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Roadside transitory water bodies being manmade depressions have a great ecological and socio-economic importance from years. The effects of agricultural runoffs, jute retting, macro-phytes infestations and inadequate rainfall in changed climate often degrade transitory water bodies’ environment while the biodiversity have impacted severely because of population pressure, over exploitation and indiscriminate use of fine meshed fishing gears as a whole. Physico-chemical and biological analysis with fish species composition, relative abundance, diversity indices like species richness, evenness and Shannon-Wiener index were carried out for pre-, during and post-jute retting season and for year mean as a whole to assess impact of jute retting on the roadside transitory water body’s environmental health and indigenous fish diversity at Sahebnagar village in Nadia District, India. All the physico-chemical parameters barring biochemical oxygen demand and water transparency remained more or less same or marginally got little changed during those three seasons. As much as 19 native fish species with varied relative abundances and dominances were identified. Jute retting impacted lower native fish diversity indices like Shannon-Wiener index values (1.94 to 2.68) clearly indicated poor to moderate pollution status of the transitory water body in that area during monsoon in particular and throughout the year in general. So we opined there should be some control over the intense jute retting in the road side transitory water bodies for sustainable management of these manmade resources.
The paper deals with monitoring of pollution arising due to oil and surfactants manufacturing industries located along the Dombivali industrial belt of Mumbai, India. The study was carried for the period of one year from June, 2012 to May, 2013 to study the level of toxic heavy metals and the physico-chemical properties of waste water effluents discharged from the above industries. The maximum concentration of majority of heavy metals like Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb and Fe were recorded as 13.48, 3.90, 13.30, 1.75 and 15.89 ppm respectively, which were above the tolerable limit set for inland surface water. The maximum pH and conductivity values of the industrial waste water effluent were recorded as 10.05 and 27800 μmhos/cm respectively. The majority of physico-chemical parameters like chloride, cyanide, phosphate and total solid content were found to be maximum in the month of March having the respective values of 2340, 0.09, 35.2 and 8755 ppm. The effluent samples collected in the month of May was found to have low DO content of 3.33 ppm and high BOD content of 643 ppm. The alkalinity and COD values were reported to be maximum of 1988 and 4410 ppm respectively in the month of February. The hardness and salinity content was reported maximum of 131 and 5.76 ppm during the month of December and June respectively. The results of present research work indicates that time has come to move towards ecosystem specific discharge standards to maintain the health and productivity of natural resources on which the majority of Indians are dependent.
The paper deals with monitoring of pollution arising due to fine chemicals manufacturing industries located along the Dombivali industrial belt of Mumbai, India. The study was carried for the period of one year from June, 2012 to May, 2013 to study the level of toxic heavy metals and the physico-chemical properties of waste water effluents discharged from the above industries. The concentration levels of heavy metals like Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb, Fe and Zn was found to be maximum of 45.94, 1.05, 7.50, 4.76, 145.87 and 21.96 ppm respectively in the effluents released during the months of February to April. The majority of physco-chemical parameters like alkalinity, salinity and chloride content were found to be maximum in the month of October having the concentration values of 1482, 4.91, 2710 ppm respectively, while the DO content in the effluents released in the same month was reported to be very much low having the value of 2.90 ppm. The effluents released during the month of June were reported to have high hardness, total solid (TS) content and COD values of 3713, 13638 and 6951 ppm respectively. The cyanide content (0.08 ppm), phosphate content (131.32 ppm) and BOD content (631 ppm) were found to be maximum in the months of December, February and May respectively. From the results it appears that as India moves towards stricter regulation of industrial effluents to control water pollution, greater efforts are required to reduce the risk to public health as toxic pollutants which are mainly colourless and odourless can be expected to be released into the ecosystems.
