industry. The essay traces Brecht’s arguments in favour of plagiarism and analyzes the political consequences of this explicitly epigonal writing strategy.
The beginning of this publication gives a brief explanation of the problem of appropriating the works of others and legal implication connected with it. This part seeks to explain the importance of the tendency in the contemporary visual arts to copy and appropriate the result of someone’s else creativity, first and foremost famous and easily recognisable works. As a rule the person, who created a specific work, owns the copyright of it. The creator is often called the author of the work. As practice shows this situation is often not that simple, especially in case with the appropriation. The second part of this article characterises the legal institution of plagiarism and the conditions of the copyrights’ protection. This chapter gives an answer of what the plagiarism is. Plagiarism is regulated by the art. 115 of the polish copyright law. The main part of the publication provides basic information about copyrights and related rights in the context of this regulation. This part answers the following questions: (1.) which special rules of plagiarism are relevant in case with folk art?, (2.) what is the relation between plagiarism and several forms of legal use such as quotation, inspired work and derrivated work? This part deals in particular with the challenges concerning the protection of copyrighted works in contemporary art. Here the answer to the question ‘what are the reasons of work’s similarities?’ is given. The next section is dedicated to show how the authors can find and use works in the public domain as well as what the public domain is. Copyright laws try to find a balance between the rights they give to authors and the right of the public to access and use these works. The creators also benefit from having an access and a possibility to use the works of previous authors, which inspire them and help them learn techniques, which can be used to develop new works. The public domain and copyright limitations provide this balance between the rights of authors and the rights of the public. It is important that different authors to create new works often use the works in the public domain. When an original work is translated, adapted or changed in any other form, the new work is called a derivative work. Derivative works are also protected by copyrights, even if the original works from which they were derived are in the public domain. The person who created the derivative work is its author and owns its copyright. If someone wishes to use (reproduce, translate, adapt, etc.) a derivative work, which is protected by copyrights, must obtain permission from the author. One of the important question of this section is: what happens in case with an anonymous work of art? One should take into consideration, that in some cases authors wish to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym in order to hide their true identity from the public. In these cases, the author still owns the copyright to his works. The final part of the publication explains three common types of copyright infringement and how they can be avoided. Infringement takes place when a copyrighted work is used (reproduced, translated, adapted, exhibited or performed in public, distributed, broadcasted, or communicated to the public) without the permission of the right holders or under a limitation to copyright. The main copyrights infringement is plagiarism, which means the act of copying a work, wholly or partially, and then pretending to be its original author. In conclusion some additional information is given, which includes the most important questions about the use of copyrights in the practice.
The article offers a metapoetic reading of Herondas’ second Mimiamb, in which Battaros should be identifi ed with Callimachus, Thales with Apollonius of Rhodes and Myrtale with the poetic production of Callimachus himself. According to this approach, the real aim of the mimiamb could be the ironic description of Callimachus (portrayed as a greedy brothel-keeper) accusing Apollonius of stealing his poems: the Koan jury (probably the poets around Philetas) will have to judge, in fact, a case of plagiarism.
Content available There Is No Darwin’s Greatest Secret
Review of: Mike Sutton, Nullius in Verba: Darwin’s Greatest Secret, Thinker Media [First Digital Edition], Kindle Edition 2014.
The paper is devoted to analysing various aspects of contemporary plagiarism at the higher educational level. In the first part the short history of plagiarism is included as well as classifications of this term. Next, the different ways and forms of plagiarism are considered against the background of motives of the people which are involved in this kind of dishonesty. In the last part of paper the plagiarism is analysed as a part of contemporary culture with its obsession of educational success and instant gratification.
There may be circumstances where academic degrees or the title of professor are obtained deceitfully, i.e. in breach of copyrights or moral principles in science. Dishonesty in scientific research constitutes gross misconduct because it is executed in order to appropriate ideas, findings, collocations and theses of others, without accurate citation of the source. It also entails infringement of intellectual property rights. Scientific misconduct in ethical and legal aspect is explicit. It disqualifies the offender as a scientist. The unlawful act of obtaining an academic degree (Ph.D.) or the title of professor in such a deceitful manner, irrespective of how much time has passed, shall not make the resumption condition fall under the statute of limitations. Thus, it enables the reopening of procedures to deprive the person who deceitfully obtained an academic degree or title of this degree or title.
