Metodę stosuje się do oznaczania fenylohydrazyny w powietrzu na stanowiskach pracy. Metoda polega na absorpcji fenylohydrazyny w roztworze kwasu chlorowodorowego i oznaczaniu spektrofotometrycznym po wywołaniu reakcji barwnej z kwasem fosforomolibdenowym lub metodą HPLC po przeprowadzeniu w pochodną za pomocą acetonu. Oznaczalność metody wynosi 2 mg/m3 (objętość próbki powietrza 100 l).
Air samples are collected by drawing a known volume of air through a bubbler containing 15 ml of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution. After addition of 10 ml of 3% phosphomolybdic acid, absorbance of the resulted solution (phenylhydrazine hydrochloride – phosphomolybdic acid complex) is than measured spectrophotometrically at – 730 nm. The working range of the analytical method is from 8 to 160 g/ml (2 ÷ 40 mg/m3 for 100 l air sample). Air samples are collected by drawing a known volume of air through a bubbler containing 15 ml of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution. After derivatization with acetone, the resulting solutions are analyzed by high performance chromatography using ultraviolet detection. The working range of the analytical method is from 0.008 to 0.16 g/ml (0.2 ÷ 4 mg/m3 for 100 l air sample).