Źródłem ścieków browarnianych są: warzelnia, fermentownia, leżakownia, rozlewnia oraz miejsce mycia opakowań. W zależności od etapu produkcyjnego ścieki te cechują zróżnicowane parametry mikrobiologiczne i fizykochemiczne. Ze względu na dużą zawartość substancji organicznych mogą one stanowić pożywkę dla różnych grup mikroorganizmów. Celem badań była ocena mikrobiologiczna ścieków browarnianych w trzech różnych punktach linii technologicznej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem obecności mikroorganizmów potencjalnie chorobotwórczych. Materiał badawczy stanowiły ścieki pobrane z komór zbierających ścieki 1 i 2 oraz kolektora przy wylocie do rzeki. Badania mikrobiologiczne obejmowały oznaczenia ogólnej liczby mikroorganizmów mezofilnych, psychrofilnych, proteolitycznych, drożdży i grzybów strzępkowych, bakterii grupy coli (metodą fermentacyjną probówkową) oraz mikroorganizmów potencjalnie chorobotwórczych. Oznaczenia fizykochemiczne wykonano z uśrednionych 24-godzinnych ścieków surowych i obejmowały oznaczenia: pH, BZT5, ChZT, utlenialności zawiesiny ogólnej, form azotu, fosforu ogólnego, chlorków i siarczanów. Najwyższy stopień zanieczyszczenia mikrobiologicznego cechował komorę 1, odbierającą ścieki z warzelni, fermentowni, leżakowni i bytowo-gospodarcze, oraz kolektor wylotowy ścieków. Wysoka liczba mikroorganizmów mezofilnych i psychrofilnych wskazuje na dużą ilość łatwo przyswajalnej materii organicznej. Natomiast 10-krotnie wyższa liczebność bakterii mezofilnych spowodowana była podwyższoną temperaturą ścieków. Wysokie pH (9,85) sprzyjało procesom proteolizy, co potwierdza wysoka liczba mikroorganizmów proteolitycznych (4,2·105 jtk·cm–1). Wysoki udział azotu amonowego w azocie ogólnym wskazuje na zahamowanie procesów nitryfikacji. Obecność w ściekach bakterii potencjalnie chorobotwórczych z rodziny Enterobacteriaceae i rodzajów Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, jak również wysokie miano coli wskazują, że surowe ścieki stwarzają zagrożenie zarówno dla pracowników, jak i środowiska.
The sources of brewery wastewater are: brewhouse, fermentation room lagering room, bottling plant and packaging washing place. Depending on the stage of the production the sewage are characterized by varying microbiological and physico-chemical parameters. Due to the high content of organic matter it may provide a medium for different microorganisms groups. The aim of the study was to evaluate the microbiological content of brewery wastewater at three different points of the production line, with particular emphasis on the presence of potentially pathogenic microorganisms. The research material was collected from the chambers with sewage 1 and 2 and from the collector at the outlet into the river. Microbiological testing included the designation of the total number of mesophilic, psychrophilic, proteolytic microorganisms, yeast and filamentous fungi, coliforms using the fermentation tubes method and potentially pathogenic microorganisms. Physical and chemical designations were made of 24-hour average raw sewage and included: pH, BOD5, COD, oxidisability of total suspended solids, forms of nitrogen, total phosphorus, chloride and sulphates. The highest level of microbial contamination was found in chamber 1, receiving wastewater from the brewhouse, fermentation room, lagering room, utility room and the outlet collector. The high number of mesophilic and psychrophilic microorganisms indicates a large amount of easily digestible organic matter. However, the 10-times higher number of mesophilic bacteria was caused by the increased temperature of wastewater. High pH (9.85) favored the process of proteolysis, which is confirmed by the high number of proteolytic microorganisms (4.2·105 cfu·cm–1). The high contribution of ammonium nitrogen in the nitrogen generally indicates the inhibition of nitrification. The presence in the wastewater potentially pathogenic bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family and the genera Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, as well as high coliform count show, that raw sewage pose a threat to both workers and the environment.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used for the study of two-component lipid membranes. Phosphatidylcholine and ceramide were to be investigated, since they play an important biochemical role in cell membranes. The research on biolipid interaction was focused on quantitative description of processes that take part in a bilayer. Assumed models of interaction between amphiphilic molecules and the equilibria that take place there were described by mathematical equations for the studied system. The possibility of complex formation for two-component system forming bilayers was assumed that could explain the deviation from additivity rule. Equilibria were described by mathematical equations that were further verified experimentally. The determined values of parameters (stability constant, molecular area of complex, capacitance and conductance of the lipid membranes formed from molecules and complexes) were used for calculation of model curves. The comparison of model curves and experimental points verified the assumed model
tom R. 18, nr 2
Wiele biologicznych oczyszczalni ścieków zmaga się z przeciążeniem ładunkiem zanieczyszczeń oraz deficytem tlenowym wywołanym wskutek utleniania azotu. Problemy te bardzo często wynikają ze stosowania mało efektywnych algorytmów sterowania pracą układu napowietrzania. Skutkuje to wysokimi kosztami eksploatacyjnymi i powoduje przekroczenia parametrów ścieków oczyszczonych. Technologią, która pozwoli rozwiązać ten problem, jest nowoczesny system Oxysmart firmy Chemitec, której dystrybutorem w Polsce jest firma MCC.