Patrick Matthew’s (1831) prior-publication of the complete hypothesis of natural selection “anticipated” Darwin’s Origin of Species by 28 years and Darwin’s and Wallace’s (1858) Linnean papers on the same topic by 27. Founded on the premise that no naturalist read it before 1860, Darwin’s and Wallace’s claims of duel independent discovery of Matthew’s hypothesis have been accepted by the scientific community. However, the central premise upon which those claims have been accepted — that no naturalist read Matthew’s ideas before 1858 — is a proven fallacy, because the famous and hugely influential naturalist Loudon reviewed Matthew’s book in 1832, commenting that it appeared to have something original to say on “the origin of species”. The fact that Loudon was a naturalist has been totally ignored until now. Furthermore, it is newly discovered that after reviewing Matthew’s book he went on to edit the journal that published two of Blyth’s highly influential papers on organic evolution. Blyth was Darwin’s most prolific and helpful correspondent on the topic. Further new discoveries reveal that, besides Loudon, whose work was well known to Darwin and his associates, six other naturalists read Matthew’s book and then cited it years before 1858. One, Selby, sat on several scientific committees with Darwin, and was a friend of his father. Selby went on to edit Wallace’s famous Sarawak paper on organic evolution. Another, Robert Chambers, a correspondent of Darwin, who met with him, went on to write the influential Vestiges of Creation, which both Darwin and Wallace admitted was an influence on their work. Undeniable potential knowledge-transfer routes did exist before 1858, therefore, between those who read Matthew’s ideas and commented upon them in the literature, and Darwin and Wallace. In light of the fact that influential naturalists, known to both Darwin and Wallace, did read Matthew’s original ideas before 1858, veracity in the history of discovery requires now an investigation into the possibility of cryptomnesia or deliberate pre-1860 plagiarism by Darwin and Wallace. In that regard, the notion of “knowledge contamination” is proposed and presented in a three-fold typology of escalating culpability for replicators of prior published work with citation. Future research in this area should turn to the neglected correspondence and private journal archives of those naturalists known to Darwin and Wallace who read Matthew’s ideas before 1860.
Content available remote Podvod jako vážný problém světové vědy i aktuální české historiografie
One accompanying phenomenon of modern science, which is focused on (measurable) output, is a radical increase in the types and forms of plagiarism, or fraud in other words, at the level of student essays, dissertations and pure research studies. This contribution demonstrates that cases of fraud, being both exemplary and the most serious ones in terms of financial implications, occur in the natural sciences, medicine and technological sciences, yet the humanities, namely historiography, are also blighted by misconduct of a similar vein. The author lists exemplary cases of fraud in academic research. Thereafter, supported by the Codes of Practice of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Charles University, he identifies with the help of exemplars, the four fundamental types of academic fraud in publishing: plagiarism, fabrication, falsification (including “negative falsification”) and data theft. He also highlights the fact that these are not mere trivial offences nor marginal phenomena but rather significant breaches of scientific conduct with an impact on the very substance of the respective discipline, and thus present a serious problem that modern historiography needs to address.
