The aim of the study was to determine contents of phytosterol and oxyphytosterols in soybean oil and soybean oil with the addition of sea buckthorn seed oil after thermal processing, and to assay the oxidative stability of the oils. The analysis verified that the thermal processing of soybean oil at 120°C induced a decrease in total phytosterols (phytosterols concentration was reduced by 5.2 to 21.0%) and formation of the following phytosterol oxidation products: 7-ketositosterol, 5α,6α-epoxysitosterol, 7-ketocampesterol, 5α,6α-epoxycampesterol, 7-ketostigmasterol, and 5α,6α-epoxystigmasterol. The content of phytosterol oxidation products (POPs) increased with the higher sea buckthorn seed oil addition to soybean oil (from 1.2 mg/100 g in soybean oil with 1% addition of sea buckthorn oil to 11.4 mg/100 g in soybean oil with 5% addition of sea buckthorn oil) during Rancimat test.
Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie strat steroli roślinnych podczas niskotemperaturowego suszenia nasion rzepaku w silosie typu BIN. Oznaczono zawartość takich steroli jak: brassikasterol, kampesterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol i awenasterol. Materiałem do badań były nasiona odmiany Californium. Po zbiorze rzepak suszono metodą niskotemperaturową w grubej, nieruchomej warstwie o grubości 2 m. Badania zawartości fitosteroli wykonano bezpośrednio po suszeniu oraz 6 i 12 miesiącach przechowywania w temp. 10±2°C. Oznaczenia jakościowe i ilościowe steroli roślinnych wykonano techniką chromatografii gazowej. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały istotny wpływ suszenia i czasu przechowywania na zawartość steroli roślinnych. Suszenie nasion metodą niskotemperaturową w silosie spowodowało spadek zawartości sumy steroli o 8-14%. Roczne przechowywanie nasion suszonych metodą niskotemperaturową obniżyło poziom steroli o 15-17%.
The aim of this study was to determine phytosterol degradation during near-ambient drying of rapeseeds in a BIN silo. The contents were determined for such sterols as brassicasterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol and avenasterol. Material for analyses comprised seeds of rape cultivar Californium. After harvest, rapeseeds were dried with the near-ambient method in a thick immobile layer of 2 m. Analyses of phytosterols contents were performed immediately after drying and after 6 and 12 months of storage at a temperature of 10±2°C. Qualitative and quantitative determinations of phytosterols were conducted using gas chromatography. Recorded results showed a significant effect of drying and storage time on contents of phytosterols. Near-ambient drying of seeds in the silo resulted in a reduction of total sterol contents by 8-14%. One-year storage of seeds dried with the near-ambient method reduced the level of sterols by 15-17%.
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