Woda surowa i uzdatniona poddawane są ciągłej kontroli jakości fizykochemicznej i sanitarnej w związku z wciąż wzrastającym zanieczyszczaniem środowiska naturalnego. W praktyce sanitarnej zakres badania jakości wody ustala się w zależności od jej przeznaczenia. Dla rutynowej kontroli jakości wody do picia i potrzeb gospodarstwa domowego wykonuje się badania podstawowe: odczyn pH wody, twardość wody, temperatura, azotany, chlorki.
Raw water and treated water are subjected to continuous monitoring of the physico-chemical and health in connection with increasing pollution of the environment. In practice, the scope of the sanitary survey of water quality shall be determined according to its destination. For routine monitoring of water quality for drinking and household needs is carried out fundamental research: water pH, water hardness, temperature, nitrates, chlorides.
The challenge of coal depletion has, among other resolutions, forced countries such as South Africa which depend heavily on coal-generated electricity to consider low-grade coal to meet their energy requirements. The Emalahleni Coalfield has an abundance of low-grade coal in-situ and in discards obtained from the No. 4 seam. This research thus seeks to give a technical assessment of the beneficiation potential of such coal for use in power stations linked to the coalfield. To that end, gravimetric and flotation beneficiation techniques were used, and their demineralisation capacities were assessed using physicochemical and petrographic analysis techniques. The results obtained showed that demineralisation of the coal was possible; with 29.1 and 33.6% ash obtained for an ~50% mass yield from gravimetric and flotation beneficiation techniques, respectively, against a thermal ash content requirement of 25–34% for coal-generated electricity.
The paper deals with monitoring of pollution arising due to pharmaceutical based industries located along the Dombivali industrial belt of Mumbai, India. The study was carried for the period of one year from June, 2012 to May, 2013 to study the level of toxic heavy metals and the physico-chemical properties of waste water effluents discharged from the above industries. The concentration level of majority of toxic heavy metals like Cu, Cr, Pb, Fe and Zn were found to be maximum of 14.06, 0.57, 0.42, 18.93 and 3.31 ppm respectively in the month of February, while Ni concentration was found to be maximum of 0.43 ppm in the month of June. The pH and BOD values were reported to be maximum of 12.54 and 546 ppm respectively in the month of October. The conductivity and total solid content was found to be maximum of 27400 μmhos/cm and 9401 ppm respectively in the month of June. The cyanide content was maximum of 0.13 ppm in the month of April. The alkalinity, hardness, salinity, chloride, phosphate and COD content was reported maximum of 852, 694, 10.36, 4821, 46.32 and 1271 ppm respectively in the month of February. The DO content was found to be minimum of 3.00 ppm in the month of February. It was observed that the level of many of these toxic heavy metals except Zn and various physico-chemical parameters were above the tolerable limit set for inland surface water. From the results of the present investigation it seems that the time has come to move towards ecosystem specific discharge standards to maintain the health and productivity of natural resources on which the majority of Indians are dependent.
