The plants of three species (Zea mays L., Panicum miliaceum L. and Panicum maximum Jacq.) were grown on the soil contaminated with 0.3 mM CsCl solution traced with 137Cs, in the greenhouse. For all the species, the fresh-to-dry weight ratio was equal in the caesium-treated plants and in the control group after 3 weeks of culture. The shoot-to-root fresh weight and dry weight ratios were decreased in maize, unchanged in Panicum miliaceum and increased in Panicum maximum, comparing to the control without caesium treatment. The shoot/soil and also root/soil transfer factors (TF) for 137Cs (measured by means of NaI gamma spectrometer) were always the highest in maize, then lower in Panicum miliaceum and the lowest in Panicum maximum. All the plants seem to be hyperaccumulators of caesium. The root/soil TF was especially high in maize, i.e. 55 (kBq kg 1 biomass)/(kBq kg 1 soil). The shoot/root concentration factor (CF) for 137Cs was the lowest in maize, higher in Panicum miliaceum and the highest in Panicum maximum. The hyperaccumulation of 137Cs in the whole plant was the highest in maize, lower in Panicum miliaceum and the lowest in Panicum maximum. The proved ability of the investigated plants for phytoextraction of the soil caesium points to the possibility to utilise these plants in the soil bioremediation. From this point of view, Panicum maximum seems to be the most useful plant because it accumulates caesium mainly in the shoot, and maize would be the least useful species since it has the highest accumulation in the root.
Croton (Codiaeum variegatum) belongs to the salinity-resistant plants. This paper presents some experimental data in order to assess usefulness of croton plants for phytoremediation of caesium-contaminated soils. The plants were grown in a greenhouse, in the soil contaminated with 0.03, 0.3, 1, 3, 5 and 10 mM CsCl solution enriched with 137Cs as a radiotracer. The croton plant demonstrated high resistance to increasing CsCl salinity of the soil. This conclusion was based on the observation that the above-ground organ fresh-to-dry weight ratio was constant. However, this value was lower for the roots. The young-to-old leaf dry weight ratio was decreasing while the concentration of CsCl in the soil was increasing. The increase in soil CsCl concentration was associated with the decrease in photosynthesis as well as a rise in the intra-tissue concentration of CO2 and increase of the CO2 stomatal conductance. Photosynthetic water utilization efficiency was constant in the range of 0.03-1 mM CsCl and it was only lower with higher CsCl concentration. This situation gives an evidence that croton plant is highly resistant to the soil CsCl salinity. The 137Cs radiotracer experiment showed the maximal accumulation of caesium with 0.3 mM CsCl, a lower one with 0.03 mM, and poor accumulation with 3 and 5 mM CsCl solutions. The transfer factor value for 137Cs (plant-to-soil) was about 10, which proved a high ability of croton plants to accumulate caesium to a high extent. However, the highest accumulation took place in the roots. The intensive phytoextraction of caesium from the soil may indicate its potential capacity for bioremediation. The reported observation warrants further studies.
In the pot experiment the effect of increasing doses of Ni (the control, 25, 50, 75, 150, 300 mg · dm-3 substrate) on the content of this metal in individual organs of aboveground parts was investigated in three selected species of ornamental plants: Aztec marigold (Tagetes erecta L.), sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) and love-lies-bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus L.). A significant effect of increasing Ni doses on the content of this metal was found in individual organs of selected species. In Tagetes erecta L. and Amaranthus caudatus L. the highest amounts of nickel were accumulated in leaves, while in sunflower growing in the substrate, to which nickel was introduced at 25, 50, 75 and 150 mg·dm-3, the highest amounts of this metal were accumulated in inflorescences. Among the analyzed species of ornamental plants growing in the substrate with no addition of this metal and in the substrate with an addition of 25 and 50 mg Ni · dm-3 the highest nickel uptake was observed in Tagetes erecta L. plants. For the substrate with an addition of 75, 150 and 300 mg Ni · dm-3 the biggest nickel accumulation was recorded in Amaranthus caudatus L.
W doświadczeniu wazonowym badano wpływ rosnących dawek Ni (kontrola, 25, 50, 75, 150, 300 mg · dm-3 podłoża) na zawartość tego metalu w poszczególnych organach części nadziemnych trzech wybranych gatunków roślin ozdobnych: aksamitka wyniosła (Tagetes erecta L.), słonecznik ogrodowy (Helianthus annus L.), szarłat zwisły (Amaranthus caudatus L.). Stwierdzono istotny wpływ rosnących dawek Ni na zawartości tego metalu w poszczególnych organach wybranych gatunków. Tagetes erecta L. i Amaranthus caudatus L. najwięcej niklu akumulowały w liściach, natomiast słonecznik ogrodowy rosnący w podłożu, do którego wprowadzono nikiel w ilości 25, 50, 75 i 150 mg·dm-3, najwięcej tego metalu akumulował w kwiatostanach. Spośród badanych gatunków roślin ozdobnych rosnących w podłożu bez dodatku metalu oraz w podłożu z dodatkiem 25 i 50 mg Ni · dm-3 największym pobraniem niklu charakteryzowały się rośliny Tagetes erecta L. W podłożu z dodatkiem 75, 150 i 300 mg Ni · dm-3 największe pobranie niklu stwierdzono u Amaranthus caudatus L.
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In the pot experiment the effect of increasing doses of Ni (the control, 25, 50, 75, 150, 300 mg ź dm–3 substrate) on the content of this metal in individual organs of aboveground parts was investigated in three selected species of ornamental plants: Aztec marigold (Tagetes erecta L.), sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) and love-lies-bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus L.). A significant effect of increasing Ni doses on the content of this metal was found in individual organs of selected species. In Tagetes erecta L. and Amaranthus caudatus L. the highest amounts of nickel were accumulated in leaves, while in sunflower growing in the substrate, to which nickel was introduced at 25, 50, 75 and 150 mgźdm–3, the highest amounts of this metal were accumulated in inflorescences. Among the analyzed species of ornamental plants growing in the substrate with no addition of this metal and in the substrate with an addition of 25 and 50 mg Ni ź dm–3 the highest nickel uptake was observed in Tagetes erecta L. plants. For the substrate with an addition of 75, 150 and 300 mg Ni ź dm–3 the biggest nickel accumulation was recorded in Amaranthus caudatus L.
W doświadczeniu wazonowym badano wpływ rosnących dawek Ni (kontrola, 25, 50, 75, 150, 300 mg ź dm–3 podłoża) na zawartość tego metalu w poszczególnych organach części nadziemnych trzech wybranych gatunków roślin ozdobnych: aksamitka wyniosła (Tagetes erecta L.), słonecznik ogrodowy (Helianthus annus L.), szarłat zwisły (Amaranthus caudatus L.). Stwierdzono istotny wpływ rosnących dawek Ni na zawartości tego metalu w poszczególnych organach wybranych gatunków. Tagetes erecta L. i Amaranthus caudatus L. najwięcej niklu akumulowały w liściach, natomiast słonecznik ogrodowy rosnący w podłożu, do którego wprowadzono nikiel w ilości 25, 50, 75 i 150 mgźdm–3, najwięcej tego metalu akumulował w kwiatostanach. Spośród badanych gatunków roślin ozdobnych rosnących w podłożu bez dodatku metalu oraz w podłożu z dodatkiem 25 i 50 mg Ni ź dm–3 największym pobraniem niklu charakteryzowały się rośliny Tagetes erecta L. W podłożu z dodatkiem 75, 150 i 300 mg Ni ź dm–3 największe pobranie niklu stwierdzono u Amaranthus caudatus L.