Using works of other authors must be done with respect to their authorship. Each instance of copying of somebody else’s text, even if short and consisting of a few words only, requires appropriate reference to the author of the copied excerpt. This should be done by the use of question marks or any other indication(s) of the quoted text and, which is especially necessary, by an unambiguous reference to the source from which the cited text comes. Lack of an appropriate reference and naming of the author infringes somebody else’s intellectual property and is plagiarism. It is with great anxiety that the author perceives that other people’s copyrights are infringed or disregarded in scientific works from the history of law and history, and the phenomenon is unfortunately not rare. Plagiarism may be direct or indirect, i.e. through incorporation, which entails unfair quoting and paraphrasing. The latter takes place whenever one is misled as to the authorship by the citer’s failure to disclose the name of the original author of the paraphrased expressions and the source of the paraphrased excerpt. The article points to the Polish and American standards of correct use of other people’s works in scientific papers, which clearly prove that copying even a short excerpt from somebody else’s work without an appropriate reference and indication of the source infringes good standards in science as well as copyright. The article refers to specific negative examples of such practices. The well-being of science and scientific integrity require that the scientific realm is informed about each case of scientific indecency of this type in the form of publication. The dissertations in which such abuse has been proved should be recognised as failing to meet the criteria necessary for the conferral of academic degree to the author.
Wykorzystywanie dzieł innych autorów musi odbywać się z poszanowaniem ich autorstwa. Każde przepisanie cudzego tekstu, nawet niewielkiego, składającego się z kilku wyrazów, wymaga, aby autor przepisanego fragmentu został należycie oznaczony. Należy to uczynić przez użycie znaków cudzysłowu albo innego wyodrębnienia cytowanego tekstu oraz – i to jest szczególnie konieczne – jednoznaczne wskazanie źródła, z którego pochodzi przejęty tekst. Brak odpowiedniego oznaczenia oraz wskazania autora stanowi zabór cudzej własności intelektualnej, czyli plagiat. Autor z wielkim niepokojem dostrzega w pracach naukowych z historii prawa i historii – niestety nierzadko – naruszenie lub lekceważenie cudzych praw autorskich. Są nimi plagiaty: jawny i ukryty, czy tzw. plagiat inkorporacyjny, przez nierzetelne cytowanie i nierzetelne parafrazowanie. To ostatnie ma miejsce zawsze tam, gdzie dochodzi do wprowadzenia w błąd co do autorstwa przez zatajenie nazwiska pierwotnego autora użytych w parafrazie wyrażeń i podstawy źródłowej tej parafrazy. W artykule wskazano polskie i amerykańskie standardy prawidłowego wykorzystywania cudzych opracowań w pracach naukowych, z których jednoznacznie wynika, że przepisanie nawet krótkiego tekstu z cudzej pracy bez należytego oznaczenia oraz bez wskazania źródła narusza dobre obyczaje w nauce, a także prawa autorskie. W artykule odwołano się do konkretnych negatywnych przykładów tego rodzaju działań. Dobro nauki i uczciwość naukowa wymagają, aby o każdym przykładzie naukowej nierzetelności tego rodzaju informować środowisko naukowe w formie publikacji. Rozprawy, w których stwierdza się wykazane nadużycia, winny być uznane za niespełniające kryteriów niezbędnych do awansu naukowego ich autora.
Zamierzeniem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza pojęcia utworu w rozumieniu ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych. W tym celu Autor omawia poszczególne przesłanki utworu z naciskiem na ich interpretację doktrynie i orzecznictwie. Scharakteryzowane zostają także wzajemne relacje zachodzące pomiędzy utworami pierwotnymi a stworzonymi na ich podstawie opracowaniami. Omówione zostaje także orzeczenie dotyczące plagiatu i związanej z nim „twórczości paralelnej”. Konkludując rozważania Autor wyraża aprobatę dla obecnej linii orzeczniczej sądów polskich
The aim of this article is to analyse the term “copyright” under the Polish Act on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights. To this end, the author discusses statutory requirements with a strong emphasis put on a doctrine and judicial decisions. Issues concerned with derivative work are also mentioned. In the context of plagiarism relevant cases are presented. In conclusion, the author concurs with the Polish court’s jurisprudence.