The paper deals with monitoring of pollution arising due to metallurgical industries located along the Dombivali industrial belt of Mumbai, India. The study was carried for the period of one year from June, 2012 to May, 2013 to study the level of toxic heavy metals and the physico-chemical properties of waste water effluents discharged from the above industries. The concentration levels of Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb, Fe and Zn were found to be maximum of 41.00, 1.47, 5.97, 2.55, 46.86 and 12.97 ppm respectively during winter and summer seasons starting from December to May. The pH value was found to be maximum of 10.30 in the month of February, while the conductivity was found to be maximum of 25067 μmhos/cm in the month of July. The majority of physco-chemical parameters like salinity, chloride content, and total solids (TS) were observed to be maximum in the month of June having values of 6.32, 2411 and 20738 ppm respectively. The high cyanide (0.09 ppm), phosphate (117.21 ppm), COD (13640 ppm) and low DO content of 5.79 ppm were observed in the effluents released during the month of February. The alkalinity content in the effluent was maximum of 1395 ppm in the month of May. The hardness and BOD values of the effluents were reported maximum of 490 and 557 ppm in the month of October. From the results of the present investigation it seems that the time has come to implement proper effluent water treatment techniques and enforcement of pollution control by the regulatory authority on the indiscriminate discharge of industrial wastewater into water bodies.
The study aims to determine whether the physicochemical attributes of different water sources, including the karstic spring of Radavc and three boreholes, meet the established brewing water quality standards and guidelines. This investigation also seeks to understand how the mineral composition of the water may impact the flavor profile and brewing efficiency of the beer produced by the brewery. In essence, the problem revolves around ensuring the availability of high-quality water for beer production and optimizing brewing processes based on water characteristics. These results indicate that the water from the Drini Bardhë source exhibits superior quality compared to the well water. Specifically, the Drini Bardhë water displays favourable pH levels and mineral content suitable for drinking water. However, the well water samples exhibit higher iron concentrations, potentially impacting the taste of the final products. Despite this, all samples show low levels of total coliforms, meeting the World Health Organization’s safety standards for consumption and production processes. Overall, this study emphasizes the significance of understanding the physicochemical attributes of water sources for breweries like Birra Peja. By tailoring water treatment and modification approaches based on these attributes, breweries can enhance brewing efficiency, consistency, and the final product’s sensory characteristics. This research contributes to the broader knowledge of water quality’s role in the brewing industry and provides valuable insights for optimizing beer production processes.
This article presents the results of concentrations of N-NO₂, N-NO₃, Cl⁻, SO₄²⁻, P-PO₄, N-NH₄, Fe, chemical oxygen demand with KMnO₄, HCO₃⁻, Ptotal, acid neutralizing capacity between the pH range of 4.5 and 3.5 along with pH and electrolytic conductivity for Štiavnica Stream (in south-central Slovakia). These parameters were monitored at four monitoring places (Banska Štiavnica, Svaty Anton, Prenčov, and Hontianske Nemce) from 2006 to 2008. The rank order of soluble nitrogen forms on the basis of median values were in Banska Štiavnica N-NH₄>N-NO₂>N-NO₃, in Svaty Anton, Prenčov and Hontianske Nemce N-NO₃>N-NH₄>N-NO₂. The concentration of phosphates phosphor was high in all sampling places, with the highest in Banska Štiavnica (0.29 mg・L⁻¹). Physico-chemical parameters such as pH were in the interval from 6.52 to 7.93, electrolytic conductivity and chemical oxygen demand were highest in Banska Štiavnica (EC = 51.51 mS・m⁻¹, CODMn = 10.46 mg・L⁻¹). The aim of our article is to prove, according to our analyses, that surface water quality has gotten worse and to point out the importance of monitoring smaller streams that are permanently contamined by local settlements.
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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki półrocznego okresu badań funkcjonowania oczyszczalni typu Turbojet EP-2 z dodatkowo zainstalowanym filtrem gruntowym. Filtr jest elementem dodatkowym, wykonanym przez użytkownika i ma na celu doczyszczenie ścieków. Wyniki analiz ścieków po osadniku wtórnym w omawianej oczyszczalni nie spełniały wymogów stawianych przez normę. Duże zróżnicowanie wielkości wszystkich wskaźników w ściekach surowych mają wpływ na pracę tej oczyszczalni. Po zainstalowaniu filtra gruntowego wielkości wskaźników z grupy podstawowej, eutroficznej i nieorganicznej spełniają wymagania, jakie stawia rozporządzenie z 1991 roku. Redukcja poszczególnych parametrów na filtrze była wysoka i wynosiła odpowiednio: BZT5 70-98%, ChZT 39-78%, zawiesina ogólna 83-99%, azot ogólny 63-69%, fosforany 37-69%. Redukcja wskaźników z grupy nieorganicznych nie była duża, ale ich wielkości w ściekach oczyszczonych mieściły się w normie. Omawiany obiekt jest eksploatowany poprawnie, tzn. nie są dostarczane ścieki inne niż bytowo-gospodarcze, osad jest wybierany dwa razy w roku oraz wykonywane są częste przeglądy urządzeń napowietrzających.
