Aktywność ruchowa człowieka jest ważnym czynnikiem mającym znaczenie dla jego zdrowia, a dla dziecka jest niezbędnym warunkiem prawidłowego rozwoju. Spontaniczna, wrodzona potrzeba zabawy uzewnętrznia ten rozwój, wpływa na kształtowanie się postaw i ma duże znaczenie osobotwórcze.
The aim of the work was to determine the effectiveness of the use of the Ishikawa diagram and the Pareto-Lorenz diagram in the analysis and assessment of threats that occur in small sports and recreation infrastructure - playgrounds. After analysing the available literature, it can be concluded that there are studies in the field of safety on playgrounds, but there are no publications combining surveys with the use of quality management tools in relation to this topic. Through a direct survey conducted among parents and caregivers, information was obtained about the threats in playgrounds located near housing estates they meet most often. Using the Ishikawa diagram, this information was grouped and a brainstorming session was conducted to isolate the root causes of these threats. After conducting an analysis using the Pareto-Lorenz diagram, the threats that appeared most frequently in the respondents' responses were specified. The result of the work is to propose actions that can reduce or eliminate these threats.
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