Do najpoważniejszych występków względem dobrej praktyki badawczej zalicza się powszechnie: fałszerstwa, fabrykowanie oraz plagiatorstwo. Fanelli dokonał pierwszej metaanalizy badań empirycznych, w których starano się określić rozmiary zjawiska nierzetelności wśród badaczy. Okazało się, że średnio 2% naukowców przyznało się do popełnienia przynajmniej raz w karierze zawodowej fabrykacji bądź fałszerstwa, a prawie jedna trzecia do różnych innych, budzących wątpliwości praktyk badawczych. Od 14% do 72% respondentów zaobserwowało te praktyki u swych współpracowników. Zgodnie z wiedzą autorów, jak dotąd nie przeprowadzono żadnego badania dotyczącego nierzetelności badawczej w nauce wśród polskich naukowców. Celem prezentowanych badań było zbadanie z użyciem kwestionariusza opinii o środowiskowymprzyzwoleniu dla nierzetelności badawczej w dwóch środowiskach: doktorantów i pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych uczelni wyższej Obie badane grupy wyrażają opinie o stosunkowo wysokim poziomie braku przyzwolenia na dopuszczanie się nierzetelności w trakcie procedury badań naukowych. Stwierdzono jednak istotne różnice opinii pomiędzy badanymi grupami. Grupa doktorantów o około 20% częściej wskazuje na istnienie środowiskowego przyzwolenia dla łamania norm. Pracownicy naukowi w większości (85-95%) wyrażają opinie o braku akceptacji dla nierzetelności naukowej, jednak także wśród nich daje się wyróżnić grupa wskazująca na stosunkowo wysoki poziom przyzwolenia. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają spostrzeżenia innych autorów o trudności mierzenia zjawiska nierzetelności w nauce i wskazują na konieczność prowadzenia dalszych badań.
Fabrication, falsification and plagiarism are serious forms of scientific misconduct. D. Fanelli conducted the first meta-analysis of surveys aiming to define the level of scientific misconduct among scientists. It found that on average, about 2% of scientists admitted to have fabricated or falsified their researches at least once in their carrier, and up to one third admitted a variety of other questionable research practices. From 14% up to 72% of respondents observed such conduct among their associates. To Authors best knowledge, no one has ever conducted a study on scientific misconduct among Polish scientists. This paper details the findings of the first survey of PhD students and academic employees of one of Warsaw universities concerning the respondents’ perception of the level of acceptance for fabrication, falsification and plagiarism within the university community. In this research a questionnaire was used where respondents had to estimate the level of acceptance for scientific misconduct. Both groups of respondents express relatively a high level of non-acceptance for scientific misconduct. However, there are significant differences between the opinions of both groups. Ca 20% more PhD students then academic employees expressed the view that there is acceptance for questionable research practices. Majority of academic employees (85-95%) did not share that view, however even among themselves there exist a group that indicates that there is a high level of acceptance for scientific misconduct. Findings confirm opinions expressed by many researchers that scientific misconduct is a phenomenon hard to investigate. Academic employees’ opinions are rather declaratory than descriptive, most probably because of their strong sense of professional solidarity. Doctoral students significantly more often express the view that there is an acceptance for questionable research practices.
The article focuses on the imitations of Polish literary texts. The authors were Masurian writers from East Prussia in the nineteenth century. The local press discussed the question of boundaries between creative processing of someone else’s work and plagiarism. The Masurians praphrased texts that were close to them in regard to customs and religion. The tale Lichy Zysk (Poor Profit) by Martin Gerss was written in this way. The text is a transformation of a short story by Józef Chociszewski Kto wygrał zakład? (Who won the bet?). Both works perpetuate the stereotype of a ‘’Jew” as an individual who is sloppy and extremely greedy for profit. Gerss’ text compared to the original is more concise. The Masurian tale contains elements of the local reality.
Content available Rapport sur l’affaire Darrieussecq
Marie Darrieussecq, a contemporary French writer, had been accused of plagiarism several times during her career. Besides defending her reputation, these accusations forced her to think about her conceptions on fiction and writing. Finally, in Rapport de police, she succeeded in showing a mirror to the society of contemporary French writers, in which a tendency towards denying the legitimacy of fiction in certain cases can be observed. This phenomenon is diagnosed by Tiphaine Samoyault as the extension of the domain of plagiarism on simple particles of life. Behind this tendency resurges the old controversy of Plato and Aristotle on mimesis and fiction. Along with Jean-Marie Schaeffer’s analysis on the function of fiction from a cognitive point of view unfolds an apology for lecture and for a fictional writing that is capable of saying the inexpressible and speak for those who don’t have access to language.