The article presents the results of six-month studies on Turbojet EP-2 treatment plant operation with additionally installed ground filter. The filter made by the user is an additional element aimed at more thorough sewage treatment. The results of sewage analysis following the secondary sedimentation tank in the discussed treatment plant did not meet the standard requirements. High diversification of all indices in raw sewage influences the operation of the above mentioned treatment plant. After the installation of ground filter the indices from the basie, eutrophic and inorganic groups meet the reauirements stated by the decree of 1991. Reduction of individual parameters on the filter was high and amounted to, respectively: BOD5 70%. COD 39-78%, total suspension 83-99%, total nitrogen 63-69% and phosphates 37-69%. Reduction of inorganic indices was not high but their contents in cleaned sewage fell within norm. The discussed installation has been utilised properly, i.e. other than domestic sewage have not been supplied, the sludge is removed twice a year and freąuent inspections of aerating devices are carried out.
Cennych informacji nt. składu żywności może dostarczyć wnikliwe przestudiowanie widm w podczerwieni (IR) uzyskanych za pomocą spektrometrów IR. W analizie żywności wykorzystuje się najczęściej spektroskopię w bliskiej podczerwieni (NIR). Bez wątpienia największą zaletą spektroskopii NIR jest szybkość analizy, możliwość uzyskania kilku wyników w tym samym czasie oraz brak konieczności przygotowywania próbek. Zastosowanie systemów NIR on-line umożliwia ciągłe kontrolowanie procesu produkcyjnego w czasie rzeczywistym, precyzyjne jego sterowanie, a w konsekwencji optymalizację.
Reliable information about food composition can be provided by careful studying infrared (IR) spectrum obtained by the IR spectrometers. Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is the most commonly used for chemical analysis of food. Quickness of analysis and the possibility to obtain many results at a time are undoubtedly the greatest advantages of the NIR spectroscopy. There is no necessity of preparing samples for analysis. The use of NIR on-line systems provides the possibility to check the production process in real time on a constant basis, its control with a high precision, and consequently its optimization.
Content available remote Kompleksowa analiza fizykochemiczna biomasowych nośników energii
Oznaczono właściwości fizykochemiczne trzech rodzajów pelletów biomasowych, wytworzonych z szeroko dostępnej biomasy na terenie Dolnego Śląska. Materiałami, z których wytworzono paliwo były trociny z drzew iglastych, słoma pszenna oraz wytłoki konopne. W celu określenia optymalnego sposobu rozdrobnienia i granulacji materiału zbadano zawartość ligniny i celulozy. Określono charakterystykę energetyczną paliw poprzez oznaczenie zawartości wilgoci, części lotnych, popiołu oraz wyznaczenie wartości opałowej. Gotowe paliwa biomasowe zostały poddane badaniom wytrzymałościowym pod kątem określenia ich klasy jakościowej.
Three types of plant-based biomass pellets (conifer sawdust, wheat straw and hemp bagasse) were analyzed for moisture, volatile matter, ash, lignin and cellulose content. The elemental compn., calorific value and mech. strength of pellets were also detd.
The physico-chemical parameters of the content in the effluents from Rajasree sugar factory of Villupuram district have been explored and its impact on the germination and growth patterns of black gram varieties has been studied. Physico-chemical parameters included color, odour, pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, suspended solids, dissolved solids, BOD, COD, chloride, sulphate, calcium, oil and grease concentration. Germination studies was conducted with black gram seed varieties (ADT-3, ADT-5, Vamban-3, Vamban-5 and Co-6) treated with different concentrations (control, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % ) of sugar mill effluent. Germination studies parameters such as germination percentage, germination index, shoot length, root length, fresh and dry weight of seedlings were found to be increased up to 10 % concentration of effluent. Vigour index, tolerance index, percentage of phytotoxicity and germination index were also calculated. The above mentioned parameters were decreased with the increase of effluent concentrations (25-100 %).
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