Optical fiber technology is an important branch of science and technology, but also economy. Together with related disciplines it creates wider areas like optoelectronics and photonics. Optical fiber technology is developed in this country rather dynamically, proportionally to the available funds designed locally for research and applications. Recently this development was enhanced with considerable funds from European Operational Funds Innovative Economy POIG and Human Capital POKL. The paper summarizes the development of optical fiber technology in Poland from academic perspective during the period of last 2-3 years. Probably the digest is not very not full. An emphasis is put on development of optical fiber manufacturing methods. This development was illustrated by a few examples of optical fiber applications.
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A comparatively large group of capillary optical fibers, referred to in this paper as COF, consists of several families of optical filaments. The basic division line goes through the wave guidance mechanism. Two basic kinds of capillary optical fibers are of refractive and photonic mechanism of guided wave transmission. The work tries to compare wave modes in both kinds of optical fiber capillaries: refractive (RCOF) and photonic (PCOF). The differences are emphasized indicating prospective application areas of these fibers. Refractive COF carries most of the modal light in the ring-like, high-refraction, optical glass core encircling an empty capillary hole. Refractive capillary optical fibers are used widely for photonic instrumentation applications, due to the proximity of optical wave and capillary hole with the evanescent wave. The hole can be filled with a material subject to optical guided wave spectrometry. Photonic COF carries most of the light in air (or vacuum). Thus, photonic capillary optical fibers are considered for trunk optical communications, with guided wave travelling in vacuum rather than in glass - avoiding in this way the Rayleigh scattering. The fundamental mode in a refractive COF is LPoi or dark hollow beam (DHB) of light with zero intensity on fiber axis. The fundamental mode in a photonic COF is Gaussian beam with maximum intensity on fiber axis. The photonic COFs can be further divided to two basic groups: porous or holey/hollow and Bragg or OmniGuide fibers. These two kinds of PCOFs differ by the method of building a photonic band gap (PBG) around a capillary hole. The paper is a concise digest of fundamental kinds of singlemode (or low-order mode) COFs and their properties, with an emphasis on applications in two basic fields: instrumentation and telecommunications.
Technika światłowodowa jest ważną dziedziną nauki i techniki oraz gospodarki. Razem z pokrewnymi obszarami techniki współtworzy takie dyscypliny jak optoelektronika i fotonika. Technika światłowodowa rozwijana jest w kraju relatywnie intensywnie, proporcjonalnie do nakładów finansowych na badania i wdrożenia. Ostatnio ten rozwój jest wzmocniony znacznymi funduszami z Programów Operacyjnych Innowacyjna Gospodarka POIG i Kapitał Ludzki POKL. Artykuł podsumowuje rozwój techniki światłowodowej w kraju z perspektywy akademickiej w okresie ostatnich kilku lat, zapewne w niepełny sposób. Nacisk położono na postępy w rozwoju technologii wytwarzania światłowodów w kraju. Jako ilustrację tego rozwoju podano kilka wybranych zastosowań.
Optical fiber technology is an important branch of science and technology, but also economy. Together with related disciplines it creates wider areas like optoelectronics and photonics. Optical fiber technology is developed in this country rather dynamically, proportionaly to the available funds designed locally for research and applications. Recently this development was enhanced with considerable funds from European Operational Funds Innovative Economy POIG and Human Capital POKL. The paper summarizes the development of optical fiber technology in Poland from academic perspective during the period of last 2-3 years. The digest is very probably not full. An emphasis is put on development of optical fiber manufacturing methods. This development was illustrated by a few examples of optical fiber applications.
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