Content available remote Plagiarism challenges at Ukrainian science and education
W artykule zanalizowano rodzaje i stopnie zagrożenia plagiatem współczesnej sfery edukacyjno-naukowej na Ukrainie. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań ukazano wyzwania generowane przez zjawisko plagiatu, przed którymi stoi współczesna edukacja i nauka na Ukrainie. Pokazano również, że zjawisko plagiatu ma obecnie złożony charakter. Ponadto, zaproponowano określone rozwiązania mające na celu znaczące ograniczenie zjawiska plagiatu na Ukrainie.
The article analyzes the types and severity of plagiarism violations at the modern educational and scientific spheres using the philosophic methodological approaches. The author analyzes Ukrainian context as well as global one and tries to formulate "order of the day" of plagiarism challenges. The plagiarism phenomenon is intuitively comprehensible for academicians but in reality it has a very complex nature and a lot of manifestation. Using approaches of ethics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of science and education author formulates the series of recommendation for overcoming of plagiarism challenges at Ukrainian science and education.
Der Artikel analysiert die Art und das Ausmaß der Bedrohung durch Plagiate in einem modernen pädagogischen und wissenschaftlichen Bereich mit philosophischen methodischen Ansätzen. Der Autor analysiert die ukrainische und die globale Perspektive und versucht, eine "Agenda" der Plagiatsherausforderungen aufzustellen. Das Phänomen des Plagiats ist intuitiv verständig für die Wissenschaftler, aber es hat tatsächlich eine sehr komplexe Natur. Mit dem Einsatz von Ansätzen der Ethik, Anthropologie, Philosophie, Wissenschaft und Bildung formuliert der Autor eine Reihe von Empfehlungen zur Überwindung von Plagiatsherausforderungen in der modernen Bildung und Wissenschaft.
Content available Po co psychologia?
Three main problems are considered. The first is that psychology should avoid any inclination towards neuroscience or a type of brain science. Making use of the achievements of natural sciences, psychology should take into regard the cultural conditions [determinants] and methods worked out in social sciences. Thus, it should adopt the antireductionistic methodological programme. The second problem is that psychology must reject the papers that entice with apparent scientific approach being actually of no real worth. Also the threat posed to psychological practice by pseudo-scientific monographs and pseudo-test should be recognised. They offer scientifically false basis of practical work of psychologists in the sphere of social practice. The third problem is that each psychological practice should be preceded by a psychological theory that is empirical and needs to be verified by a methodologically correct method. Thee underlying empirical psychological theory makes a given psychological practice sensible and ethical. The status of psychology as a science and the status of psychological practice are related to the quality of education of future psychologists. The author definitely opts for the model of full-time 5-year master’s degree studies (so against the Bologna model of 3-year licentiate (BA) followed by a 2-year master’s degree study (MA)), supplemented with a one-year training under supervision of an experienced specialist. The effective and ethical work of professional psychologists in Poland suffers from the lack of legal regulations that would protect this profession against the infiltration of all kinds of charlatans offering pseudo-scientific diagnostic tools like e.g. the Tree test of Charles Koch and therapies like e.g. the Systemic Constellation of Bert Hellinger. Of utmost importance is development of not only methodological awareness but also ethical awareness in psychologists and students of psychology. Moreover, the education should bring the realisation of the effects and danger of scientific misconduct of FFP type, that is fabrication, falsification, plagiarism.
W artykule została przedstawiona problematyka dotycząca wytworów intelektualnych chronionych prawami własności intelektualnej, które są wykorzystywane w działalności Polskiej Akademii Nauk oraz jej jednostek. Zaprezentowano skrótowo rozwiązania prawne służące ochronie dóbr intelektualnych oraz te dotyczące zarządzania i komercjalizacji praw własności intelektualnej w jednostkach PAN. Obecnie działalność naukowa nieodzownie związana jest z tworzeniem, głównie utworów i wynalazków oraz wykorzystywaniem cudzych rozwiązań chronionych prawami własności intelektualnej. Niestety także i w tej działalności dochodziło do naruszeń praw osób trzecich stąd celowe było znowelizowanie przepisów dotyczących szczegółowych zasad odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej pracowników PAN oraz uregulowanie funkcjonowania komisji do spraw etyki w nauce. Należy pamiętać, iż odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna nie wyłącza odpowiedzialności cywilnej i karnej przewidzianej w prawie autorskim oraz prawie własności przemysłowej, a nadto nie wyłącza możliwości odebrania tytułu lub stopnia naukowego.
This paper presents legal issues in intellectual property relevant for the Polish Academy of Science (PAS) and its organizational units. The paper outlines legal solutions for the protection of intellectual property and those concerning managing and commercialisation of IP rights in PAS. Nowadays scientifi c work is immanently connected with creating, in particular copyright works or patentable inventions, and with exploitation of third party IP rights. Regrettably, also in this fi eld infringements have occurred and therefore it was considered appropriate to amend legal provisions on disciplinary liability of PAS employees and to regulate the operations of the commission for research ethics. It should be borne in mind though that disciplinary sanctions do not override civil and criminal liability resulting from copyright law or industrial property law. Neither do they avert depriving the infringers of their scientifi c titles or degrees.
Content available remote Analiza postaw studentów wobec naruszania praw własności intelektualnej
Knowledge as intellectual property has become the most precious element of the value of each organisation and plays a dominant role in present market economy based on free competition and market mechanism. The article shows the results of examining students' knowledge and attitudes towards violation of intellectual property. Research has shown that young people who start their academic education do not have basic knowledge concerning the protection of intellectual property and due to this fact they cannot respect rights resulting from possessing products of intellectual property. Knowledge forms the basis for making students conscious of the need for respecting these rights. It is also the basis for taking care of making use of the products of their own intellect in the professional or commercial way in the future.
Content available remote Uwarunkowania funkcjonowania prawa autorskiego w uczelniach wyższych
The knowledge of issues connected with protection of copyrights is essential to shape scientists and students' proper attitude towards claiming, enforcing and using these rights. The benefits of protection copyrights at universities are enormous: the possibility of commercialization the result of scientific research, the promotion of the university itself as a research centre and the most important factor the increase awareness of students and research workers concerning the need to protect the results of their research, and at the same time to make the school more innovative.
tom 1(76)
W artykule poruszane są kwestie związane ze zjawiskiem ściągania i plagiaryzmu we współczesnych szkołach wyższych. Opisano ustalenia terminologiczne, skalę ściągania i niektóre uwarunkowania. Artykuł skupia się jednak na odniesieniu zjawiska ściągania do kompetencji kluczowych wynikających ze sprawności procesów myślenia takich jak refleksyjność, kreatywność i innowacyjność. Dzięki wyjaśnieniu tych pojęć, umiejscowieniu ich na pewnej osi od bezrefleksyjności do refleksyjności i potem kreatywności oraz innowacyjności, dokonano teoretycznej analizy tego, gdzie na tej osi znajdują się ściągający studenci. Artykuł omawia zarówno ściągających studentów jako bezrefleksyjnych konformistów, jak i refleksyjne i kreatywne osoby decydujące się na ściąganie.
The article discusses issues related to the phenomenon of cheating and plagiarism in modern universities. It describes the determination of terminology, the scale of cheating, and some conditions. The article, however, focuses on the phenomenon of cheating in regard to key competences, resulting from the efficiency of thought processes, such as reflexivity, creativity and innovation. By clarifying these concepts and placing them on an axis of no-reflexivity to reflexivity, and then on axis of creativity and innovation, theoretical analysis of where on those axis cheating students are, was made. This article discusses cheating students as both: thoughtless conformists, as well as reflective and creative people who decide to cheat.
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